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The free #JustiaAskALawyer forum helps consumers find answers to their basic legal questions while helping lawyers connect with more clients! Check out this recent Justia Onward post to learn more about some of the trends on the platform last quarter. #JustiaForAll
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📈👩🏻‍💻⚖️With the first quarter of 2022 behind us & the second quarter well underway, we are taking a look at some of the data and trends on our #JustiaAskALawyer forum so far this year. 📊👨🏻‍💻🌐Keep reading to learn more. #JustiaForAll #LegalAnswers #Marketing

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Check out the latest from to learn how your law firm can take advantage of a #PPC branding campaign to stay ahead of competitors and reach more clients. #LegalMarketing
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🕵🏻‍♂️⚖️Competing #lawfirms may be buying your firm’s name and encroaching into your #brand’s space on #Google.✋🏻💼💡Want to better protect your law firm’s digital presence? 🌐👨🏻‍💻Discover why your firm should consider a #PPC branding campaign. #JustiaForAll
A former Colorado police officer shown on body camera video roughly arresting a 73-year-old woman with dementia and later seen joking about it with colleagues was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison. via
In light of the reported decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, some are calling for people to delete their period-tracking apps amid fears that the data they collect could be used to target and punish those seeking an abortion. via
Live chat can help you better connect with your client base. Consider these pros and cons to help you decide whether live chat will be a good fit for your law firm. #JustiaForAll
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👩🏻‍💻💬#LiveChat is not a one-size-fits-all #marketing and technological solution.👨🏻‍💻✉️However, it can enhance a #LawFirm’s website and provide strategic benefits.🌐Learn a few pros and cons to help you decide whether a live chat solution may be right for you.
The Walgreens pharmacy chain has reached a $683 million settlement with the state of Florida in a lawsuit accusing the company of improperly dispensing millions of painkillers that contributed to the opioid crisis. via
Happy Cinco de Mayo from Justia! This holiday commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today we celebrate Mexican culture, food, and traditions. #JustiaForAll #CincodeMayo
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The Department of Justice has announced criminal charges against 14 defendants in eight federal districts across the United States for their alleged involvement in crimes related to the unlawful distribution of opioids. via
The company behind the TurboTax tax-filing program will pay $141 million to customers across the United States who were deceived by misleading promises of free tax-filing services, New York’s attorney general announced Wednesday. via