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Monday, June 20, 2022

Crypto investors allege Elon Musk is manipulating Dogecoin

By Anne Sherry, J.D.

A suit against Elon Musk and his companies SpaceX and Tesla alleges that the defendants are engaging in a crypto pyramid scheme by manipulating the cryptocurrency Dogecoin. According to the class-action complaint, the class of crypto investors have lost $86 billion since the defendants began buying and talking about Dogecoin in 2019. For the defendants’ alleged buying, marketing, advertising, promoting, and manipulating Dogecoin, the complaint asserts claims for RICO violations, common law fraud, negligence, false advertising, deceptive practices, products liability, and unjust enrichment (Johnson v. Musk , June 16, 2022).

The complaint alleges that Musk and his companies are involved with Dogecoin in a variety of ways:
  • Musk began providing advice to, and sharing his contacts with, Dogecoin’s developers in 2019;
  • Musk and people in his circle began buying the currency;
  • SpaceX named a satellite after Dogecoin, while Tesla accepts it as payment for merchandise;
  • Musk has called on celebrities, influencers, and investors to boost the status of the cryptocurrency;
  • Musk himself has tweeted repeatedly about Dogecoin, with direct effects on Dogecoin’s price, market cap, and trading volume.
As an example of Musk’s influence on the price of Dogecoin, after users chose Musk as the “CEO” of Dogecoin on April Fool’s Day 2019, its price doubled from $0.0020 to $0.0040. By February 2021, Dogecoin was trading at $0.07. When Musk tweeted, “If major Dogecoin holders sell most of their coins, it will get my full support … I will literally pay actual $ if they just void their accounts,” the price of the coin dropped by 35 percent in 3 days. The complaint details other tweets and announcements from Musk that moved the price of Dogecoin. In April 2021, the plaintiff bought Dogecoin at $0.30 per coin; he sold in June 2022 at $0.08.

The plaintiff alleges that Dogecoin is a crypto pyramid scheme because it has no intrinsic or underlying value, it is not a productive asset, and the number of coins is unlimited. Investors buy in the hope, as described by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, that a “greater fool” comes along to pay more. The complaint cites other prominent investors and economists as likening cryptocurrency in general, and sometimes Dogecoin specifically, to a Ponzi or pyramid scheme because purchasers only make money based on people who purchase after them.

The complaint describes Musk’s previous run-ins with the SEC: his false claim that he had secured funding to take Tesla private, an investigation into possible insider trading by Musk and his brother, and Musk’s delay in disclosing his stake in Twitter. The plaintiff also points to rumors that the FBI is investigating Musk for pumping and dumping Dogecoin. “Since cryptocurrency is not regulated by the SEC, Defendant Musk has tweeted numerous times over the past three years about Dogecoin to manipulate the price without consequence,” the complaint argues.

The case is No. 22-cv-5037.

Friday, June 17, 2022

SEC hints at expanding scope of 'investment adviser' to include index providers

By Anne Sherry, J.D.

The SEC is exploring whether certain “information providers” meet the definition of an investment adviser and thus are subject to the registration requirements and other regulations of the ’40 Acts. Specifically, the Commission issued a request for comment on the nature of activities performed by index providers, model portfolio providers, and pricing services. Chair Gary Gensler said that index funds have evolved to a degree that an index provider can influence users of the index to buy or sell securities, which raises questions about how the SEC can best protect the public (Request for Comment on Certain Information Providers Acting as Investment Advisers, Release No. IA-6050, June 15, 2022).

The request for comment cites the growth in both size and scope of index providers, model portfolio providers, and pricing services. According to the SEC, the evolution of these “information providers” has transformed the asset management industry. The information providers may have the status of investment advisers under the Investment Advisers Act, implicating questions of Advisers Act registration and related questions about whether an information provider is acting as an investment adviser of an investment company under the Investment Company Act.

The SEC highlights the ways in which the three types of information provider may act as investment advisers:
  • Index providers typically determine the market the index measures, designs the index, creates the methodology, and determines the index’s level under that methodology—activities that leave room for significant discretion. The request for comment observes that while indexes tend to be associated with passive investing, index providers make active design decisions, particularly in the case of specialized indexes. “Whether or not an index is specialized, the index provider’s inclusion or exclusion of a particular security in an index drives advisers with clients tracking that index to purchase or sell securities in response.”
  • Model portfolio providers or model originators design allocation models, update or rebalance allocations over time, and provide customization. The SEC notes a growing demand for specialized models focusing on particular industries or strategy, like sustainability or ESG. Model portfolio providers also might tailor their analysis to the characteristics and goals of a general client type or create a customized analysis when creating a model portfolio through the use of direct indexing.
  • Pricing services exercise significant discretion, according to the SEC: determining a valuation methodology to use, developing model templates, determining inputs, adjusting valuations; and addressing pricing challenges raised by users. Different pricing services, or even the same pricing service, may determine different pricing levels for the same security.
Under the Advisers Act, an investment adviser is someone who meets three criteria: (1) the person provides advice, or issues analyses or reports, concerning securities; (2) the person is in the business of providing such services; and (3) the person provides such services for compensation. The advice does not have to relate to specific securities, the SEC notes, and does not have to be the primary business activity of the adviser.

The SEC also posits that the activities conducted by information providers may implicate related concerns under the Investment Company Act, which contains requirements and restrictions in investment advisers to a fund. Index providers could meet the definition of an adviser to a fund under the Investment Company Act if the index is tailored to the specific needs of a fund.

Gensler said that the request will help the SEC determine which information providers fall under the investment adviser definition. Registered funds that track indexes have over $10 trillion of assets under management and range from broad-based indexes to specialized funds designed for particular users. The corresponding influence means “an index provider’s decision to include a particular security in an index often influences users of the index to purchase or sell securities,” raising questions about whether the index provider is providing investment advice, Gensler said. Model portfolio providers and pricing services have also grown and evolved, raising questions about the SEC’s oversight and investor protection.

The request seeks comment on whether information providers are acting as investment advisers and how existing rules should apply to providers that do not currently fit neatly into the existing regulatory structure. Gensler said that given the changes in the asset management field since the bulk of SEC staff statements were issued in the 1980s and 1990s, “it is appropriate to seek comment on information providers to consider if regulatory action is appropriate. Some elements of the definition may not be interpreted consistently by market participants. Thus, I believe the market may benefit from further guidance with respect to their applicability to some information providers.”

The comment period will remain open for 60 days after the request was published on sec.gov or 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register, whichever is longer.

This is Release No. IA-6050.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Securities law academics urge SEC to do more on human capital

By Mark S. Nelson, J.D.

According to a group of law professors, the SEC should adopt a new round of human capital disclosure rules in order to afford investors greater clarity about the accounting treatment companies employ regarding the costs of developing their labor forces. Specifically, the rulemaking petition would require companies to explain to investors which labor costs are treated by them as investments, as opposed to expenses. The petition was signed by 10 securities law professors, including former SEC commissioners Robert J. Jackson, Jr. and Joseph A. Grundfest, along with John C. Coates IV, who recently served as General Counsel and Acting Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance until returning to academia.

“We differ in our views about the regulation of firms’ relationships with their employees generally. But we all share the view that investors need additional information to examine whether and how public companies invest in their workforce—and that the Commission’s rules should therefore require that information to be disclosed,” said the petition’s authors. “Here, we focus on key elements of that information that we all agree are important.”

MD&A and tabular disclosure. The centerpiece of the law professors’ petition would be a combination of narrative disclosure made via the Management’s Discussion & Analysis section of Form 10-K and a tabular disclosure that would separate out key employee compensation metrics. According to the petition, discussion of human capital in the MD&A could elicit a company’s views on which labor costs it views as expenses and which labor costs it views as investments. Breaking out labor costs in this way, said the petition, could help investors decide which labor costs incurred by a company should be capitalized, with the added benefit of encouraging companies to treat their employees more as a source of value creation.

The law professors suggested that the proposed tabular disclosure would complement the qualitative disclosures proposed to be made in the MD&A. The law professors also said they agreed with statements made by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va) in a 2018 letter he sent to then-SEC Chair Jay Clayton in which the senator cautioned that companies that elect to invest in their employees can be perceived by the marketplace under current accounting practices as incurring expenses with the result that investors punish such companies.

The tabular disclosure would emulate existing disclosures for executive compensation. As a result, a human capital chart would focus on items such as mean tenure, turnover, number of employees, salaries, stock options, and other employee compensation topics, including health care and training.

The petition’s authors said their proposal was designed to minimize the costs of regulation and that much of what they propose would fit well within existing accounting frameworks. The petition also asserted that more detailed human capital disclosures are needed because of a global shift in the types of assets companies have from physical assets to intangible assets, including employees.

