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Many of the most disturbing images of the last decade of the twentieth century have depicted horrific episodes of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and protracted ethnic or communal conflicts. In fact, post-Cold War world politics seems to have been... more
This research study examines the relationship between tribalism and ethically suspect behaviors, and tribalism and corruption. The work is also an examination of whether tribalism is a unique cultural behavior that is different from... more
Boundaries are mere artifacts that have little basis in reality. It is we ourselves who create them, and the entities they delineate are, therefore, figments of our own mind. — Eviatar Zerubavel, The Fine Line, p. 3 I don't know the... more
(2019), “Interrogating the Tribal: the aporia of ‘tribalism’ in the sociological study of the Middle East”, British Journal of Sociology, 70 (5), 1799-1824. In this paper, we intend to deconstruct the term ‘tribalism’ as a colonial... more
Based on in-depth oral interviews carried out in Mogadishu, Somalia, and countries neighboring Somalia in 2009 and 2013, our purpose in this study is to map the nature of prejudice and hate discourse used by Somalis against the Bantu... more
Foragers, farmers and pastoralists is my third big book project. My research started out on similarities between gifted and ASD children and was titled The Hunter-Gatherer Neurotribe. In it I hypothesised that the usually four... more
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
Kadin sunneti, insanlik kadar eski bir olgudur. Bugun dunya'da 30 ulkede uygulanmaktadir. Kadin sunnetinin en cok goruldugu yerler Misir, Kenya ve Etiyopya'dir. Bircok kabile, kadin sunnetini uygular. Bu bilimsel calismamda en cok bilinen... more
An introduction to disinformation and the three cognitive weaknesses of human beings that it depends upon for its effectiveness.
In our time, Western states have to abandon the classical concept of a nation as a culturally integral community and to look for solutions to the problem of supporting the unity of their citizens while preserving the cultural diversity... more
Compte rendu de Hassan Rachik, Symboliser la nation par Hajar Dehhani "Un essai édifiant qui nous permet de reconsidérer les actions du mouvement national marocain et de les voir sous un nouveau jour : celui d’actions qui ont joué un... more
Tribalism is rife all over the world. Unfortunately it is more fragmented nowadays than 30 years ago when the Berlin Wall was torn down. In this short book I will argue that our triblistic tendencies stem from three evolutionary... more
A story of the author's visit of Erediauwa, the Oba (King) of Benin in 2005.
Animal ethicists have been debating the morality of speciesism for over forty years. Despite rather persuasive arguments against this form of discrimination, many philosophers continue to assign humans a higher moral status than nonhuman... more
This research project investigates the links between state indigeneity and Nigeria’s national identity using Lagos and Jos (Plateau State) as case-studies. It deconstructs the institutional and historical aspects of state... more
The culture of corruption has grown roots in Kenyan society at large and has become an endemic. Institutions, which were designed for the regulation of the relationships between citizens and the State, are being used instead for the... more
This study examines the relationship between tribal factors of ethnic fractionalization, group grievance, gender inequality, indigenous population, and the country’s level of corruption. This study also explains how tribalism causes... more
This book studies the clan traditions in the political and social life of the Republic of Tuva from its beginning to the present, and how various political systems (monarchy, soviet and post-soviet) were intertwined with clan traditions
Tribalism is at the forefront of public discussion across the political spectrum in America today. Zombie stories have also risen to unprecedented popularity. Amid present-day racial, political, and otherwise tribal tensions, the story I... more
Tribal bodies in the North-east, with perniciously self-serving leaders at the helm, usurp the role of constitutionally recognised traditional institutions.
The word “tribalism” has become the new cant expression. Linguist Geoff Nunberg nominated it as the word of the year 2017. The current usage of “political tribalism” stems from Yale Law School professor Amy Chua’s 1918 book Political... more
Beneath the surface of honour A study on the interplay of Islam and tribal patriarchy in relation to crimes of honour in Jordan
Lidé jsou skupinoví tvorové, ale také rádi vše kategorizují. Spojení obou vlastností vede k tomu, že rozlišujeme mezi členy naší skupiny a „těmi druhými“, kteří mezi nás nepatří. Z evolučního hlediska má dělení my versus oni nepochybně... more
A Balantização, ou o fomentar (in) consciente do tribalismo na Guiné-Bissau
The theme of market-dominant minorities underlies Amy Chua’s latest book, Political Tribes, which examines domestic identity politics and the effects of foreign identity politics on U.S. foreign policy. Chua’s focus on tribalism, that... more
This is corrected copy prepared for a discussion by older adults of the Biblical Book of Jonah (Yom Kippur 5776/2015), based on an essay growing out of teaching Jonah to "college-age" undergraduates, most specifically for a Senior... more
Riprendo e rielaboro in forma saggistica un testo che ho presentato recentemente in ambito mediatico-divulgativo in occasione di un fatto di cronaca avvenuto nella primavera del 2021: la scomparsa della diciottenne italo-pachistana Saman... more
This paper is concerned with the subjugation and oppression of women in the southern region of Pakistan. Women are constantly subjugated by patriarchy and male dominance. This research paper will identify Pakistani Muslim women in rural... more
Like many of us, I have friends who are from New York who have settled permanently in Florida. The friends I am referring to live just outside of Orlando. They have lived there for over 20 years. They are both in their 70s and when they... more
In The WEIRDest People in the World (2020) Joseph Henrich discusses the problem of scaling up primitive societies and turning them into complex ones. Joseph's answer is that intergroup competition (e.g. stealing and raiding of corn and... more
Tribalism: The state or fact of being organized in a tribe or tribes. The behaviour and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group. Trump's former defense secretary Mattis blasts president as a threat to... more
For Nepantleras, “to bridge is an act of will, an act of love, an attempt toward compassion and reconciliation, and a promise to be present with the pain of others without losing themselves to it” (Anzaldúa & Keating 4). This piece... more
This article surveys the reasons that Arab tribalism, or qabaliyya, has been traditionally associated with nomadism, deserts, and rural populations. This commonplace is present not only in the West, but also in the mentality of urban... more
This study assesses the relationship between tribalism (the tribalism index) and government effectiveness (per the World Bank) in 60 countries using cross-sectional data. This study finds that countries with high tribal populations... more
ABSTRACT This article surveys the reasons that Arab tribalism, or qabaliyya, has been traditionally associated with nomadism, deserts, and rural populations. This commonplace is present not only in the West, but also in the mentality of... more