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This page is a translated version of the page Limits to configuration changes and the translation is 67% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

有時社群會要求對Wiki配置進行更改 ,該更改在技術上是可實現的,但遭到系統管理員 拒絕,系統管理員對MediaWiki配置擁有最終決定權。

此頁面記載系統管理員對某些類型請求通常做出的回應,及社群應預料到會有這些回應。 因此,這裡不需要包括系統管理員的所有拒絕,只包含很可能會被再次請求的項目。 如果您覺得某個被拒絕的請求應該(或不應該)列在這裡,就算您不是系統管理員,您也可以合適地進行修改。 如果您沒有把握,請在討論頁留言。


此章節列出會立即被拒絕的請求。 系統管理員 禁止這些更改以保護維基媒體的創立原則 核心價值,並在整體上保護計畫的完整性。 維基媒體基金會的法律部門 也因為法律原因而禁止某些更改。

請求類型 範例請求 原因 注释
降低維基開放程度的更改 操作日誌移除其中一種日誌 透明度是MediaWiki的原則。 如果某個日誌對社群造成困擾並沒有篩選它的功能,請提出功能請求。 這不包括將某個日誌在預設情況下於Special:Log隱藏,僅包括導致某個日誌完全消失的請求。
對非確認使用者的所有編輯永久啟用驗證碼 此配置將對新的貢獻者施加不當的限制,驗證碼僅用於幫助對抗濫用和破壞,而非為了其他目的。 系統管理員認為此與維基媒體的核心價值違背故禁止此更改。 請注意這是對所有編輯永久啟用驗證碼。 如果您的維基遭到直接和難以控制的濫用或破壞,請向系統管理員請求幫助。 這將被視為安全事件報告。 因此請使用安全性報告表單。 這將建立僅對維基媒體基金會安全部分及系統管理員可見的任務。 他們將考量您的問題,決定潛在的限制方法並實施。 您不需提供任何解決方案。
從使用者群組移除編輯權限 「任何人都可編輯」是維基媒體計畫中不可退讓的原則。 不會從任何使用者群組完全移除編輯權限。 部分的撤銷編輯權限有可能會發生,例如英文維基百科的ACTRIAL(自動確認條目建立實驗),但這種案例極少發生且需要仔細考慮。 另請參閱下方的「禁止非自動確認使用者建立頁面」。
技術上不可能達成的更改 更改時區選項的名稱 MediaWiki使用PHP时区数据库,即IANA时区数据库。 As such, it is technically and physically impossible to change the names of any timezone options. It's only possible to change which timezone is the default in your wiki via the $wgLocaltimezone variable.
涉及安全和法律責任問題的提議更改 允許非管理員 檢視已刪除的內容 WMF法律部門禁止未經RFA層級程序的非管理員查看已刪內容。參見Wikipedia:Viewing deleted content 建立類似的使用者群組通常需要WMF法律部門的審核。 小維基通常不被允許擁有類似的使用者群組。
允許非監管員 管理使用者查核員 監督員 權限 Only stewards are allowed to manage those highly restricted groups; local wikis are not allowed to customize this. CheckUsers and oversights are governed by global policies; stewards will ensure that the policies are correctly enforced.
非監管員群組 加入隱藏用戶名權限 By policy, it is the task of oversighters to hide things from the public. Oversighters sign confidentiality agreements and are legally required to keep the information private, while this is not true of administrators and others.
授予介面管理員 其他權限 設立介面管理員的目的就是為了讓能編輯CSSJS頁面的使用者更少。 向此群組授予其他權限可能導致維基將因與此不同的目的而授予使用者此權限。
允許管理員授予機器人 管理員 介面管理員 權限 Rejected because granting and removing those flags is a task for bureaucrats where present, or stewards . Interface administrators also have highly sensitive permissions (to edit CSS and JS pages) and requests for granting must be carefully considered. As such, it is necessary that only bureaucrats or stewards handle this task. Wikis that currently don't have any bureaucrats and feel they are big enough to handle this themselves are recommended to elect bureaucrats instead.
允許行政員移除行政員權限 這是為了保護項目安全性。 Since bureaucrat permissions are higher than those of administrators, only stewards are allowed to do this. Bureaucrats on all private wikis can remove bureaucrat status, but that's because private wikis are managed by dedicated groups and serve special support purposes rather than host content.
使用不支援的技術或以不支援的方式濫用技術的更改 安裝沒有妥善維護的擴充功能或外觀 一些擴充功能已安裝在某些維基媒體wiki上,但有重大且未解決的問題或錯誤。 所以決定保留已安裝的部分,但不安裝在新的wiki上。 目前包括:
在討論頁啟用視覺化編輯 The visual editor is not built to support editing talk pages. As such, enabling the visual editor in a talk page namespace is likely to not always work as expected by the community. To save developers from bug reports about something that's not supposed to work in the first place, enabling VisualEditor on talk pages has been prohibited. StructuredDiscussions implemented some VisualEditor features, another alternate is the New Discussion Tool.
更改任何單個維基上的預設外觀 Wikimedia should have a standardized look globally across all our projects. It has been decided that Vector will remain the default skin on all Wikimedia Wikis. Changing the default skin on all Wikimedia wikis is certainly not prohibited, but would be extremely difficult to accomplish, and would be centrally led. Not only would this require consultation with all affected communities before such a decision could be made, but a massive effort would also be required to make all the necessary changes "behind the scenes".