Current human capital rule. In August 2020, the SEC adopted revisions to Regulation S-K that, among other things, mandate disclosure, to the extent material to understanding a company's business as a whole, information about human capital resources, including the measures or objectives the company uses to manage the business. The requirement covers the number of employees, but also suggests other metrics, such as measures or objectives that address the development, attraction and retention of personnel.

However, with respect to many of the metrics mentioned in the current rule, the Commission explained that they are treated as “examples,” and are not mandatory in nature. Said the commission: “We emphasize that these are examples of potentially relevant subjects, not mandates. Each registrant’s disclosure must be tailored to its unique business, workforce, and facts and circumstances. Consistent with the views expressed by some commenters, we did not include more prescriptive requirements because we recognize that the exact measures and objectives included in human capital management disclosure may evolve over time and may depend, and vary significantly, based on factors such as the industry, the various regions or jurisdictions in which the registrant operates, the general strategic posture of the registrant, including whether and the extent to which the registrant is vertically integrated, as well as the then-current macro-economic and other conditions that affect human capital resources, such as national or global health matters (footnotes omitted).”

Legislation. Legislation on further SEC human capital rules has tended to cover a wide range of topics from diversity and inclusion to offshoring. One of the more targeted bills, however, the Workforce Investment Disclosure Act (S. 1815; H.R. 3471), sponsored by Sen. Warner and Rep. Cynthia Axne (D-Iowa), would require disclosures on a range of topics similar to other bills but with an added emphasis on workforce metrics.

Specifically, companies would have to disclose information about: (1) workforce demographics; (2) turnover; (3) composition (e.g., racial, ethnic, and gender composition); (4) skills and capabilities (e.g., training); (5) health safety, and wellbeing; (6) compensation and incentives; (7) recruiting; and (8) engagement and productivity (e.g., mental well-being of employees and contingent workers as well as freedom of association and work-life balance initiatives). To the maximum extent feasible, data would have to be presented in disaggregated format by workforce composition, wage quintiles, and employment status (e.g., full time or part time). The SEC would be granted authority to exempt emerging growth companies from some of the disclosure requirements. The bill also would explicitly make it unlawful to make false or misleading statements about workforce disclosures but a person could avoid liability if they acted reasonably; however, the bill would bar private causes of action.

A prior version of the Warner-Axne bill (H.R. 5930) was reported on party lines by the House FSC on February 28, 2020 by a vote of 33-25. The current version was included in Title VI of the Corporate Governance Improvement and Investor Protection Act (H.R. 1187), sponsored by Juan Vargas (D-Calif), which passed the House on June 16, 2021 by a vote of 215-214.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Deutsche Bank CEOs undermined AML systems to keep ultra-rich, but risky clients

By Rodney F. Tonkovic, J.D.

A complaint alleging that top Deutsche Bank executives overruled compliance staff to keep or continue relationships with rich, but risky clients, such as Jeffrey Epstein and Russian oligarchs survived dismissal. According to the complaint, Deutsche Bank's former and current CEOs were personally involved in securing relationships with very rich but high-risk clients for the bank's wealth management business and that these clients were essentially not vetted at all. Despite this practice, the CEOs signed statements describing the bank's efforts to strengthen its anti-money laundering and know-your-customer processes. The court found that that the complaint adequately alleged that the CEOs know about the deficiencies in the banks practices that made their statements false and misleading (Karimi v. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, June 13, 2022, Rakoff, J.).

Risky business. This securities fraud suit arises from the requirement that Deutsche Bank maintain anti-money laundering ("AML") and know-your-customer ("KYC") systems to prevent money laundering. The complaint alleged that several recent Deutsche Bank CEOs and CFOs misrepresented the bank's AML and KYC processes between March 2017 and May 2020. Specifically, allegations from eleven confidential witnesses working in the bank's compliance department describe that the procedures did not work as described, or, in the case of certain rich and risky clients, were effectively nonexistent.

According to the confidential witnesses, Deutsche Bank executives routinely overruled the AML and KYC staff when it came to doing business with high-risk and politically-exposed clients. These clients included convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, notorious Russian oligarchs, founders and funders of terrorist organizations, and people associated with Mexican drug cartels. Despite identified risks, the complaint says, the decision to take these risky clients on board through the bank's wealth management business was made at the highest levels. These clients were then given special exceptions from the KYC procedures because of the amount of business they generated. Despite internal audits finding AML and KYC deficiencies, the Deutsche Bank defendants made public statements that the bank was exiting risky relationships while strengthening its on-boarding process for higher-risk clients, including specifics about strict KYC procedures. When Deutsche Bank's relationships with these clients were revealed, its stock lost value and harmed the investor plaintiffs.

Beyond puffery. Deutsche Bank first argued that the challenged statements were merely aspirational or puffery. The court disagreed, finding that the statements went beyond mere puffery because they provided specific descriptions of the bank's client-vetting processes and continuous monitoring that the complaint alleged were routinely ignored or did not exist in practice for certain high-net-worth and politically connected clients. And, this failure to apply policies was material because these clients were a likely source of problems.

Deutsche Bank then asserted that its failures were already well-known to investors. The bank argued that the complaint relied on a number of news articles and government reports revealing that its AML and KYC processes had failed to stop criminals from laundering money and that Deutsche Bank itself had acknowledged "weaknesses" over the years. The court rejected the suggestion that Deutsche Bank's general disclaimers could be used to substantively mitigate the effect of specific alleged misrepresentations. Plus, as a procedural matter, the "truth-on-the-market" defense is generally inappropriate for dismissal on the pleadings because of its fact-specific nature.

Falsity alleged. Deutsche Bank then contended that the complaint failed because it did not allege that the bank never reviewed or attempted to improve its processes. The court acknowledged that there was something to this argument because some of the challenged statements spoke only about the bank's efforts to improve. But even these statements could be misleading where the efforts to improve screening were systematically undermined by executives seeking to on-board ultra-rich clients; the allegations in this case went beyond mere mismanagement. The court therefore concluded that the complaint adequately alleged falsity because the challenged statements allegedly misrepresented the bank’s AML and KYC practices, not just that its management failed to successfully implement in all cases policies that were generally adequate and appropriately described.

Scienter for CEOs. Finally, the court found that the complaint alleged scienter against Deutsche Bank's CEOs, but not against its CFOs. During the time at issue, John Cryan was Deutsche Bank's CEO until April 2018, and he was succeeded by Christian Sewing, who still holds that position. The complaint identified several reports of investigations by government regulators and settlements that provided red flags pointing to deficient AML and KYC practices as applied to high-risk clients. It was sufficiently plausible at this stage to the court that the CEOs, by virtue of their positions, were aware of these proceedings, and Sewing was specifically alleged to have been aware of them. In addition, there were news reports of internal audits to which Deutsche Bank replied by publicly denying that its systems were deficient, and such denials are sufficient to support an inference of scienter. Allegations by confidential witnesses that the top executives were personally involved in the decisions surrounding high-risk clients bolstered the inference of scienter. However, the court found that the complaint alleged no connections between Deutsche Bank's CFOs and the deficiencies at issue and dismissed the claims against them.

The case is No. 22-cv-2854.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

CII supports SEC’s call for enhanced disclosure by SPACs

By John Filar Atwood

The Council of Institutional Investors (CII) has thrown its support behind the SEC’s proposed rule addressing special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), calling it “meaningful reform” that addresses gaps in transparency between the SPAC route to the public markets and other routes. CII said that there is an urgent need to adopt a final rule in this area given that nearly 600 SPACs are now actively searching for private company merger partners.

The SEC’s proposal includes measures to strengthen investor protections in initial public offerings by SPACs and in business combinations between SPACs and private operating companies (de-SPACs). In a comment letter on the proposal, CII agreed with the Commission’s proposals to:
  • clarify the obligation of SPAC sponsors and their affiliates to disclose all material conflicts of interest;
  • bring greater clarity to dilution under various SPAC share redemption scenarios;
  • ensure that underwriter status and liability under 1933 Act Section 11 apply to SPAC underwriters who participated in the distribution of shares by taking steps to facilitate the de-SPAC (but not to private investment in public equity (PIPE) investors in SPACs);
  • establish private operating companies merging with SPACs as co-registrants; and
  • clarify that the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) safe harbor with respect to forward-looking statements does not apply to the de-SPAC merger proxy.
CII has no objection to there being more than one avenue for private companies to go public since more paths to the public markets promotes capital formation. However, it is critical that those paths—traditional IPO, de-SPAC merger, or direct listing—offer consistently robust investor protections, the group stated.

