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Germans Accused of Helping Libya Build Nerve Gas Plant

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January 1, 1989, Section 1, Page 1Buy Reprints
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The United States has concluded that a West German company played a central role in designing and constructing a huge chemical plant in Libya, a discovery that has prompted diplomatic protests to the highest levels of the Bonn Government, Administration officials say. The Administration says the plant is for producing chemical weapons, a charge denied by Libya.

The officials said President Reagan and Secretary of State George P. Shultz had strongly raised the issue of West German participation in the Libyan plant during a recent meeting with Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Washington on Nov. 16.

The American officials' account of the role played by the company, Imhausen-Chemie, is significant because it is the first time Administration officials have been willing to implicate a specific company or to emphasize how West Germany's lax export controls helped Libya acquire the expertise for the plant.

Officials also said another West German company is helping Libya develop the capacity for air-to-air refueling of its French-made fighter-bombers. Such an advance would for the first time give Libyan planes the ability to attack Israel. The name of this company could not be learned. Company Denies Link

Imhausen-Chemie's president, Dr. Jurgen Hippenstiel-Imhausen, acknowledged in an interview that the company has sought to obtain a contract in Libya to manufacture plastic bags, but he denied any connection to ''the plant presumed to be making chemical weapons in Libya.''

''We produce medical substances and fine chemicals and supply them to pharmaceutical companies around the world, but not so far to Libya,'' he said. ''I never was in Libya. I don't even know where it is.''

Citing the need to protect sources of information, American officials declined to make public specific intelligence reports thatestablish Imhausen-Chemie's role in the project. But the officials said that the reports had convinced them that the German company was at the center of a well-planned covert operation in which material for the plant was shipped by way of Hong Kong and other Asian ports to conceal its actual destination.

The officials said the company served essentially as a general contractor, buying materials from other concerns. The officials said the company also helped design the chemical plant and provided technical advisers to supervise its construction.

American analysts assert that the Libyan project is the largest chemical weapons factory in the third world, and they claim its potential output is between 22,000 and 84,000 pounds of mustard gas and nerve agent daily. The officials said the plant could not have been built and could not continue to operate without Western assistance. The plant is at Rabta, about 40 miles south of Tripoli.

By comparison, the Iraqi chemical weapons plants that produced the weapons used to devastating effect in the Iran-Iraq war made less than 10,000 pounds daily. About 3,500 pounds is needed to cover a square mile, officials said.

German companies have been linked to Iraq's chemical weapons program as well as the growing efforts by Iran to make such munitions, the officials said. In 1984, The New York Times disclosed the involvement of another German company, Karl Kolb, in the Iraqi factories but Bonn's effort to prosecute that company failed. U.S. Issues Demands To 3 European Lands

Administration officials said the United States was demanding that West Germany, Switzerland and France prevent companies in their countries from providing further technical help or spare parts to the Libyan plant, which is poised to begin full-scale production. Officials assert that the plant has produced small amounts of chemical weapons, but has yet to begin full-scale production.

American officials said they have been told by West German officials that Imhausen-Chemie is under investigation by the German authorities, and they said Mr. Kohl acknowledged the need for his country to strengthen its export laws. One official said that Mr. Reagan spoke generally to Mr. Kohl about German participation. Mr. Reagan told the Chancellor that American experts would provide specifics to their German counterparts.

A spokesman for the West German Embassy in Washington said ''competent agencies'' have opened an investigation into the suspected participation of German companies in the Libyan factory. He declined to discuss specific companies.

The Administration's efforts to cut off Western help for the Libyan factory were stepped up in August, officials said. In recent months, the Pentagon has also drawn up contingency plans for bombing the plant, an action that President Reagan pointedly refused to rule out when asked about it last week in an interview with ABC News.

Administration officials said the United States was unlikely to take any military action before an international conference on chemical weapons next month in Paris. In addition, they said plans for an air strike had been complicated by Libya's placement of anti-aircraft missiles around the factory. Ex-C.I.A. Aide Says Dozen Nations Involved

The former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Robert M. Gates, said in a recent speech that the plant was built with the help of companies from ''nearly a dozen nations, East and West.'' Administration officials said much of the diplomatic pressure has focused on Germany. He did not name the ''dozen nations.''

Dr. Hippenstiel-Imhausen, the president of Imhausen-Chemie, said in interviews this week and last week that Libya lacked the expertise to build a chemical weapons plant on its own. But he said:

''The company had absolutely nothing to do with the allegations now concerning the plant presumed to be making chemical weapons in Libya. We don't even have the know-how in this area. We have no employees there, no technicians there either. We haven't had people there for years.

''The company name has been misused. Everything has been based on suspicion and rumors. Libyans don't have money to pay for things like that. We totally deny any involvement in this.''

This week, in a second interview, Dr. Hippenstiel-Imhausen said: ''The Libyans are much too stupid to run a plant like this. All the Arabs are lazy and they call in foreign slaves to do the work.'' He was referring to the Libyans' hiring of foreign companies.

