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COVID-19: Current cases

Information about confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Last updated 1pm 7 July 2022.

All data on this page relates to cases recorded prior to 11:59 pm 6 July 2022.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) and the National Contact Tracing System unless otherwise stated.

On this page:

Current situation

In the last 24 hours New cases reported 11084
Reinfections 351
Reinfections reported within 29 to 90 days 112
Active cases in past 7 days At the border 1528
In the community 56058
Total 57586
All case outcomes since first New Zealand case
COVID-19 cases Change in last 24 hours Total
Active 3088 57586
Recovered 7855 1343926
Deceased* 15 1561*

*This total differs to the number of announced COVID-19 deaths (1619) as the latter includes deaths that occurred more than 28 days after a case was reported.

Case details

Number of active cases
  Change in last 24 hours Total at present Total since first NZ case
Confirmed 10716 56881 1394745
Probable 242 705 8328
Total 10958* 57586 1403073
Active case - confirmed Confirmed cases are people who have received a positive PCR test OR someone who has received a positive result on a Rapid Antigen Test. For more details, see the COVID-19 case definition.
Active case - probable A probable case is when someone is diagnosed based on their exposure to other people with COVID-19 and on their symptoms. 
Reinfections Reinfections are cases in an individual who reported a cases 29 more days previously.  
Recovered Recovered cases are people who had the virus, where at least 7 days have passed since their symptoms started and they have not had symptoms for 72 hours, and they have been cleared by the health professional responsible for their monitoring.
Deceased Includes all cases that died who died within 28 days of being reported as a COVID-19 case. In some of these cases, the underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.


More information

Cases reported each day

Daily confirmed and probable cases

Total confirmed and probable cases over time
New COVID-19 cases reported each day


This graph shows the count of all cases of COVID-19 every day (all cases - active, recovered and deceased) since the first New Zealand case in late February 2020. The graph shows the rapidly increasing number of cases day-by-day from late March until the rate slowed through April as the restrictions during Alert Levels 4 and 3 took hold. The number of active cases increased rapidly until mid-April, peaked in early-April during Alert Level 4, and then decreased to low levels of active cases remaining each day from late-May, mainly at the border isolation facilities. Cases increased again from mid-August due to the Auckland August cluster.

COVID-19 by location

Total cases by district

Total cases of COVID-19 by district


This bar graph shows the total cases and their status by health district and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities.

The Managed Isolation and Quarantine data group shows the number of cases in managed isolation or quarantine facilities. They are not included in the district totals. Before 17 June, people in managed isolation or quarantine facilities were included in the total of the relevant district.

Total cases by location
Location Active Recovered Deceased Total New cases in last 24 hours
Auckland 5495 127010 119 132624 1051
Bay of Plenty 2207 63910 95 66212 445
Canterbury/West Coast 9070 184186 242 193498 1603
Capital & Coast/Hutt 6962 136768 134 143864 1279
Counties Manukau 4747 161912 160 166819 962
Hawke's Bay 2283 46642 44 48969 448
Lakes 847 28236 32 29115 187
Mid Central 1738 47399 61 49198 360
Nelson Marlborough 1766 40306 34 42106 324
Northland 1297 41981 61 43339 271
South Canterbury 740 17667 24 18431 131
Southern 4854 98673 117 103644 849
Tairāwhiti 473 14314 15 14802 103
Taranaki 1294 35459 53 36806 273
Unknown 43 589 1 633 8
Waikato 3461 109134 157 112752 683
Wairarapa 604 12428 27 13059 125
Waitematā 7480 149140 159 156779 1445
Whanganui 697 16928 22 17647 163
At the Border 1528 11244 4 12776 374
Total 57586 1343926 1561 1403073 11084

*The change in total case numbers may not be equal to the number of new cases reported today due to data updating and reconciliation.

Note: we cannot give detailed information about cases in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

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