Misalignment of interests. In addressing some of the proposing release’s specific questions, CII said that it supports improving and codifying disclosure to clarify the misalignment of interests between the sponsor or its affiliates or the SPAC’s officers, directors or promoters, and unaffiliated security holders, as proposed. The group believes that there should be mandatory disclosures of conflicts of interest among SPAC directors, SPAC officers, target company directors, and target company officers.

CII also supports disclosure that would shed light on how compensation arrangements and other financial incentives create fundamental differences in outcome priorities among participants. In CII’s opinion, the de-SPAC proxy should describe the differences in priorities and how they may impact voting decisions on the business combination.

Dilution. CII also said that it favors including disclosure of net cash per share after taking into account all sources of dilution and dissipation of cash, under various redemption scenarios. The group feels that given the complexity and contingencies involved in the de-SPAC process, investors—particularly SPAC investors who are considering declining the redemption opportunity—need clear information about potential consequences to inform their understanding of the true cost of the business combination.

CII supports requiring tabular disclosure in the de-SPAC proxy that illustrates net cash per share after taking into account all sources of dilution and dissipated cash under 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, 90 percent, and 100 percent redemption scenarios. Citing a recent study by three securities experts that recommended using a 90 percent redemption scenario, the group said that it would not object if the SEC’s proposal were modified to adopt the methodology outlined in that study.

Accountability. CII would like to see the SEC require that the SPAC and the target company act as co-registrants upon filing of the registration statement in connection with the de-SPAC. In CII’s view, treating both the SPAC and the target as an issuer under 1933 Act Section 6(a) would help to align investor protections with those of a traditional IPO.

The group advised the SEC that a narrow interpretation exempting the target company as a registrant is inappropriate given that the de-SPAC serves the same practical purpose as a private company entering the public markets through a traditional IPO, and the extent to which private companies have embraced the de-SPAC option.

CII also favors the proposed amendments to the signature instructions of Form S-4 to require that officers and a majority of the board of the target company are liable for any material misstatements or omissions in the S-4. This would ensure that they are accountable for the accuracy of the registration statement under 1933 Act Section 11, the group said.

Safe harbor. On the question of whether clarifying that the safe harbor under the PSLRA is unavailable would improve the quality of projections in connection with de-SPAC transactions, CII offered its view that uncertainty surrounding the availability of the safe harbor may have contributed to the proliferation of unreasonably optimistic forward projections that would not have been made if liability had more clearly paralleled the traditional IPO regime. Accordingly, CII supports the proposal’s revision to the definition of “blank check company” to ensure that the safe harbor against a private right of action for forward-looking statements under the PSLRA is not available.

CII also stated that it favors the enhanced investor protection that would result from assigning underwriter status for the de-SPAC transaction to a person who has acted as an underwriter in a SPAC IPO and participates in the distribution by taking steps to facilitate the de-SPAC transaction. The group supports limiting the application of proposed Rule 140a so that PIPE investors in the SPAC are excluded. CII believes that PIPE investors do not fit the traditional function of an underwriter, and that including PIPE investors in Rule 140a could significantly reduce investor appetite to backstop this route to entering the public markets.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Appeals court affirms SEC subpoena order in digital assets investigation

By Joanne Cursinella, J.D.

The Second Circuit affirmed a district court order requiring compliance with SEC investigative subpoenas for documents from appellants Terraform, a Singapore-based company, and Do Kwon, a foreign national, as well as testimony from Kwon, that were served as part of an SEC investigation into whether the appellants violated federal securities laws in their participation in the creation, promotion, and offer to sell various digital assets related to the "Mirror Protocol," a blockchain technology (SEC v. Terraform Labs Pte Ltd., June 8, 2022, per curiam).

According to the appellate court's summary order, the appellants had argued on appeal that the SEC violated its Rules of Practice when it served the subpoenas by handing copies to Kwon, Terraform's CEO, while he was present in New York, and that the district court lacked personal jurisdiction because Kwon and Terraform had insufficient contacts with the United States. The appeals court rejected the arguments and found first that the method service of the subpoenas was in compliance with the rules, as the district court had held, and also confirmed that personal jurisdiction over the appellants was proper.

Service. According to the order, the appellants had agreed to provide certain information to the SEC voluntarily but after attempts at voluntary compliance, the SEC prepared the investigative subpoenas. A process server hand-served the subpoenas on Kwon on behalf of the SEC while he was in New York and emailed copies to the appellants’ counsel.

This court found that the method of service under the circumstances was in compliance with the Commission’s rules. The SEC could serve the corporate entity Terraform through Kwon, the company’s CEO and authorized agent. The appellants had also argued, alternatively, that the copies of the subpoenas emailed to their counsel did not satisfy the rules because the email “did not purport to have effected service” via their counsel and was therefore not valid service.

But the court rejected this, saying, among other things, that their reading of the rules is contrary to the text and would produce absurd results by allowing a party to insist on service through counsel, but allow the party to block the service by not authorizing their counsel to receive any filings.

Personal jurisdiction. This court also confirmed that the district court properly concluded that it had personal jurisdiction over the appellants. The lower court’s specific personal jurisdiction determination rested on seven contacts with the U.S., this court noted. Further, the appellants purposefully availed themselves of the U.S. by promoting the digital assets at issue in the SEC’s investigation to U.S.-based consumers and investors. They also retained U.S.-based employees to promote digital assets in the U.S, entered into agreements with U.S.-based entities to facilitate the trade of the digital assets, and, while seeking to enter into an agreement with a U.S.-based company, the appellants indicated that 15 percent of its Mirror Protocol users are within the U.S.

Finding that the district court’s jurisdiction over the appellants arose from such "purposeful and extensive U.S. contacts” and that the district court’s exercise of jurisdiction was reasonable and would not “offend traditional notions of fair play or substantial justice” because the conduct was “purposefully directed” toward U.S. residents and the suit arose from and related directly to those contacts, the appeals court affirmed the lower court’s decision.

The case is No. 22-368-cv.

Friday, June 10, 2022

PCAOB’s newly reconstituted Investor Advisory Group meets for first time since 2018

By John Filar Atwood

The PCAOB yesterday began to follow through on Chair Erica Williams’ promise to be more transparent and to actively seek engagement with stakeholders with its first public-facing Investor Advisory Group (IAG) meeting in four years. Williams reiterated the importance of having a dedicated forum for investor advocates and expressed her hope that the IAG will provide ongoing feedback on the PCAOB’s oversight activities.

The IAG had not met since 2018, and ultimately was dissolved in March 2021 by former Chair William Duhnke III in favor of a standards advisory group whose meetings were not open to the public. Williams reestablished the IAG and the Standards and Emerging Issues Advisory Group in January after taking over as PCAOB Chair.

IAG members seemed to welcome the PCAOB’s renewed focus on stakeholder engagement. Lynn Turner, a member of the previous IAG who is now with Hemming Morse, said that recently the Board has garnered a reputation of being a “bastion of darkness” and expressed his hope that the advent of the new IAG will begin to change that. PCAOB Member Kara Stein assured Turner that with the IAG’s help the new Board intends to be a “bastion of transparency.”

In addition to organizational matters, at the meeting IAG members began to offer recommendations on what they believe should be Board priorities as it seeks to enhance its role in protecting investors.

Audit quality indicators. Jack T. Ciesielski, president of R.G. Associates, believes the PCAOB should focus on providing, in machine-readable format, audit quality indicators (AQIs) to provide some color on how an audit firm is doing. The current pass/fail model is insufficient in his opinion. Investors will not be engaged unless you give them data to work with, he added.

Turner agreed with Ciesielski, noting that AQIs were first raised as a possibility in the 2008 Treasury Department report prepared in the wake of the global financial crisis. Turner’s advice for the current Board is that it go back and review the recommendations in that report, and work toward adopting some of the initiatives that were never acted upon, including AQIs.

He noted that several years ago there was a push for AQIs, including a 2015 concept release, but the effort ultimately went nowhere. He recalled that at that time the Standing Advisory Group discussed how the Board should go about determining audit quality and to his surprise some people argued that the PCAOB could not define or measure audit quality. IAG member Sandra Peters, head of global advocacy at the CFA Institute, recalled that debate and said it is time to push past those objections and put AQIs in place.

Gina Sanchez, CEO of Chantico Global, believes it is imperative that the PCAOB focus on the usability of its data, especially its inspection reports and enforcement actions. Those are currently provided as PDF documents, which is an extremely search-unfriendly format, she said. She asked the Board to consider putting its information into a data architecture that is more easily searchable. Bill Ryan, deputy director in the PCAOB’s Division of Enforcement and Investigations, responded by noting that the search feature has improved in recent months but the staff is discussing how to further improve accessibility in the future.

