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How Sinn Fein went from ‘pariah’ party to Irish political powerhouse

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How Sinn Fein went from ‘pariah’ party to Irish political powerhouse

By Ray Bassett

The outcome of the Northern Ireland assembly election showed that the Sinn Fein party was the clear winner. The latest opinion polls in the Republic of Ireland put the same party in pole position to win the next Irish general election.

The current predominant position of Sinn Fein politically, in both jurisdictions, represents a remarkable turnaround in its fortunes. The march of this previously “pariah” party to the centre of power in Dublin and Belfast is a rejection of the current status quo and the long stranglehold of Irish politics by conservative parties, north and south.

Sinn Fein northern leader, Michelle ONeill and Sinn Fein leader, Mary Lou McDonald take a selfie as they celebrate the historic win.

Sinn Fein northern leader, Michelle ONeill and Sinn Fein leader, Mary Lou McDonald take a selfie as they celebrate the historic win.Credit:Getty

Sinn Fein is unashamedly populist but unlike many populist parties in much of the rest of Europe, it regards itself as a left-wing political organisation. It is pro-immigration, in favour of the welfare state, abortion, environmentally conscious, and economically protecting the most vulnerable in society. It combines this with a distrust of unfettered globalisation, corporate power and, unique among Irish political parties, a healthy critical attitude to Euro federalism. It describes itself as Euro critical rather than sceptical. It does, however, give credit to Brussels for standing up to London during the Brexit negotiations.

It blends this in with a heavy dose of traditional Irish republicanism, including strong antipathy towards the conservative government in London and especially towards the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

In the North, there was always a strong vein of anti-British feeling which Sinn Fein has successfully tapped into. The long years of discrimination against the nationalist (largely Catholic) element of the population gives Sinn Fein a reservoir of resentment against the establishment which it has co-opted to its advantage in recent elections. In the past, many traditional republicans in Northern Ireland did not vote. With demographic changes and the disappearance of the Protestant majority there, these voters have started coming out at elections in strong numbers.


However, the primary impetus for Sinn Fein’s rise in Northern Ireland has been the intransigence of unionism and its failure to accommodate the political aspirations of its nationalist neighbours. Strong unionist antipathy towards the indigenous Irish culture and especially the Irish language, as well as resistance to social change, have driven the nationalist community to the more uncompromising Sinn Fein positions, and away from more moderate nationalists. The current failure of the main unionist party, the Democratic Unionist Party to form a new cross-community government post the assembly election, as required by the Good Friday power-sharing agreement, is further evidence to the nationalist side that the unionists will not agree to equality.

The DUP claims that the sticking point is a Brexit legacy trade arrangement between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, but most nationalists believe its intransigence is because the party will not accept a nationalist first minister. Some DUP spokespersons were openly saying they would not accept the election result if Sinn Fein won.

In the Republic, the Sinn Fein demand for equal treatment for nationalists in the North brings it some support, but its appeal is much broader than that. The Republic has become one of the wealthiest states in the European Union and these newfound riches have brought a lot of inequality. While the macroeconomic data for the Irish state may look impressive, many ordinary citizens fail to see it in their own living standards. This rapid economic growth has put pressure on public services, increased the cost of living, driven rent and house prices through the roof and impacted generally on the quality of life.


Tackling inequality has been at the centre of Sinn Fein’s appeal.

Much of the state’s economic success has come from creating a very favourable environment for foreign direct investment and embracing globalisation wholeheartedly. This has created the perception that the government and the conservative parties in the Republic are operating an unfair system which favours the rich. Special tax arrangements for international property investors (known locally as vulture funds), whereby they have been racking up obscene profits without paying any tax at all, has infuriated taxpayers. Tackling inequality has been at the centre of Sinn Fein’s appeal.

In addition, Sinn Fein has managed to develop very articulate and able spokespersons in both Belfast and Dublin in areas such as finance, housing and health. This has helped it shed its old image as the political wing of a paramilitary organisation, the IRA. The identification of Sinn Fein with the IRA has rapidly faded, especially among young voters, where Sinn Fein has very strong support in both the Republic and the North. It has been replaced by an image of a dynamic and radical organisation, challenging a tired establishment

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald (left) with the party’s leader in Northern Ireland, Michelle O’Neill.

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald (left) with the party’s leader in Northern Ireland, Michelle O’Neill.Credit:Getty Images

There is much speculation about the implications of Sinn Fein’s victories on the prospects of the North leaving the UK to form a new all-Ireland state with the Republic. There is no doubt that Sinn Fein will use its electoral success to press for Irish reunification. However, a referendum can only be called in the North by the British government after evidence is shown that it is likely that a majority would support change. The recent assembly election did not demonstrate this, despite the Sinn Fein success.

While the results of the recent election do not herald an imminent change in the constitutional position, the continued decline in unionist support, demographic changes in Northern Ireland, and the growing disparity between the relatively weaker economic performance of Northern Ireland to that of the Republic, all are long-term trends making Irish unity more likely at a future date.

Dr Ray Bassett is a former Irish ambassador to Canada. He was involved in the negotiation and drafting of the Good Friday Agreement and is a Pynter Fellow at Yale University.

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