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This document contains excerpts from the book Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies by Dr. Ferzana Chaze, Dr. Bethany Osborne, Ms. Archana Medhekar and Dr. Purnima George that have been translated into Spanish so that a... more
With the growing elusiveness of the state apparatus in late modernity, military service is one of the last institutions to be clearly identified with the state, its ideologies and its policies. Therefore, negotiations between the military... more
This paper provides an in-depth, ‘case study’ style analysis of the experiences of two 13-year-old British Asian girls from a larger qualitative study investigating minority ethnic students’ aspirations in science. Through the lens of... more
Durante a mobilizacao de rua intitulada Marcha das Vadias, os atos interseccionais exibem corpos que performam e simbolizam a discussao sobre as violencias contra as mulheres, indo alem de questoes sobre roupa, envolvendo pautas como... more
Intersectionality as a theoretical framework argues for the need to account for people's multiple and intersecting social identities in understanding experiences of discrimination. We looked at the intersection of sexuality, gender,... more
INTRODUCTIONAccording to CDC, black communities continue to experience higher rates of Hiv/ AIDS than any other group in the United States (U.S.) (CDC, 2011). Black women, despite representing only 13% of the female U.S. population, make... more
The focus of this research is to consider the following questions: Are we using the appropriate conceptual framework in order to understand and terminate the practice of control and violence against women? What epistemic change do we need... more
Studies of racism against migrants have recently attempted to move away from the presumed dichotomy between whites and “Others”, yet the focus is still on white people racialising others: whether Black, Asian or Muslim. Attending only... more
A collaboration guide for early career researchers co-produced by 50+ doctoral students from 23 leading research-intensive universities across Europe during the 2019 LERU Doctoral Summer School held at The University of Edinburgh.
When Switzerland was created in 1848, one of its founding fathers went by the name of ‘Borneo Louis’. Before becoming a Swiss state builder, he had served as a mercenary in the Dutch East Indies. There he had founded a family with his... more
Feminist scholarship and movements worldwide have extensively engaged in theorising reproductive labour as an undervalued element of local and global political economies and have been pushing for the recognition of unpaid care and... more
Las diferentes sentencias DEL TJUE en el curso de procedimientos prejudiciales sobre cuestiones de actualidad, no sólo jurídica sino también social, relativas al uso del velo islámico por las trabajadoras han planteado un interrogante de... more
The specialisation of physicians but also of nurses is steadily increasing. What kind of tasks a person accomplishes within a hospital does not only depend on formal qualifications, but also on social categories such as gender, age, and... more
This article reports findings from a two-year case study of teachers in a single public high school. Data were gathered and analyzed using a concep-tual framework that conceived of alienation as a set of five sub-constructs:... more
Since form cannot be separated from content-the form of the story being (integral to) the story itself-there is no other way to say it without reforming it (that is, unintentionally modifying, augmenting, or narrowing it). -Trinh T... more
espanolEn este estudio partimos de pensar a las mujeres como agentes de cambio que se apropian de diferentes espacios de resistencia, para reivindicar demandas de mejora de las condiciones de genero y de la precariedad de sus vidas. A... more