Climate concerns. David Pitt-Watson, a visiting fellow at the Cambridge Judge Business School and former chair of the U.N. Environment Program’s Finance Initiative, recommended that the PCAOB take steps to require climate disclosure. For all of the advantages of the U.S. auditing system, this is one area where it is lagging behind its international peers, he said.

Pitt-Watson said that for many companies climate is already a clear financial risk. The International Auditing Assurance Standards Board has been clear that it wants companies to report material issues in their disclosure, he noted, and the PCAOB should move in that direction. It is a critical issue for investors, and the risks need to be disclosed and the assumptions shown, he stated.

Jeff Mahoney of the Council of Institutional Investors asked the Board to consider that disclosure surrounding critical accounting matters (CAMs) is much better in the U.K. than in the U.S. He recommended that the PCAOB study why the U.K. CAM disclosure is so much closer to what investors want than what is being reported by U.S. firms. Mahoney suggested that one underlying reason is that U.K. auditors report what they found in an audit, while U.S. auditors report what they did in an audit.

Independence. Mary Bersot, CEO of Bersot Capital Management, pointed out that there is still a prevailing perception that auditors are not independent. They work many years with the same companies and same personnel, she said, noting that auditor rotations were never implemented in the U.S. She asked the PCAOB to explain what independence is, especially as the Big Four firms have returned to a business model where consulting services are driving their revenues.

Kara Stein concluded the forward-looking discussion by reiterating that the PCAOB and the new IAG are starting with a clean slate, and the Board is open to any and all ideas. Technology and data are revolutionizing the way people invest, she said, so should the PCAOB change the way it regulates? Stein said the Board eagerly anticipates out-of-the-box discussions with IAG members on key issues going forward.

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Gensler outlines likely approach to updating national market system rules

By John Filar Atwood

Certain elements of the national market system rules such as those related to order handling and execution have not been updated since 2005, and SEC Chair Gary Gensler intends to change that. Citing issues exposed by the GameStop meme stock events of 2021, including imbalances created by dark pool and wholesale trading, he has the Commission staff working on proposals to update national market system rules.

In remarks at the Piper Sandler Global Exchange Conference, Gensler outlined the many questions he posed to the staff to help it construct effective market system rule changes. It is a complex and multi-faceted area, so his questions were spread across the following six topics: (1) minimum pricing increment; (2) national best bid and offer (NBBO); (3) disclosure of order execution quality; (4) best execution; (5) order-by-order competition; and (6) payment for order flow, exchange rebates, and related access fees.

Minimum pricing increment. He is concerned about the disparities among the different trading venues over the minimum increments at which securities are priced, or tick size. In transparent markets, he noted, investors see prices in one-penny increments while wholesalers can fill orders at sub-penny prices and without open competition. In his view, all venues should have an equal opportunity to execute at sub-penny increments.

Accordingly, he asked staff to make recommendations around leveling the playing field with respect to two facets of tick size. The first is possibly harmonizing the tick size across different market centers so that all trading occurs in the minimum increment. The second is potentially shrinking the minimum tick size to better align with off-exchange activity given the sheer volume of off-exchange sub-penny trading.

NBBO. Gensler said that he has asked the staff to consider three issues related to the NBBO, which is a quote designed to aggregate information across different exchanges. The NBBO provides important pre-trade transparency to investors, he added.

One key issue, he said, is that the NBBO only includes round lots of 100 shares or more. Recent staff calculations indicate that in March 2022, 55 percent of trades were executed at odd lots. Gensler noted that retail investors, the investors most likely to buy or sell at odd lots rather than in 100-share lots, are unable to see the odd-lot prices.

To address this issue, the Commission adopted a new market infrastructure rule in March 2020 that created a new round lot definition of between 100 shares and one share and added odd-lot information to core market data. The problem, according to Gensler, is that under the transition schedule for the rule implementation of the new definition could be years away. Accordingly, he has asked the staff to consider whether the Commission could accelerate implementation of the new round lot definition.

Gensler also asked the staff to consider whether it can move up the transparency rules surrounding odd-lot trading data. He said that he also has asked the staff to think about whether the SEC should create an odd-lot best bid and offer so that investors would know the best price available in the market regardless of share quantity.

Order execution quality. Another problem with the national market system rules is that retail investors cannot compare execution across brokers, such as how much price improvement they provide to their clients, he said. The problem stems from the fact that only market centers such as dark pools, wholesalers, and exchanges are required to provide those disclosures in monthly Rule 605 reports.

Gensler would like the staff to make recommendations around how the Commission might update Rule 605 so that investors receive more useful disclosure about order execution quality. He also requested recommendations on whether to require that all filers of 605 reports provide summary statistics of execution quality, such as the price improvement as a percentage of the spread.

Best execution. On the issue of best execution, Gensler believes it is time for the SEC to consider proposing its own best execution rule. At the moment, only FINRA and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board have rules on best execution requiring broker-dealers to exercise reasonable diligence to execute customer orders in the best market so that customers receive the most favorable prices under prevailing market conditions.

In addition to asking the staff to consider a new best execution rule, he also believes that broker-dealers and investors might benefit from more detail around the procedural standards brokers must meet when handling and executing customer orders.

Order-by-order competition. Gensler is interested in a regulatory approach that best promotes as much competition as possible for retail investors on an order-by-order basis. Standing in the way is market segmentation, including the movement of a majority of retail marketable orders to wholesalers who pay for that order flow. The segmentation isolates retail orders and may not benefit the retail public as much as orders being exposed to order-by-order competition, he said.

He asked the staff to propose an approach to enhance order-by-order competition, which may be through open and transparent auctions or other means. In considering any recommendations for stock auctions, Gensler suggested that the staff draw upon lessons from the options market, which has been operating auctions for retail orders for many years.

Payment for order flow. Finally, Gensler addressed the issues of payment for order flow, exchange rebates, and related access fees. The staff’s GameStop report said that payment for order flow may incentivize broker-dealers to use digital engagement practices such as gamification to increase customer trading, he noted, adding that the European Union is actively considering banning payment for order flow.

He asked the staff to draft recommendations on how to mitigate conflicts surrounding payment for order flow, and to address the payment of rebates to traders by exchanges. Specifically, he suggested that the staff consider is whether exchange fees—what someone pays to access a quotation on an exchange—and rebates should be more transparent. He also requested a staff analysis of how the access fees might change in light of a potentially lower minimum tick size, noting that a lower minimum pricing increment might require proportionately lower access fee caps.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Senators introduce bill proposing federal scheme to regulate digital assets

By Mark S. Nelson, J.D.

The presumed purpose of the Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act, sponsored by its namesakes, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo), would be to bring unified federal oversight to bear on digital asset markets in the U.S. but without crushing the blockchain industry. At this point, many such bills have been introduced but they have tended to deal with discrete issues and discrete federal agencies. Earlier this year, a group of House lawmakers introduced a bill to grant the CFTC primary authority over digital assets and that bill will inevitably invite comparisons to the Lummis-Gillibrand bill (FAQ), which more broadly and simultaneously addresses securities, commodities, tax, and banking aspects of digital asset markets. Another, somewhat more focused bill, also introduced in the House, would target some of the same topics as the Lummis-Gillibrand bill but with a narrower scope.

Bipartisan efforts. The Lummis-Gillibrand bill is the Senate response to bipartisan House legislation introduced in late April 2022. “The United States is the global financial leader, and to ensure the next generation of Americans enjoys greater opportunity, it is critical to integrate digital assets into existing law and to harness the efficiency and transparency of this asset class while addressing risk,” said Sen. Lummis via press release.

“Digital assets, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years and offer substantial potential benefits if harnessed correctly,” said Sen. Gillibrand. “It is critical that the United States play a leading role in developing policy to regulate new financial products, while also encouraging innovation and protecting consumers.”

This article will focus on the SEC and CFTC provisions in the Lummis-Gillibrand bill, although there are also significant provisions dealing with taxation and banking. Moreover, the following provisions in the bill would address a variety of issues:
  • An interstate regulatory sandbox.
  • Annual reporting by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Congress regarding, among other things, energy consumption for mining and staking of digital asset transactions.
  • Cybersecurity standards for digital asset intermediaries.
  • An SEC/CFTC study and report to Congress regarding the appropriate principles for establishing a registered digital asset self-regulatory organization.
With respect to comparisons, this article will focus on the Lummis-Gillibrand bill and the Digital Commodity Exchange Act of 2022 (H.R. 7614), sponsored by House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa), and co-sponsored by fellow Agriculture Committee member Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif), and non-committee members Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn) and Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla), which purports to offer a federal regulatory alternative to firms that would otherwise have to comply with multiple state money transmitter laws. The comparison is especially relevant regarding the CFTC. For further comparison, readers also may wish to examine the Digital Asset Market Structure and Investor Protection Act (H.R. 4741), introduced by Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va), which would address the treatment of digital assets by the SEC and CFTC, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and anti-money laundering regulations.

