Family hugging and taking selfie on Mustang Mall

Welcome Parents and Families

Parent and Family Programs

Parent and Family Programs serves as a resource for parents and families concerning the experience of their student(s) from their first semester on the SMU campus through graduation. Parent and Family Programs works with the SMU Mothers’ and Dads’ Clubs as well as individual parents in supporting student success in all aspects of University life.

Your son or daughter is in college now! This comes with a new school, new people, new places both on and off campus, new experiences, and importantly - a new support network. As students begin their academic and social journey through young adulthood, we believe it is important that you as parents and families know and understand the resources available for you and your student here on the Hilltop should a need arise. As a parent or family member, SMU considers you to be a valued partner with us in your student’s success!

Family in front of Home Sweet SMU Sign during Family Weekend


Students on the phone with a sign that says Call Your Mom


Mom hugging daughter on graduation day


Understanding that student success is often a partnership between the student, their family and the SMU community, we want to create a strong relationship with parents and families from their first moments on campus. As your student progresses through SMU, there will inevitably be ups and downs normal to a student’s growth and development into adulthood.


During times of challenge, disappointment, or uncertainty, we want to help students (and their parents/families) maintain their equilibrium, build up their resilience to change and challenges in their lives, and to move forward in a positive and productive manner. 
Our campus is blessed with a myriad of resources, and along with parents/families we hope to promote these resources to students so they can become their own best advocate both in college and in their lives after graduation.
Get Involved

There are many opportunities for families to get involved: 

  • Attend Family Weekend in the Fall and Founders’ Day in the Spring
  • Support the Hegi Career Development Center:  
    • Volunteer at a Career Fair
    • Post job vacancies and internships on SMU’s job search app “Handshake” 
    • Volunteer as an “information resource” for students seeking information about various careers  
  • Attend or Host a Send-Off Party for new Mustangs 
  • Participant in events hosted by SMU in your area
  • Join the Mustang Club 
  • Buy tickets and attend men’s and women’s athletic events
  • Attend events at the Meadows School of the Arts (Symphony, Theatre, Gallery Shows, Recitals, Dance performances, etc)
SMU Family on the Boulevard
CCC Logo

SMU Caring Community Connection

If a student is experiencing a crisis or other challenging situation, parents/family members, as well as other students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to submit a CCC to the Dean of Student’s Office and, if indicated, the staff in the Office of Student Support will reach out to the student. Student Support can connect students to campus resources, help them address issues in the Commons, the classroom, or with faculty, and steer students toward the development of increased self-advocacy and resiliency.


In situations of impending danger or a life-threatening emergency, call the SMU Police at

214-768-3333 or 911 for police, fire, or medical assistance.


We encourage you to learn and grow along with your student. Get involved and volunteer with our SMU Mothers’ and SMU Dads’ Clubs groups steeped in Mustang heritage that support all-university events and individual student organizations throughout the year. Their motto, “Fostering a Spirit of Community on the Hilltop” sums up their ninety-plus year legacy supporting students and their families! We hope you will become an active member and volunteer, connecting with other parents and families from all around the world.


Parent and Family Resources

The Parent and Family Resources website has information and links to a wide variety of campus offices and resources. You will find important information that will help you support and partner with your student through their years at SMU. Categories range from the basic information you need to know about SMU, to academic success, student involvement and family involvement.

If you cannot find the answers to your questions, don’t hesitate to contact:
Office of the Student Experience
Email: or