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What happens with ‘’Reformasi’’ (the Reform Movement/ Era)? After tha fall of Soeharto’s New Order regime, Indonesia come into chaotic situation with many religious and ethnic conflicts. Separatism has erupted and corruption has been so... more
What happens with ‘’Reformasi’’ (the Reform Movement/ Era)? After tha fall of Soeharto’s New Order regime, Indonesia come into chaotic situation with many religious and ethnic conflicts. Separatism has erupted and corruption has been so... more
One feature of the neo/liberal possessive self is the propertied character of certain beliefs: treated as belonging to those who hold them, recognized and supported in acting on the world, and protected. While an ownership paradigm... more
IntroductionIn this article we set out to analyse, from an archaeological point of view, a political problem which, as demonstrated by current debate, including acts of violence, goes well beyond archaeology. Throughout the 19th century,... more
Community organizations have played a major role in the delivery of social services in Québec since the 1970s. Their activities aimed to provide an alternative to the heteronomous, bureaucratic practices of the public sector. But their... more
La construction de la nation angolaise se caracterise par deux elements essentiels qui constituent en meme temps la base permanente de son unite: ladifference comme recherche necessaire d’une identite culturelle, fondement elementaire de... more
En deux siecles la notion de solidarite a beaucoup evolue. En France la protection sociale est aujourd'hui tres etendue. Mais l'Etat providence pourra-t-il assumer le role qu'il s'est assigne : celui de maintenir la... more
En este artículo adelantaremos algunas pistas de reflexión extraídas de dos investigaciones sobre, por un lado la institucionalidad participativa en Ecuador, y por otro la materialidad del Estado ecuatoriano en el contexto de la reforma... more
Cette thèse porte dans une perspective sociohistorique et ethnographique sur le mouvement piquetero en Argentine et ses transformations successives durant les années 2000 en un vaste réseau d’organisation prestataires de services. Ce... more
Abstract The thought of Gabriel Tarde has recently been presented as a radical alternative to a modernist tradition in social theory that continues to rely on supposedly moribund concepts of class, action, statehood, and the like.... more
El presente escrito aborda la distribución del ingreso en la economía desde la perspectiva funcional y personal. Toma en cuenta, mediante una función de producción ampliada, el efecto marginal de la inversión pública en la dinámica de... more
Two modes of whale use have been documented on the Northwest Coast of North America, namely systematic whale hunting and whale scavenging. Ethnographically, systematic hunting was practiced only by Native groups of southwestern Vancouver... more
This article analyzes whether political violence and constitutional legality were democratically compatible in Bolivia, during the period between “La Revolucion Conservadora” (1839) and “La Batalla de Ingavi” (1841). First of all, special... more