Securities provisions. The Lummis-Gillibrand bill would establish a presumption that what the bill calls an “ancillary asset” is a commodity and not a security, although the SEC would retain some enforcement authorities over ancillary assets. In order to take advantage of the presumption, an issuer of an ancillary asset would have to meet certain SEC disclosure obligations that address information related to the corporate structure and history of the ancillary asset’s issuer and the risk factors affecting the ancillary asset.

More specifically, if an issuer contemplates an offering that would involve an investment contract related to an ancillary asset and the issuer furnishes the required SEC disclosures, the ancillary asset would be presumed to be a commodity and not a security. “Ancillary asset” would be defined to mean an “intangible, fungible asset that is offered, sold or otherwise provided to a person in connection with the purchase and sale of a security through an arrangement or scheme that constitutes an investment contract.” The term, however, would not include certain equity, debt, liquidation, dividend, and profit and revenue sharing arrangements.

For comparison, the Lummis-Gillibrand bill would define “digital asset” to mean a natively electronic asset that: (i) confers economic, proprietary, or access rights or powers; and (ii) is recorded using cryptographically secured distributed ledger technology, or any similar analogue; the term would include: (i) virtual currency and ancillary assets, (ii) payment stablecoins; and (iii) other securities and commodities. The Thompson bill would define “digital commodity” to mean “any form of fungible intangible personal property that can be exclusively possessed and transferred person to person without necessary reliance on an intermediary” (the definition provides for exclusions similar to those contained in the Lummis-Gillibrand bill’ definition of “ancillary asset”).

The presumption regarding an ancillary asset, however, could be lost if a “court of the United States” (presumably only federal courts) finds that there is no substantial basis for the presumption. Elsewhere, the proposed bill would not deny the presumption solely because an issuer failed to meet its SEC disclosure obligations.

The SEC disclosure obligation itself would be subdivided into three separate obligations regarding initial disclosure, ongoing disclosure, and a transition rule for disclosures regarding ancillary assets provided before January 1, 2023. Each of the three disclosure obligations has a time-frame built into it regarding the fiscal years covered but otherwise comes into effect for an issuer of an ancillary asset based on the average daily aggregate value offered or traded on all spot markets (must be greater than $5 million) and whether the issuer (or a 10 percent owner of the issuer’s equity securities) engaged in entrepreneurial or managerial efforts that primarily determined the value of the ancillary asset.

An issuer of an ancillary asset would be able to voluntarily furnish information to the SEC about the ancillary asset if the issuer believes it is reasonably likely that it will become subject to the disclosure requirement in the future.

The SEC also would be granted authority to exempt an ancillary asset from the disclosure requirement if it determines that the public policy goals of disclosure and of consumer protection are not satisfied by requiring such disclosure. The SEC also could issue rules and guidance to implement the disclosure requirement.

The bill would provide that the disclosure requirement for an ancillary asset would end 90 days after an issuer files (and not merely furnishes, as would be the case for the disclosure obligation) a certification supported by reasonable evidence after due inquiry that the average daily aggregate value of all trading for the preceding 12 months was equal to or less than $5 million or that the issuer did not engage in that same period in any entrepreneurial or managerial efforts that primarily determined the value of the ancillary asset. The SEC could deny an issuer’s certification if the certification was not based on substantial evidence, although an issuer could try again to certify that it may end its disclosure obligation.

The remaining securities provisions in the bill concern the modernization of Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3 regarding customer protection and clarifying what is a satisfactory control location while also clarifying the role of broker-dealers in the trading of digital assets.

Commodities provisions. The commodities provisions in the Lummis-Gillibrand bill largely mirror those contained in portions of the Thompson bill regarding the treatment of digital asset exchanges, although with some minor semantic differences. In this context, the Thompson bill contains a number of CFTC provisions that do not have precise counterparts in the Lummis-Gillibrand bill. Other provisions regarding CFTC transaction fees appear only in the Lummis-Gillibrand bill.

With respect to segregation of customer digital assets, the Lummis-Gillibrand and Thompson bills both provide generally that, regarding the holding of customer assets that “[e]ach futures commission merchant [FCM] shall hold customer money, assets, and property in a manner to minimize the customer’s risk of loss of, or unreasonable delay in the access to, the money, assets, and property.” The Lummis-Gillibrand bill would require customer property to be held by a licensed, chartered, or registered entity regulated by the CFTC, the SEC, federal or state bank regulators, or an appropriate foreign bank authority. The Thompson bill would provide for an FCM to hold customer property in a qualified digital commodity custodian. The Lummis-Gillibrand and Thompson bills have nearly identical provisions regarding the related topic of the segregation of customer funds.

Both the Lummis-Gillibrand and Thompson bills provide that a registered FCM cannot act as a counterparty in any agreement, contract, or transaction involving a digital asset that has not been listed for trading on a registered digital asset exchange. That suggests the main provision in both bills regarding the registration of, as the Lummis-Gillibrand bill calls them “digital asset exchanges,” while the Thompson bill calls them “digital commodity exchanges.” Thus, both bills provide that any trading facility that offers or seeks to offer a market in digital assets may register with the CFTC as a digital asset exchange by submitting the prescribed application. Both bills also provide that a registered designated contract market (DCM) or registered swap execution facility (SEF) that meets certain requirements may elect to be considered a registered digital asset exchange/digital commodity exchange.

Both the Lummis-Gillibrand and Thompson bills further provide that a registered digital asset exchange/digital commodity exchange may make available for trading any digital asset that is not readily susceptible to manipulation. This provision would address some of the issues identified by the SEC, for example, in that agency’s earlier disapprovals of exchange-traded products. Both bills likewise provide that registration as a digital asset exchange/digital commodity exchange would not permit a trading facility to offer any contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery, option, or swap for trading without also being registered as a DCM or SEF.

A digital asset exchange/digital commodity exchange would be required to comply with a set of core principles. Moreover, both bills would define “not readily susceptible to manipulation” in nearly identical fashion. Specifically, the phrase “not readily susceptible to manipulation” would mean that a digital asset’s transaction history can be fraudulently altered or its functionality or operation can be materially altered. In making such determination, both bills provide for consideration of the following factors:
  • The purpose and use of the digital asset;
  • The creation or release process of the digital asset;
  • The consensus mechanism of the digital asset;
  • The governance structure of the digital asset;
  • The participation and distribution of the digital asset;
  • The current and proposed functionality of the digital asset;
  • The legal classification of the digital asset; and
  • Any other factor required by the CFTC.
Both the Lummis-Gillibrand bill and the Thompson bill address bankruptcy issues in the context of digital assets. The Lummis-Gillibrand bill would do this through a series of discrete statutory amendments, while the Thompson bill would do this via a provision stating that all assets held on behalf of a customer by a registered digital commodity exchange and all money of any customer received by such exchange is considered customer property for bankruptcy purposes.

The CFTC also would be authorized to collect fees to fund the agency’s regulation of digital asset cash and spot markets under the bill and to recover the costs to the federal government of the annual congressional appropriation to the agency. The CFTC, however, could not impose fees on registered entities relating to leveraged, margined, or financed transactions, including activities relating to digital assets.

The CFTC’s authorization to collect fees would be capped at $30 million absent further congressional authorization. Moreover, the CFTC’s authority to impose and collect fees would only be in effect during a period that a legislative authorization of the CFTC is in effect. That latter provision could raise questions about the CFTC’s current status because the agency has not for many years been formally reauthorized by Congress, despite attempts in recent Congresses to reauthorize the agency but which faltered over political disagreements about the scope of derivatives reforms.

Lastly, much like the SEC already does, the CFTC would have to periodically issue fee rate orders setting the amount or rate of any authorized fees. The CFTC would be able to continue to collect fees at the prior fiscal year’s rate even if there were a lapse in congressional appropriations because of a government shutdown, a scenario that has occurred several times in recent years. Presumably, to the extent the CFTC could collect fees, that part of its appropriation would be to some degree deficit neutral, as is the case for the SEC, which collects transaction fees to offset its entire congressional appropriation.

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

SEC adopts amendments to require glossy annual reports, Forms 144 to be filed electronically

By John Filar Atwood

The SEC voted unanimously to adopt rule amendments that will require 10 documents, including the “glossy” annual report and Forms 144, to be filed electronically through the EDGAR system. The Commission also agreed to mandate the use of inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language (inline XBRL) for filing financial statements and the accompanying schedules to the financial statements required by Form 11-K (Updating EDGAR Filing Requirements and Form 144 Filings, Release No. 33-11070, June 2, 2022).

