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An assessment of the proximate causes, effects and factors contributing to fire prevalence was conducted in three districts covered by miombo woodlands in Eastern Tanzania. Three miombo woodlands under different management regimes... more
Remote mountainous regions are among the Earth’s last remaining wild spots, hosting rare ecosystems and rich biodiversity. Because of access difficulties and low population density, baseline information about natural and human-induced... more
This article analyzes the dynamic of forest fires in Costa Rica from a historical perspective. Its hypothesis is that changes in the productive structure as well as Costa Rica’s agricultural policy between 1950 and 1980 influenced on the... more
Rising temperatures are expected to increase wildfire activity in many regions of the world. Over the last 60 years in Mongolia, mean annual temperatures have increased ~2°C and the recorded frequency and spatial extent of forest and... more
The general objective of this study is to analyse the Aguada society’s abandonment of the Ambato Valley and the evidence related to this process, focusing on palaeoenvironmental factors. This question was associated with fire regimes in... more
ABSTRACT A new accessible and easy method for studying past fire events using ‘dry sediments’ is presented. The method was developed for analysing samples from 17 locations in the Ambato Valley, NW Argentina, to study fire regimes in the... more
Fire is an integral part of almost all ecosystems on Earth and an important factor in shaping our surroundings. Based on pedoanthracological research, we have reconstructed part of the past landscape and the paleoenvironmental context in... more
Reseñamos en este artículo las principales líneas de investigación llevadas a cabo en los últimos 15 años de investigaciones en el valle de Ambato (Catamarca, Argentina). Presentamos asimismo algunas de las discusiones y aportes al... more
O objetivo desta revisão é apontar alguns campos de investigação atuais em ecologia do fogo e os impactos do fogo na vegetação da Amazônia. A ocorrência de incêndios na Amazônia úmida parecia uma contradição até bem pouco tempo. O fogo é... more
Despite the fire is the least studied impact among the current disorders affecting tropical American palms, the Arecaceae family is ideal for studies of resilience and impacts. The present study was the first to quantify and describe the... more
INTRODUÇÃO: As fitofisionomias da Amazônia estão ameaçadas por diversos impactos e os incêndios florestais atualmente são considerados como principais modificadores da estrutura e diversidade das florestas, principalmente do sub-bosque.... more