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COVID-19: Case demographics

Full details of the confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Last updated 1pm 5 July 2022.

All data on this page relates to cases recorded prior to 11:59 pm 4 July 2022.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated. From February 23, 2022 hospitalisations in the 4 Northern District Health Boards are reported from both EpiSurv and data provided directly by the DHBs.

On this page:

Community case demographics - cases reported since 16 August 2021

Cases by sex

Sex Total cases Percentage of all cases Cases who have been hospitalised Percentage of all hospitalised cases
Female 726797 53% 8693 58%
Male 633148 47% 6233 42%
Unknown 1247 0% 7 0%
Total 1361206 100% 14933 100%

Cases by age group

Age group Total cases Percentage of all cases Cases who have been hospitalised Percentage of all hospitalised cases
0 to 9 151137 11% 1051 7%
10 to 19 220813 16% 862 6%
20 to 29 245866 18% 2197 15%
30 to 39 237297 17% 2486 17%
40 to 49 197391 15% 1457 10%
50 to 59 148794 11% 1636 11%
60 to 69 91495 7% 1616 11%
70+ 68411 5% 3628 24%
Unknown 2 0% 0 0%
Total 1361206 100% 14933 100%

Cases by ethnicity

Prioritised ethnicity* Total cases Percentage of all cases Cases who have been hospitalised Percentage of all hospitalised cases
Māori 221537 16% 3164 21%
Pacific peoples 132245 10% 3804 25%
Asian 188017 14% 1756 12%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 25630 2% 306 2%
European or Other 784468 58% 5874 39%
Unknown 9309 1% 29 0%
Total 1361206 100% 14933 100%

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Vaccination details

COVID-19 cases by vaccine status - the table after this image contains relevant data

Vaccination status when reported as a case Total cases Cases who have been hospitalised
No doses received prior to being reported as a case 50463 1812
Partially vaccinated 14185 406
Fully vaccinated at least 7 days before reported as a case 465992 5420
Received booster at least 7 days before being reported as a case 636031 6140
Not eligible for vaccination at the time they were reported as a case 194535 1155
Total 1361206 14933

1. No breakdown by location, ethnicity or age group is available for cases and vaccine data to protect patients' privacy.
2. Cases that are under-12 will continue to be reported in the “Not eligible” category until 5 to 11-year-olds have had the opportunity to have their second dose of vaccine.

Case demographics - all COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 and ethnicity

Total cases and tests by ethnicity
  Total cases since first NZ case Total tests for COVID-19 to date
Māori 222358 1,060,144
Pacific peoples 132978 869,149
Asian 190877 1,201,639
European/other 818679 3,840,845
Unknown 9643 328,273
Total 1374535 7,300,050

Note: This table shows the number of tests, and some people are tested more than once.

Cases by ethnicity

COVID-19 cases by ethnicity - the table following this image contains relevant data

Cases of COVID-19 by ethnicity
Ethnicity Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases since first case Percentage of all cases
Māori 4532 217627 199 222358 16.2%
Pacific peoples 1720 131118 140 132978 9.7%
Asian 8149 182669 59 190877 13.9%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 812 25308 12 26132 1.9%
European/other 36307 755118 1122 792547 57.7%
Unknown 508 9133 2 9643 0.7%
Total 52028 1320973 1534 1374535 100%

COVID-19 by age and sex

Cases by age

COVID-19 cases by age - the table after this image contains relevant data

COVID-19 cases by age group
Age group Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
0 to 9 3348 148531 5 151884 11%
10 to 19 4413 217229 5 221647 16.1%
20 to 29 7373 240682 8 248063 18%
30 to 39 8607 231561 15 240183 17.5%
40 to 49 7715 191752 39 199506 14.5%
50 to 59 8176 142838 78 151092 11%
60 to 69 6278 86640 145 93063 6.8%
70 to 79 3918 41653 326 45897 3.3%
80 to 89 1787 16251 511 18549 1.3%
90+ 413 3834 402 4649 0.3%
Unknown 0 2 0 2 0%
Total 52028 1320973 1534 1374535 100%

