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News and Social Insights

Unspam Your GTM: Deliver The Right Message, At The Right Time.


Relevance drives revenue

Buyers don’t want to be “sold at.” They expect vendors to add value and do it in their preferred ways. But let’s face it. They’re still bombarded with bland, one-size-fits-all messaging from every direction. If you don’t tailor your messaging to fit their needs, you risk getting lumped in with that guy trying to sell them an extended warranty.

So how do you stand out?

Demandbase’s news and social insights give you that extra edge to make your outreach hyper-targeted and hyper-relevant. It’s not just news highlights: we’re pulling updates from across the web, including social media platforms and blogs.


Like your own personal assistant whispering in your ear

Want to know what’s happening in your accounts? No need to Google them individually. We’ll keep you in the know.

  • Create and manage watchlists for contacts and accounts 
  • See recent, relevant updates through email newsletters, a real-time newsfeed, and insights directly within your CRM
  • Craft personalized messaging to drive bigger deals

Need more prospects? (And who doesn’t?) Use the news to find them.

  • Search for new accounts and contacts based on business drivers
  • Create custom business triggers to suit your team’s needs
  • Export new prospects’ data or sync it to your systems

Skip to what matters

No time to muddle through a messy, unfiltered news feed? No problem. We pull the most business-relevant news and make it easy to pinpoint the topics you’re interested in.

You’ll get out-of-the-box access to 18 standard topics including:

  • Funding developments
  • Leadership changes
  • Expanded operations
  • Cost cutting measures
  • Real estate deals or construction

If you find yourself thirsty for more, we’ve got the juice.

  • Set up custom trackers to hunt down the most relevant news for your business
  • Go deep and search for specific keywords
  • Put a little extra pizzazz into your prospecting with super-timely social media insights for that personal touch
Save time. Sell better.

It’s time to break through the noise and show your prospects that you’re “in the know.” If you’re ready for relevance at scale, let’s get in touch.

Don’t stop now. You’re just getting started.

Learn more about what you get with our smarter Account Intelligence.

Company Data

All the B2B account data you need, without the noisy clutter

B2B Contact Data

Meet the movers and shakers who make buying decisions at your accounts

Intent Data

Know when your accounts are in market to reach out at the perfect time

Ready to make the journey smarter with news alerts and social insights?

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