請求類型 原因
本地文件上传 According to Wikimedia's licensing policy, all projects are expected to host only content under a Free Content License. In limited circumstances, a project may adopt an Exemption Doctrine Policy (EDP), which defines (in accordance with both United States law as well as the law of countries where the project content is predominantly accessed) when copyrighted materials can be updated.

If your project may not accept non-free media (under an EDP), it is highly unlikely local file uploads will be enabled. Free media should go to Wikimedia Commons instead. 参阅:非自由内容

安裝尚未在至少一個維基媒體項目上安裝的擴充功能或外觀 To protect the security of the Wikimedia infrastructure, all extensions, skins and other components running in it must pass security, performance and other reviews. Extensions that are not already installed on at least one Wikimedia project won't be considered for installation until they pass such reviews. To future requests of this: you should also create a task to request security reviewing of the extension.



請求類型 原因
禁止非自動確認使用者建立頁面 此配置對新的貢獻者施以不適當的限制。 系統管理員會拒絕這類請求,除非維基能處理以下問題:(1) 已經準備好能夠及時處理草稿。(2) 有完善的編輯和管理社群。(3) 已對該更改建立非常廣泛的共識。前兩點可以透過維基的大小來確認:活躍使用者、管理員、行政員及其他工作人員的數量應該與「大維基」相近,否則就應該對該請求被接受的原因給出一個好的解釋。 第三點可以透過在維基上的意見徵求中經過仔細地討論來滿足,並由總結的管理員在Phabricator上的相關任務中的解釋共識。如果共識看起來並不特別強烈(請注意可能沒有系統管理員能夠理解該本地維基的語言),管理員就必須解釋該共識為何能視為足夠廣泛的共識。
允許行政員移除管理員權限 虽然有些维基的行政员可以解除管理员权限,但在大部分维基上此事仍由监管员负责。 想要这类请求得到接受的话,本地维基的规模需要足够大(有多名活跃行政员),并且能证明真的有该方面需求。 在较小的维基,这个权限容易被行政员滥用,来占有社群决定管理员人选的权力。
小維基的特殊使用者群組 系统管理员可能会在增加特殊用户组之前考虑本地维基的规模。 这类请求有时纯粹出于“大维基有的东西我们也要有”的欲望,而不是真正有需求。例如,回退员可以点一个按钮就做到普通用户需要好几步的事(即回退同一用户的多笔编辑);在规模小而流量少的维基,这种便捷性的提升并不一定是必要的,且还需与滥用权力的可能性相权衡。 另外,有时创建自定义用户组的需求可以用现有用户组实现(例如自动巡查者)。为了可管理性,如果能找到其他方法,系统管理员就不会创建新用户组。


This section lists changes that are of course not be declined per consensus, but due to very high technical matters, they won't be handled shortly.

請求類型 原因
變更一個wiki的標準連結 參見:特殊語言代碼 phab:tag/Wiki-setup (rename)phab:T172035


  1. Wikimedia Pennsylvania(從https://pa.us.wikimedia.org/ 變更為https://pa-us.wikimedia.org/)
  2. # 維基媒體自治體委員會 私有wiki(從https://chapcom.wikimedia.org/ 變更為https://affcom.wikimedia.org/ )
  3. Wikimedia Eesti(從https://et.wikimedia.org/ 變更為https://ee.wikimedia.org/ )
  4. 舊白俄羅斯語(Taraškievica)維基百科(從https://be-x-old.wikipedia.org/ 變更為https://be-tarask.wikipedia.org/ )
  5. 維基媒體基金會管理層Wiki (從https://wikimediafoundation.org/ 變更為https://foundation.wikimedia.org/ )
  6. VRT 私有wiki(從https://otrs-wiki.wikimedia.org/ 變更為https://vrt-wiki.wikimedia.org/ )
  7. Ombuds commission private wiki (changed https://ombudsmen.wikimedia.org/ to https://ombuds.wikimedia.org/)


Changes made by the system administrators at their own discretion

As noted at Requesting wiki configuration changes , the ultimate authority on Wikimedia configuration lies with the system administrators, as only system administrators can edit it, and as such, are fully responsible for configuration.

As such, system administrators can not only reject requests, but also change configuration on their own. This section aims to explain and document why this might happen, but given the world can be hard to predict, it isn't (and can't be) complete by any means.

In this section, "changes made by the system administrators" are called "measures" for the purpose of simplicity.

Measures are mostly taken to protect the security of the Wikimedia infrastructure, but infrequently, can happen for other reasons as well.

The other reasons aren't mentioned here, because it is hard to predict them.

Examples include (but are not limited to) exceptionally high levels of vandalism, other attempts to disrupt the Wikimedia movement and the like.

Measures can be both permanent and temporary, but temporary measures tend to be more frequent.

System administrators do their best to limit temporary changes as much as possible (in both scope and duration), while still keeping the measures effective.

Any measures may or may not be communicated to the community, as warranted by security implications.

Temporary measures can include (but are not limited to) decreasing the limit of accounts created from one IP address, requiring CAPTCHAs for all edits and the like.

Permanent measures can include (but are not limited to) taking away certain abilities from administrators in favour of dedicated groups or deciding that two-factor authentication is mandated for a user group.