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Ciencia Nueva journal (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales -UBA, 1970-1974) contains and expresses certain central debates -in particular the tensions between autonomy and state planification at the university and science, and the... more
S’il etait possible de remonter le temps et que nous choisissions de visiter la ville de Gottingen au XVIIIe siecle, nous serions peut-etre surpris de remarquer le long des murs et des trottoirs de longues eraflures, trace d’une epee... more
With this proposal, we wish to revisit the Idea of the University in the perspective of the democratic project of the American philosopher and pragmatist John Dewey. Our hypothesis consists in the thesis that the deweyen project confronts... more
This study aims to determine the perceptions of the high school students about the university and the underlying reasons for these perceptions. The model of this study is descriptive, and it is designed based on qualitative research... more
El presente estudio aborda la comprensión del significado de las ayudantías desde la perspectiva de las personas ayudantes de las carreras de Psicología e Ingeniería Comercial de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado en Chile. Se utilizó una... more
Although Marina Lewycka’s novel „A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian” is traditionally mentioned in the context of immigrant literature, it might prove to be more interesting if viewed from the perspective of the academic novel. A... more
Lately, the debates on teaching-practices in the online mode have given grounds to ask a fundamental question, does pedagogy really matter? For educationists, it surely does. But, what idea of pedagogy prevails upon the pedagogues, the... more
This book presents an in-depth look at the state of transnational education and comparative perspectives on education systems between Germany and other nation states. It explores how a transnational education identity in secondary and... more
The focus of the thesis is on the policy changes at the public universities in Croatia in 2001-2013 time period. The topic is approached from historical institutionalism theoretical framework and managed through specific policy change... more
Escalated by mid-January 2020, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound effect on all aspects of society, including the education activities in higher education. Colleges and universities globally are taking... more
Los estudiantes universitarios estan permanentemente conectados a Internet y demuestran una notable destreza tecnologica. No obstante, esta no siempre va acompanada de la competencia informacional, entendida como la capacidad critica de... more
Tomando como punto de partida y eje de la reflexión algunos aportes de los maestros Manuel F García García, Cristian Pulido Melo y Mateo Salazar Uribe, se analiza la problemática de ¨la inclusión¨ de personas en situación de discapacidad... more
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot y R. H. Moreno-Durán fueron escritores muy polémicos y críticos con el devenir intelectual y académico del país en el último medio siglo. Asumiendo como eje de la reflexión la literatura y el hito de la revista... more
The rise of digital journalism is directly related to the development of new technologies in the field of professional practice. This process is revolutionizing the craft of journalism, and especially the tools and techniques which he... more
Student dropout is a global phenomenon. For many reasons (individual, social, political, economic), it is considered a serious problem. The specialized bibliography usually deals either with all students or it focuses specifically on new... more
Sebagai negara kecil dan berkembang, pendidikan telah lama menjadi bagian yang sangat penting dalam pembangunan sosial negara. Sebelum Kemerdekaan, sistem pendidikan telah digunakan untuk memisahkan lebih lanjut etnis yang berbeda dan... more
This article analyses one case of pedagogic innovation in the field of the university teaching of online journalism. The examined initiative has sought to develop Transversal Competencies (TC), useful for emotional, creative training and... more
In the current context of constant educational change and adaptation, this book examines a range of Educational Innovation Projects (EIPs) aimed at dynamizing and improving teaching-learning processes in the field of Social Communication... more
Hedabide digital natiboen gorakadak eta hedabide tradizionalek jasandako krisi ekonomikoak eta irakurlegoaren beherakadak hedabideen ekosistemaren eraldaketa eragin dute. Testuinguru horretan, hedabide digitalekin, sare sozialekin eta... more
This paper describes an innovative pedagogic initiative for training Communication and Journalism university students. This initiative has been designed within the framework of a funded project financed. This has seeked to train future... more
This study analyses and presents accounting academics' experiences in six universities in Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia to adapt to the swift change to the remote virtual classroom delivery model forced by the COVID-19 pandemic,... more
Conceptualmente los estilos de aprendizaje se entienden como variables personales que a mitad de camino entre la inteligencia y la personalidad explican las diferentes formas de abordar, planificar y responder ante las demandas del... more
Este artículo de revisión analiza alternativas de indagación, cercanas a la sociología, utilizadas para comprender la experiencia estudiantil en la universidad. Se revisó literaturaproducida en América Latina y complementada con algunos... more
R&D is one of the most important roles of universities. Many previous studies examined the impact of financial factor on university R&D activities but reached no consensus view. This article contributes to the current literature by... more
Abstract Historically, the Romania economy competed on low wages, but since 2007 close to 4 million citizens emigrated, eroding that advantage and increasing spending on students and pensioners. Romania is looking for alternatives, and... more
