David CroweCompte verificat


Chief Political Correspondent of and . Author of Venom (HarperCollins, 2019). President of the Press Gallery. Director, National Press Club.

Unit: març de 2010


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  1. Tuit fixat
    24 de febr.
  2. fa 2 hores

    This was Denise Ho in Sydney less than three years ago, in a packed speech. Now arrested with others in Hong Kong. Terrible risks for those who are standing up for freedom.

  3. 10 de maig

    Hours after standing alongside Scott Morrison while the Prime Minister bagged the NSW ICAC, the NSW premier has... ...increased its funding.

  4. ha retuitat
    10 de maig

    I was asked about the debate on . Viewers got a real debate. Human, vigorous. Not speechifying. Also: I could not lunge from desk to save the leaders from each other. Or from themselves. Please listen, if you don’t mind hearing an opinion you may disagree with:

  5. 10 de maig

    Any others in Parramatta seeing this? If this is widespread, Parramatta is barely in doubt. Scott Morrison visited Bennelong and Reid today. Defensive, not offensive.

  6. 10 de maig

    I asked Scott Morrison today about a national integrity commission. My colleague then checked his response with the Australian Bar Association and others. Read on...

  7. ha retuitat
    10 de maig

    exclusive: leaked docs reveal a congestion tax for Sydney’s CBD will be considered by the NSW government under long-term plans to overhaul the state’s transport network

  8. 10 de maig

    The reason I tweeted this is that the initial Labor transcript from today's press conference said: "a wage hike of at least 5.5 per cent" but that transcript was wrong. A new one was issued about ten minutes ago.

  9. 10 de maig

    We've double-checked the tape and this is the exchange on wages: JOURNALIST: Australia model. You said you don't want people to go backwards. Does that mean you support a wage hike of at least 5.1 per cent to keep up with inflation? ALBANESE: Absolutely.

  10. 10 de maig

    This was one of the National Press Club debates we wanted to hold but could not hold because the government side would not commit.

  11. ha retuitat
    10 de maig

    'Unsatisfied': Scott Morrison confronted on campaign trail over Australia's Afghan refugee intake

  12. 10 de maig

    Huge work here by Jessica Irvine on tracking promises. It’s a double-page spread in today. You want policy coverage? Here:

  13. 10 de maig

    Correction — seat of Reid, apols.

    Mostra el fil
  14. 10 de maig

    Qantas says they’re looking for 40 to 60 people right now at Sydney airport — customer service, ground staff, baggage. Part of hiring a couple of thousand, they say.

  15. 10 de maig

    We’re at a jobs fair in the seat of Bennelong. Takes me back to job searches I would rather forget, to be honest.

    Mostra el fil
  16. 10 de maig

    I was asked about the debate on . Viewers got a real debate. Human, vigorous. Not speechifying. Also: I could not lunge from desk to save the leaders from each other. Or from themselves. Please listen, if you don’t mind hearing an opinion you may disagree with:

  17. 10 de maig

    On integrity, the question to Scott Morrison today — are you a buffoon when you call the NSW ICAC a kangaroo court? On this story:

  18. 10 de maig

    The PM has been in the Sydney suburb of Epping to announce money for the local bridge. In past campaigns the party leader might visit the bridge — even meet locals. Not this campaign.

  19. 10 de maig

    Took a long time to get this negotiated. Well done Andrew and

  20. 9 de maig

    Worth hearing Sarah's assessment of the debate last night. It was a vigorous argument, yes. Not actually "shouty" in that studio.

  21. 9 de maig

    Standing ovation for Scott Morrison at this Nowra event, seat of Gilmore. Undecided voters? He’s not meeting them here.


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