Dr. Hippenstiel-Imhausen also noted that the company's founder - his wife's grandfather - was half-Jewish, and he said, ''We would not supply something like this to our enemy.'' Libya Offers to Open the Plant to Inspection

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, has denied that the plant is to be used for chemical weapons, saying its purpose was the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Libya has offered to open the plant to a one-time international inspection, but the United States called that offer inadequate.

American officials said Libya's emerging chemical capability was particularly troubling in view of its efforts to obtain the refueling capacity for its air force. If successful, the Libyan effort would allow Colonel Qaddafi to strike targets throughout North Africa, as well as in Israel and the Arab world. Several officials said that the technology for refueling is complex, and was originally developed by American companies.

American officials said the various Western companies involved in the chemical factory had differing levels of knowledge about the plant's purpose. A French-based company, De Dietrich, for example, was the subject of a protest by American officials in France on Dec. 9 over its role in providing glass-lined cauldrons that contain chemical reactions. American officials said there was no evidence as yet that the company knew what its product would be used to manufacture.

Dick Cahoon, president of De Dietrich U.S.A., said that as a matter of policy the company never asks chemical manufacturers to disclose what they plan to do with the equipment.

American officials said, however, they were persuaded by the intelligence reports that Imhausen-Chemie was a leading company in the Libyan effort, although they said there were other important figures whose names have not yet surfaced.

The officials said material for the plant was purchased piece by piece from companies in different countries. They said the money was moved through banks in Hong Kong and Switzerland in schemes so complex that American analysts are unable to assemble a complete picture of how the project was financed.

In many cases, one official said, the parts were initially shipped to Hong Kong before being sent to Libya. Some of the material was also sent via Singapore, another official said.

Dr. Hippenstiel-Imhausen acknowledged that his company was doing a major project in Hong Kong but said it was for a Chinese customer, which he did not identify. He said this effort required so many engineers that he did not have enough manpower left to do such a project for the Libyans or anyone else. Another company official said the project in Hong Kong involved pharmaceuticals.

An Administration official familiar with the procurement arrangements for the Libyan factory described them as a web. ''There has to be a spider sitting in the middle of the web,'' he said, ''and that spider is Imhausen.''

The original Imhausen chemical company was founded in 1910 by Arthur Imhausen, a German chemist. Today, his descendents own four related companies, three of which, including Imhausen-Chemie, are located in Lahr, a city in southern West Germany. The three companies in Lahr employ 350 people and a fourth concern, in Bochum, Germany, has about 150, according to local press reports in Lahr. The four companies together grossed 80 million marks in 1985, or about $26 million, the reports said.

Imhausen-Chemie produces chemicals for pharmaceuticals and other processes, Dr. Hippelstiel-Imhausen said. An American intelligence analyst said this would give the company the technical knowledge to also produce pesticide or poison gas.

An American official said Imhausen-Chemie decided to work on the Libyan project sometime in 1985.

That year, it appears, the company's financial fortunes were sagging. It published a notice on Oct. 30, 1985, in the Bundesanzeiger, a German financial newspaper, that said the company was having difficulty meeting its obligations to creditors, but would be able to do so in about six months. Are the Soviets Involved? Maybe Yes, Maybe No

While American intelligence officials agree that the major work on the plant was coordinated by Western companies, they differ over the role, if any, played by the Soviet Union. Soviet and East Bloc officials were spotted near the plant during its construction, prompting some Central Intelligence Agency analysts to conclude they were assisting the Libyans in some way.

But some American officials said they remained skeptical about a Soviet role in the Libyan project. They insisted that Moscow had nothing to gain from helping Libya gain an extensive new capacity for chemical weapons and said that when American officials raised the issue in recent meetings, the Soviets denied playing any part.

The chemical plant is part of an industrial park that also includes an elaborate metallurgical works constructed by the Japanese company Japan Steel Works.

American analysts have concluded that that metallurgical plant has the equipment needed to make bombs and shell casings. The Japanese company has said it was told by the Libyans that the foundry was needed to make parts for a desalting plant.

American analysts say the plant is capable of making two types of chemical weapons. Roughly half of the production would be devoted to mustard gas, a substance first used in World War I that causes severe blistering of skin. Its effects are painful, but usually not fatal. In addition, the Libyans are said to have the capacity to produce Sarin, a potent chemical that kills by disabling the central nervous system. Suspicions Said to Start About a Year Ago

American officials say they first suspected that the Libyans were constructing a chemical weapons plant in Rabta more than a year ago. But the diplomatic activity aimed at forcing the Western companies out of the project did not become intense until August.

American officials said the delay was due in part to the need to protect the intelligence sources that had provided the information. In addition, they said Imhausen-Chemie had done an effective job of concealing the nature of the project.

The officials acknowledged that high-level attention was not focused on the problem until recently. ''Some actions were taken on a sporadic basis, ad hoc, but not nearly enough resources were devoted to it,'' an Administration official said of the efforts in the last year to prevent Libya from producing chemical weapons.

American officials said Mr. Kohl and his Government recognizes the seriousness of the problem. But the officials quoted him as saying his country's laws do not provide an effective basis to prosecute companies exporting the material and expertise needed for chemical weapons.

West German officials have told the Administration that they are now in the process of drafting tougher new export control laws. A spokesman for the Economic Ministry in Bonn said a committee met this week to discuss the issue.