Tot i l’alt nombre d’estudiants matriculats en cursos de llengua catalana fora del domini lingüístic (6.690, segons dades de l’Institut Ramon Llull), encara disposem de molt pocs estudis que defineixin el perfil d’aquests nous parlants de... more
Currently universities need to be competitive. The current environment forces universities to design strategies where the student becomes the center of their activity. Elements such as student satisfaction become key performance... more
Samples of adult bees (Apis mellifera) and bees brood collected from 31 apiaries in western Romania have been examined for diagnosis in varroasis and in bees brood infectious and contagious diseases: ascosferosis, aspergillosis, European... more
This article has two main objectives: to show how Ambroise Kom raises the question of the legitimation of Knowledge in Francophone Africa and to present the way he proposes to the continent to overcome subalternity and theoretical... more
El presente estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la relación que existe entre la responsabilidad social universitaria y la calidad del servicio administrativo en la universidad. El método fue hipotético deductivo, siendo una... more
Les violences sexuelles en milieu universitaire (VSMU) sont une problématique s’inscrivant dans un contexte social plus large de violences envers les femmes (Comité permanent de la condition féminine, 2017). Les violences sexuelles... more
Resumen: El trabajo presenta una caracterización del campo de los posgrados en educación en la Argentina. Se describen datos de: tipos de posgrados, temáticas en los que se especializan, tipo de gestión, ubicación regional, inserción... more
Creativity is often misunderstood due to inconsistencies concerning the definition of creativity, the methodologies used to explain creativity as a phenomenon and the various measurement instruments to determine creative ability. This... more
RESUMEN El alto número de estudiantes que fracasa el primer año en educación superior en Chile ha llevado al Ministerio de Educación a crear estrategias de acompañamiento, como forma de elevar índices de retención y evitar la deserción... more
The results found from the application of two instruments that explore implicit theories and teaching practices about inclusive education in a group of undergraduate Chilean teachers are presented. Diversification of university students... more
Statistics on international students distinguish between diploma mobility (full-time students abroad) and credit mobility (part-time courses, student exchanges such as Erasmus+, etc.). In terms of economic benefits, their common feature... more
University mission: The fight for reform at the Catholic University in ChileThe author asks about the mission of the university understood as an axiologically defined way of life. She follows the history of the university reform in Chile... more
The paper highlighted definitions or concept of inter faculty transfer and the procedures to be followed when inter faculty transfer is to be conducted. A sample survey technique was employed. The paper discussed on possible reasons... more
Bu calismanin amaci; Beard ve Ragheb (1980) tarafindan gelistirilmis olan Serbest Zaman Tatmin Olcegi’nin universite ogrencileri icin gecerlilik ve guvenilirligini tespit etmektir. Calismanin orneklem grubunu, yas ortalamasi 21.05 ±2.06... more
Pastures and grasslands from prehistoric times have been playing a vital role in the economy of human beings by providing fodder for livestock. In Himalayan region forests and pastures spread over 12 states (east to west) accounting for... more
La presente obra integra las discusiones y análisis de los profesores universitarios que conforman la Red de Cuerpos Académicos "Educación, Política y Universidad", quienes se reunieron en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional el... more
Ce travail de thèse part d'une idée simple : ce que l'on fait, ce que l'on vit nous change. Or au sein des expériences collectives vécues, l'une tend à devenir de plus en plus partagée : le passage par des études... more
The transition to college represents a major life event, and successfully navigating this shift has implications for students’ psychosocial wellbeing. While there is ample support for the idea that social relationships can facilitate... more
This article presents the results from a qualitative research oriented towards analyzing the way the concept of science is understood in universities and how such understanding defines the development of academic research in this area.... more
A hallgatók mentális egészségének megőrzésére valamint javítására óriási figyelmet kellene fektetni minden felsőoktatási intézménynek. Ennek oka, hogy egy hallgató, a felsőoktatásban töltött évei során, az ébrenléti óráinak közel felét az... more
This study analyses and presents accounting academics' experiences in six universities in Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia to adapt to the swift change to the remote virtual classroom delivery model forced by the COVID-19 pandemic,... more
Questo volume raccoglie ed estende il progetto Ricerca Precaria che nel 2015 ha rilanciato un dibattito fruttuoso sul nesso tra precarietà e accademia attraverso una serie di seminari itineranti. Riflette sulla precarietà nell’università... more
Negli ultimi anni studiose e studiosi hanno lavorato, e stanno lavoran- do, sul nesso tra precarieta e accademia, con diversi approcci e diverse focalizzazioni: mobilita, genere, carriera, mobilitazione politica, per no- minarne solo... more
An der Universität Augsburg wird seit dem Sommersemester 2012 eine Studie zur Nutzung von Tablets im Studium durchgeführt(Projekt "UniPAd"). Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt drei grundsätzliche Themen aus den bisher durchgeführten... more
Lograr la participación estudiantil en las universidades resulta uno de los retos actuales más importantes desde el punto de vista pedagógico, social e integral de la educación. Este artículo plantea una reflexión sobre el papel que... more