Cases by sex

Total cases of COVID-19 by sex
Sex Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
Female 28471 704192 723 733386 53%
Male 23515 615539 810 639864 47%
Unknown 42 1228 1 1271 0%
Total 52028 1320973 1534 1374535 100%

Cases by hospitalisation and intensive care

Cases who have been in hospital and in intensive care (ICU) by age 

Age group Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
0 to 9 1054 6
10 to 19 866 4
20 to 29 2207 9
30 to 39 2512 25
40 to 49 1483 30
50 to 59 1684 51
60 to 69 1651 44
70 to 79 1708 25
80 to 89 1468 9
90+ 494 2
Total 15127 205

Cases who have been in hospital and in intensive care by sex 

Sex Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
Female 8787 77
Male 6333 128
Total 15127 205

Note: Up to date hospitalisation figures are reported each day in the Ministry’s COVID-19 media statements. These figures are reported by DHBs nationally and there can be a lag in reporting detailed statistics. From February 23, 2022 data provided directly by the 4 Northern Region DHBs is used to supplement the nationally reported hospitalisations. Hospitalised cases are either cases recorded in EpiSurv as being hospitalised or cases who are recorded as being in a Northern Region hospital for more than 24 hours.

Details of COVID-19 deaths

All deaths where someone has died within 28 days of being reported as having a positive test result for COVID-19 are now reported. This approach is in-line with that taken by other countries — such as the United Kingdom — and it ensures that all cases of COVID-19 who die are formally recorded to help provide an accurate assessment of the impact of COVID-19.

In many instances, further investigation will provide more information about the contribution of COVID-19 to their death.

This contribution can range from death not related, for instance someone with COVID-19 who dies in a car accident; to COVID-19 being a contributing cause, for example when someone dies with an existing health condition combined with COVID-19; and to COVID-19 being recorded as the cause of death.

Deaths that are still being investigated are reported as still to be classified.

Age and ethnicity of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case 

Age group Māori Pacific peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 62 23 8 57 150
60 to 69 43 22 9 70 145
70 to 79 45 27 17 237 326
80 to 89 32 50 15 413 511
90+ 17 18 10 357 402
Total 199 140 59 1134 1534

Age and ethnicity of deaths where to COVID-19 officially coded as the underlying cause 

Age group Māori Pacific peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 18 9 4 11 42
60 to 69 18 15 4 24 61
70 to 79 24 11 8 104 147
80 to 89 17 23 8 202 250
90+ 10 11 7 175 203
Total 87 69 31 516 703

Of the 703 deaths that have been officially coded as due to COVID-19, 18 occurred more than 28 days after testing positive. In addition, COVID-19 has been coded as contributing to 375 deaths. Of the deaths that occurred within 28 days, 320 have been ruled as not related to COVID-19 and 168 deaths are yet to be classified.

Age and vaccination status of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case 

Age group Not fully vaccinated Fully vaccinated Received booster Total
0 to 59 52 56 42 150
60 to 69 29 52 64 145
70 to 79 52 74 200 326
80 to 89 74 91 346 511
90+ 71 63 268 402
Total 278 336 920 1534

Details of past cases

We publish details about every person with COVID-19 (confirmed or probable) in a downloadable spreadsheet. For privacy reasons, this data only includes:

  • Date potential case was notified
  • Sex of case
  • Age group of case
  • DHB where the case lives - listed as "Managed isolation & quarantine" for border cases
  • If the case is related to overseas travel

This data covers all cases from 26 February 2020 to 5 July 2022 and is available from the Ministry's COVID-19 Data GitHub repository.

Researchers can request detailed data on COVID-19 in New Zealand by sending an email to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Response and Coordination team - [email protected]health.govt.nz

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