Citing Form 144 as a prime example, Chair Gary Gensler said that the amendments will make the filing process more efficient and cost-effective. He noted that in 2021 more than half of the 30,000 Forms 144 received by the Commission were filed on paper. Those will now have to be filed electronically, a change that will result in easier access for investors and will reduce processing costs for both filers and the SEC, he said.

The SEC pointed out that electronic filing capabilities have helped address logistical and operational issues raised by the spread of COVID-19. By expanding electronic submissions through the new amendments, the agency believes that filers will be able to more easily navigate any future disruptive events that make the paper submission process unavailable or impractical.

Mandated electronic filing. In all, the amendments mandate the electronic filing of ten documents. They are:
  • “glossy” annual reports,
  • Form 6–K (foreign private issuers),
  • notices of exempt solicitation,
  • notices of exempt preliminary roll-up communications,
  • Form 11–K (employee benefit plans),
  • filings made by multilateral development banks,
  • certifications of approval of exchange listing,
  • Form 144 for reporting issuers,
  • certain foreign language documents, and
  • documents filed pursuant to Investment Company Act Section 33.
The Commission is providing a transition period for compliance with the new requirements to give filers time to prepare to submit the documents electronically in accordance with the EDGAR Filer Manual, including applying for the necessary filer codes. The compliance date is six months after the effective date of the amendments for filers to submit their “glossy” annual reports electronically in accordance with the EDGAR Filer Manual and, other than for Form 144, for paper filers who would be first-time electronic filers. For Form 144, the compliance date is six months after the date of publication in the Federal Register of the Commission release that adopts the version of the EDGAR Filer Manual addressing updates to Form 144 for filing Form 144 electronically on EDGAR.

Form 11-K requirements. The amended rules will require the use of inline XBRL for the filing of the financial statements and accompanying notes to the financial statements required by Form 11-K. The SEC also voted to make certain technical updates to Form F-10, Form F-X, and Form CB to remove outdated references.

According to the SEC’s fact sheet, the compliance date for structured data reporting for Form 11-K is three years after the effective date of the rule amendments. The Commission believes this will give registrants time to transition to a structured data language enabling filings that are both human-readable and machine-readable.

The release is No. 33-11070.

Monday, June 06, 2022

CFTC issues request for information on climate risk

By Mark S. Nelson, J.D.

The CFTC issued a Request for Information on climate-related issues as part of its recent Voluntary Carbon Markets Convening. The purpose of the RFI is to solicit public comment on a range of climate-related issues that impact markets and firms within the agency’s jurisdiction. The vote to issue the RFI was essentially unanimous, although Republican Commissioners Summer K. Mersinger and Caroline D. Pham concurred in its issuance. Public comments on the RFI are due 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

Is the CFTC seeking to expand its reach? In a press release, CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam broadly stated the purpose of the RFI. “My intention is to focus on ensuring that America’s farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, commercial end-users, and investors are equipped to manage their risks from increasingly severe and frequent weather events as well as the transition to a net-zero, low-carbon economy,” said Behnam. “The RFI seeks to ensure that we as regulators are informed, educated, and engaged.”

For the four Commissioners who issued separate statements on the RFI, the principal divide was whether the RFI would, if eventually brought to bear on derivatives markets through new or amended regulations, take the CFTC beyond its statutory mandate. The answers to this question split on political lines.

“These inquiries are well within the ambit of the CFTC’s statutory authority and continue a long-established tradition of engaging in thoughtful dialogue with our market participants and diverse stakeholders in order to understand their concerns related to emerging and evolving risk management oversight,” said Democratic Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson.

With respect to the use of derivatives to hedge climate risk, Christy Goldsmith Romero, another Democratic commissioner, remarked that “the Commission’s role extends to promoting responsible innovation, which includes the evolution of climate/sustainability products in our markets.” She added: “[w]ith a growing number of companies making net zero pledges, there is notable interest in carbon offset or sustainability products. However, concerns about transparency, credibility, and greenwashing may hamper the integrity and growth of these markets.”

The concurring Republican commissioners, however, emphasized that the RFI may suggest that the CFTC has powers far beyond its statutory jurisdiction. For example, Mersinger said “…I do not want my concurrence to be mistaken for support of the substance of this RFI or all the questions being asked.” She added that “[a]sking these questions causes confusion as to the role that Congress has tasked the CFTC to perform in our governing statute, the Commodity Exchange Act [].” Mersinger also expressed concern that the RFI omitted any reference to legacy agriculture contracts and futures markets.

Commissioner Pham sounded a similar note in her statement in which she distinguished the CFTC from other federal financial regulatory agencies. “We are not, for instance, a prudential banking regulator like the Fed, OCC, or FDIC, nor are we a primarily disclosures-based market regulator like the SEC,” said Pham. “Keeping our focus on our markets, products, and purpose—keeping our eyes on the ball—will help us avoid the risk of diluting our limited resources and potentially straying from our core expertise and responsibilities into areas already tasked to others.”

Key topics in RFI. The RFI contains an extensive list of questions for public comment regarding climate-related risk issues, including the following:
  • What data would assist the CFTC and the market participants it oversees to understand climate risk?
  • Should the CFTC consider scenario analysis and stress testing standards beyond those presented by the Network for Greening the Financial System and/or the Financial Stability Board?
  • How may commodities market participants need to adapt their risk management frameworks to address climate change? The request suggested the following topics: margin models, scenario analysis, stress-testing, collateral haircuts, portfolio management strategies, counterparty, and third-party service provider risk assessments, and/or enterprise risk management programs.
  • Should the CFTC establish climate-related risk disclosure requirements for the various types of entities it regulates that would focus on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’s four core elements of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets?
  • What derivatives products are currently used to hedge climate risk and what customer protections are or may be needed to promote market integrity for such products?
  • How can the CFTC promote transparency, fairness, and liquidity in voluntary carbon markets
  • How should the CFTC consider the impact of climate risk on financially vulnerable populations
  • How might the CFTC promote public-private partnerships to address climate-related financial risk within the derivatives markets?
Digital assets. The topic of digital assets received a single paragraph of attention in the RFI as compared to the many other topics that often posed several paragraphs-worth of questions. The blockchain community generally has been criticized for years because of what is perceived to be an excessive need for electricity to power server farms that mine for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Under the dominant mining method, proof of work, powerful computers solve complex math problems in order to discover the next Bitcoin or other virtual currency. An alternative method called proof of stake has yet to catch on within the blockchain industry, but it purports to use far less electricity than proof of work.

Digital assets also have been the subject to regulatory competition and, potentially regulatory arbitrage, with no singular U.S. federal government regulator governing the entirety of the digital asset marketplace, although the SEC has become one of the most active regulators for digital assets that are also securities. Among U.S. federal financial regulators, the CFTC is one of several regulators that are active, but still far behind the SEC in terms of the number of enforcement actions brought in the digital asset space.

According to the RFI, the CFTC believes the following three questions to be a starting point for discussing climate-related risk associated with digital assets:
  • Are digital asset markets creating climate-related financial risk for CFTC registrants, registered entities, other derivatives market participants, or derivatives markets?
  • Are there any aspects of climate-related financial risk related to digital assets that the Commission should address within its statutory authority?
  • Do digital assets and/or distributed ledger technology offer climate-related financial risk mitigating benefits?
Commissioner Mersinger, who concurred in the issuance of the RFI, noted the limits of the CFTC’s jurisdiction over digital assets: “[t]he CFTC does not have statutory authority under the CEA to regulate digital assets or distributed ledger technology except to the extent they involve derivatives.”

Although legislation to clarify the roles of the CFTC and other federal regulators in the digital asset space has lately focused on central bank digital currencies and stablecoins, the CFTC could get new, broader authorities over digital assets if the Digital Commodity Exchange Act of 2022 (H.R. 7614) were to become law. Overall, the bill purports to offer a federal regulatory alternative to firms that would otherwise have to comply with multiple state money transmitter laws, but it would also expressly allow the CFTC to regulate more directly spot digital commodity exchanges. The bill is sponsored by House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa), and co-sponsored by fellow Agriculture Committee member Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif), and non-committee members Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn), and Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla).

Friday, June 03, 2022

Class certification should require viable damages model, U.S. Chamber urges

By Anne Sherry, J.D.

A securities-fraud plaintiff seeking class certification should be required to present a model of class-wide damages, not just promise that one is possible, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce argues in an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit. The Chamber supports Oracle Corporation’s appeal of the district court’s decision to certify a class notwithstanding the plaintiff’s failure to provide a model of damages. Under Comcast Corp. v. Behrend (U.S. 2013), the brief argues, a plaintiff must show a class-wide damages model tailored to its liability theory (In re Oracle Corporation Securities Litigation, May 31, 2022).

Oracle has appealed a California district court’s grant of class certification in a securities fraud action alleging that Oracle and its management misrepresented the company’s cloud business. Oracle disputed that the plaintiff met the predominance requirement of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3), arguing that far from meeting Comcast’s requirement of showing a class-wide damages model, the plaintiff and its expert failed to provide any damages model at all. The court agreed with the plaintiff that its expert showed that a class-wide “out of pocket” damages methodology was feasible, satisfying Comcast.

In its amicus brief in support of the petition, the Chamber claims a strong interest in the outcome of the appeal because its members are frequently defendants of securities-fraud class actions. The brief posits that the Basic presumption of reliance allows class counsel to obtain class certification without direct evidence that a misrepresentation affected the stock price. Comcast then guards against the risk that courts will certify classes in which there is no realistic way to calculate damages. Here, however, the district court certified a class based on the expert’s speculation that a damages model might exist, even though the expert did not explain what the model actually was. This decision would effectively nullify Comcast in securities-fraud class actions, the Chamber argues.

According to the Comcast Court, a plaintiff is entitled only to those damages that arise from the asserted theory of liability. In Comcast, the proffered damages model encompassed aggregate class-wide damages arising from four different theories of antitrust injury, but the district court ruled that only one of those theories was legally viable. The Supreme Court held that the class should not have been certified because the plaintiff failed to isolate the damages arising from the viable theory. As the Chamber puts it, a class-wide proceeding in Comcast would have led to one of two scenarios: either the court would conduct a mini-trial for every class member or it would have adjusted the total damages award and apportioned the result evenly among class members, nullifying the plaintiff’s burden of proving damages as to each class member.

Although Comcast involved an antitrust claim, the Chamber argues that it interpreted Rule 23, which applies to all class actions, including for securities fraud. If the district court in Oracle had properly applied Comcast, it could not have certified the class because the plaintiff’s expert did not propose a particular damages model, instead speculating that he could hypothetically do so by conducting an event study. “Under Comcast, this is insufficient,” the Chamber writes. “The plaintiff must provide proof of a damages model, not an assertion that proof might be provided at some future point.”

The Chamber called the district court’s reading of Comcast implausible as it turned on the fact that the Comcast plaintiff made no reference to a tailored damages model, whereas the Oracle plaintiff’s expert represented that a model could be constructed. If this is the distinguishing factor, all the plaintiff would have had to do in Comcast would have been to assert that it was possible to provide a damages model, even without explaining what it was. To have relevance, Comcast requires evidence of a tailored damages model, not a promise that it will come later.

Furthermore, although the district court correctly observed that loss causation is a merits issue and that the Comcast analysis will overlap with the loss-causation analysis, it erred in disregarding Comcast on this basis, the Chamber argues. The Supreme Court rejected a similar argument last Term, writing that under Comcast, “a court has an obligation before certifying a class to determine that Rule 23 is satisfied, even when that requires inquiry into the merits.”

The Chamber urged the Ninth Circuit to grant review under Rule 23(f) because the case presents an important question of law. If followed by other courts (as the district court’s citation suggests is already the case), the reasoning would allow plaintiffs to instruct their experts to represent that they could, if necessary, prepare a damages model. The defendant will then face settlement pressure from class certification whether or not the damages model comes to fruition.

The case is No. 22-80048.

Thursday, June 02, 2022

No IPOs in week for first time since April 2020

By John Filar Atwood

As the air continues to come out of the IPO market, it reached a level last week that has not been seen in more than two years—no completed offerings. April 2020 was the last time that a week passed without at least one company making its public market debut. The holiday may have played a role in the standstill, but with only one IPO in the prior week the market was already growing quieter as May progressed. The 14 new issues in May represented the lowest single-month IPO total since ten were completed in April 2020.

New registrants. Although no companies went public last week, new registrants remained active. The week’s activity included nine new preliminary filings, six of which were filed by blank check companies and three of which were filed by companies headquartered outside the U.S. Singapore-based Boustead Wavefront filed plans for a $20 million offering that will be led by Revere Securities. The company provides market entry and product development advisory services. In preparation for the offering, Boustead Wavefront sold its investments in pre-IPO companies for which its affiliate Boustead Securities serves as underwriter. Ivanhoe Electric was the sixth new registrant of 2022 that is headquartered in Canada. The Delaware-incorporated company is engaged in minerals exploration and development from mines principally located in the U.S. Ivanhoe embeds sustainability and ESG criteria into its operational decisions. Israel’s ParaZero Technologies registered an offering of units of ordinary shares and warrants. The offer includes an option to purchase pre-funded units if investors’ IPO investment would result in them owning over 4.99 percent of the company’s shares. ParaZero develops drone safety systems, including autonomous parachute safety devices for commercial drones. EF Hutton was enlisted as lead manager by new filers Noble Education Acquisition and Embrace Change Acquisition. Noble Education will pursue companies in the educational technology industry. Embrace Change will target businesses in the technology, Internet, and consumer sectors. Inkstone Feibo Acquisition and NYC-based Aquaron Acquisition, ESH Acquisition, and Mars Acquisition also registered last week. Inkstone will focus on biotech and green technology companies, while Aquaron will look to combine with new energy sector businesses. ESH intends to target the entertainment, sports, and hospitality industries. Mars will search in multiple areas including cryptocurrency, fintech, and cybersecurity.

Withdrawals. Revolution Acceleration Acquisition II was the only company that filed a Form RW last week. The March 2021 registrant only amended its registration once, in July 2021.

The information reported here is gathered using IPO Vital Signs, a Wolters Kluwer Regulatory U.S. database that includes all SEC registered IPOs, including REITs and those non-U.S. IPO filers seeking to list in the U.S. markets. IPO Vital Signs does not track closed-end funds, best efforts or non-underwritten deals, or IPO offerings for amounts less than $5 million.

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Battle lines emerge over the Securities and Exchange Commission’s historic climate risk disclosure proposal

By Brad Rosen, J.D.

In March of this year, the SEC issued its controversial and far-reaching proposed climate rule which would require public companies disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and exposures to climate change risks for the first time. In justifying the measures, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has underscored investors’ needs and demands for consistent and comparable information around climate matters.

Meanwhile, members of Congress and state officials have voiced their strident opposition to the proposal claiming the agency has far exceeded its authority, with promises of court action if the rules are approved in their current form. This Strategic Perspective takes a closer look at some of those legal arguments.

As the comment period comes to an end in mid-June, interested parties on both sides of the issue continue to weigh in on the SEC’s proposed climate risk disclosure rule, and the battle lines only sharpen. You can read the article here.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

‘With admitted trepidation,’ court allows claim that defendants breached fiduciary duties

By R. Jason Howard, J.D.

The Delaware Court of Chancery has ruled that the claims in a complaint brought by a shareholder are ripe for consideration following allegations that the ODP Corporation’s board of directors ignored issues raised in a demand letter and violated the express terms of the company’s 2019 compensation plan (Garfield v. Allen, May 24, Laster, T.).

2019 plan. Shareholders of the ODP Corporation approved an equity compensation plan in 2019 that authorizes a grant of awards of performance shares, performance units, restricted stock, restricted stock units, nonqualified stock options, incentive stock options, stock appreciation rights, and other forms of equity-based compensation to officers, employees, non-employee directors, and consultants by the company's board. The plan limits the number of performance shares that can be awarded to any single individual in the same fiscal year.

In March 2020, the company’s CEO received two grants of performance shares, which entitle the CEO to receive a variable number of performance shares over a three-year period ending in 2023. If the company performs well, then the aggregate number of shares the CEO is entitled to retain will exceed the limit in the 2019 plan. By a demand letter dated March 18, 2021, the plaintiff asked the board to modify the performance share awards by lowering the maximum potential payout to conform with the 2019 plan. In a letter dated April 9, 2021, the company’s board refused.

Complaint. On May 13, 2021, the plaintiff filed the three-count complaint. Count I asserts a derivative claim alleging that the board members breached their fiduciary duties by approving the awards, the CEO breached his fiduciary duties by accepting the awards, and all members of the board violated their fiduciary duties by failing to fix the awards in response to the demand letter. Count II asserts a derivative claim for unjust enrichment against the CEO in the form of a right to receive shares in excess of the 2019 Plan limitation, and Count III asserts a direct claim against the four board members who approved the awards.

Breach of fiduciary duty. Here, the plaintiff argued that all of the board members, even those who did not approve the awards, breached their fiduciary duty in not fixing the obvious violation following the demand letter, which called the issue to their attention. On this, the court stated that there is “something disquieting about a plaintiff manufacturing a claim against directors by acting as a whistleblower and then suing because the directors did not respond to the whistle,” but, according to the court, the logic of the plaintiff’s theory is sound as Delaware law treats a conscious failure to act as the equivalent of action. It is therefore reasonably conceivable, according to the court, that the directors’ conscious inaction constitutes a breach of duty.

The court cautioned, however, that there are obvious policy issues associated with such a claim. Sending a demand letter and then suing based on a failure to fix the problem “could undermine salutary doctrines such as laches that force plaintiffs to bring claims in a timely fashion,” and it could also enable plaintiffs to “expose new directors to litigation risk by presenting them with a problem that they did not create and asserting that they failed to fix it.” The court also noted the lack of precedent for the theory as the wrongful rejection of a demand letter has historically “affected only the question of who controls the derivative claim,” and “does not appear to have been analyzed as a separate fiduciary wrong.”

Nevertheless, the court stated that the plaintiff pleaded “what seems like one of the strongest possible scenarios for such a claim.” The limitation in the 2019 Plan is plain and unambiguous and, under established precedent, the board members’ failure to comply with the unambiguous restrictions in the stockholder approved 2019 Plan supports an inference that the directors acted in bad faith. The CEO, a fellow fiduciary and recipient of the awards, faced the same duty to fix the issue.

According to the court, “if there was ever a time when all of the directors had a duty to take action to benefit the Company by addressing an obvious problem, it is reasonably conceivable that this was it.” Therefore, the court stated that it was with admitted trepidation about knock-on effects, but its decision permits the claim to survive.

Conclusion. The court rejected the defendants’ arguments as they ignored established precedent, conflicted with the 2019 Plan, and contradicted the company’s own shareholder disclosures. The plaintiff’s claims, according to the court, are ripe and the complaint states claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and unjust enrichment. The defendants’ motion to dismiss was denied.

The case is No. 2021-0420-JTL.

Friday, May 27, 2022

House Democrats urge SEC to require disclosure of DEI employment data in future rulemaking

By John Filar Atwood

As the SEC continues to update its ESG disclosure regime, chairs of two House committees are urging the Commission to be sure that the disclosure includes corporate board, executive leadership and workforce diversity data. In a letter to Chair Gary Gensler, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif), chair of the House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), chair of the House Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, asked that the agency write rules to require the disclosure of standardized data of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status.

Waters and Brown commended the SEC for its October 2020 update to employee and workforce disclosure in Regulation S-K, which upended the longstanding requirement that companies only disclose the number of persons employed for the fiscal year. They noted, however, that while some companies supplied additional information about workers following the Reg. S-K revisions, the disclosures were minimal and inconsistent from company to company.

In their view, it is critical that investors be provided better data on human capital and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Research confirms that diverse boards lead to improved financial results, they said, and having a diverse workforce is equally as important.

Waters and Brown added their voices to the growing number of stakeholders calling for more clarity from companies on their DEI efforts. One area where that increase can be seen is in shareholder proposals. Over the past few years the long list of companies that have received a proposal asking for a report on corporate DEI programs include Pfizer, Verizon, Texas Instruments, Johnson & Johnson, and IBM.

Individuals with disabilities. The letter also cites the increased interest in having companies release data reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEO-1 filings). Waters and Brown are especially concerned that while there is precedent for gathering voluntarily data on race, ethnicity and gender through the EEO-1 filings, that data generally does not include individuals with disabilities.

They argued that collecting and publicly reporting data on disability status is important to closing the employment gap faced by individuals with disabilities. They asked the SEC to provide for disclosure of data on disability status in its rulemaking, and pointed to a recent letter signed by investors such as Bank of America, Voya Financial, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, and New York State Comptroller that called on the companies in which they invest in to take steps to create an inclusive workplace for people with disabilities.

Waters and Brown also asked the SEC to require companies to track and share supplier diversity and procurements so that the company and its shareholders know how their investments are being spent and with whom. In a DEI-focused survey released by the House Financial Services Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee, they noted, it was determined that of the companies that responded to the subcommittee’s request, two-thirds reported a diversity spending policy but only half actually spent money with a women- or minority-owned business.

Congressional efforts. The letter concludes with Waters and Brown pointing out that the House attempted to address many of the DEI-related disclosure issues through the ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021. That bill would require the Commission to issue rules to define ESG performance metrics, climate change-related risks, and workforce management practices, and mandate that companies must disclose how those metrics affect their business strategy. Providing guidance on human capital reporting is a priority for Congress and shareholders, they said, and now also should be a focus for the SEC.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

SEC proposes to sharpen rule preventing misleading fund names

By Rodney F. Tonkovic, J.D.

By a 3-1 vote, the SEC has issued a proposed rule amending the Investment Company Act's "Names Rule." The rule prohibits certain categories of investment company names that have the potential to mislead investors about an investment company’s investments and risks. The proposed amendments are intended to address changes in the market since the rule was adopted two decades ago by expanding a requirement that a fund invests the majority of its assets to match the investment focus suggested by its name. The proposal would also provide new disclosure, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions and update the current notice requirements. Comments are due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register (Investment Company Names, Release No. IC-34593, May 25, 2022).

The names rule. The proposal would amend Investment Company Act Rule 35d-1. The "Names Rule", which has not been amended since its adoption, prohibits registered investment companies from using materially deceptive or misleading names. Among other restrictions, the rule requires any fund that has a name focusing on a particular type of investment type or investment in a particular industry to invest at least 80 percent of its assets in that type of investment. The rule is not meant to be a safe harbor for misleading names, and fund names are also subject to the antifraud provisions of the securities laws. As the commissioners observed during the open meeting adopting the proposal, a fund’s name is an important piece of information that investors use in selecting a fund, and the names are chosen by fund managers as a means of communicating information about a fund to investors.

In March 2020, the Commission issued a public request for comment to address potentially misleading fund names. The request for comment reflected the Commission's concerns over market developments since 2001 that may have impacted the rule's efficacy. The request noted that the increased use of hybrid financial instruments by funds and the varying consideration of environmental, social, and governance as an investment strategy versus an investment policy may be affecting the application of the fund-names rule. The Commission also asked whether the rule should apply to terms such as "ESG" or "sustainable" that reflect qualitative characteristics of investments. A few dozen comments were received.

Proposed updates. Foremost among the proposed changes is a modernization of the requirement that funds with certain names adopt a policy to invest 80 percent of their assets in the investments suggested by that name. This requirement would be expanded to apply to fund names suggesting that the fund focuses on investments with particular characteristics, such as "growth," "value," or terms indicating a focus on ESG factors. The Commission has previously taken the position that such names connote an investment objective or strategy (as opposed to types of investments) and are not within the scope of the 80 percent requirement. In the case of derivatives, a fund would be required to use the derivative instrument's notional amount, rather than its market value, in determining compliance.

If a fund "drifts" below the 80 percent requirements, it must bring its investments back into compliance as soon as reasonably practicable. The maximum time allowed for such a departure would be 30 consecutive days. The Commission explained that this would allow for market fluctuations and cash inflows or outflows from redemption requests; reorganizations and fund launches would be given up to 180 days.

The proposal also includes amendments that would provide enhanced information about how fund names track their investments. For example, fund prospectuses would disclose how the terms used in a fund's name are defined, and amendments to Form N-PORT would require greater transparency on how the fund’s investments match its investment focus. In addition, the proposal updates the rule's notice requirement to address funds using electronic delivery methods to provide information to shareholders.

ESG terminology. The proposed amendments also address "integration funds," which the Commission defines as funds that consider ESG factors alongside other, non-ESG factors in the fund's investment decisions, but those ESG factors do not play a central role in the fund's strategy. These funds would not be permitted to use "ESG" or similar terminology in their names, and doing so would be defined as materially deceptive or misleading.

Commissioner Gensler said: "A lot has happened in our capital markets in the past two decades. As the fund industry has developed, gaps in the current Names Rule may undermine investor protection," said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. "In particular, some funds have claimed that the rule does not apply to them—even though their name suggests that investments are selected based on specific criteria or characteristics. Today's proposal would modernize the Names Rule for today’s markets."

Peirce objects. The sole objection to the proposal came from Commissioner Peirce, who declined to support the proposal, stating that the amendments would "create more fog than they dissipate." Peirce said that terms such as "ESG," "growth," and "value" are broad, and applying the 80 percent rule to them would require subjective judgments from the industry and the SEC. A better approach, she said, would be to require better disclosure about the strategies managers use. She also objected to the strict 30-day limit on departures from the 80 percent rule, stating that such an inflexible limit could induce managers to make undesirable investments or even shut down in times of market stress. Finally, she said, the proposed one-year implementation period is too short.

The release is No. IC-34593.