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Wittgenstein has been considered one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century while being one of its most popular mystics. Considering the staunch secularization of philosophy during the Enlightenment, such combination is rarely... more
Even though the corona discourse emerged just in 2020 it addresses a question that has always been crucial in political communication: Who is trustworthy and who is not. This article deals with rhetorical techniques applied by former... more
Life is unison that cannot be divided into private and public parts, religious and secular parts, or material and spiritual parts. Because the religious and secular parts or material and spiritual parts are not two opposing forces that... more
Martin Kočí and Pavel Roubík deal with Tomáš Halík’s approach to religiosity in a postmodern context. They present Halík’s understanding of modern secular culture as a non-institutional “heterodox form of Christian faith”. In the... more
Introduction Nigerians are highly religious people. The Gallup International (2012) ranked Nigeria as the second most religious country in the world, based on a survey that shows that 93 per cent of her population tended to be religious.... more
Two episodes from the redactional history of Dei Verbum are taken as symbolic moments of the conceptual path, the Catholic Church came through in the Second Vatican Council. During the preparatory phase, the discussion around the Formula... more
İstanbul is one of the world’s oldest habitats. In terms of geopolitical location, the city is the conjunctional center point of Europe and Asia. From this point of view it is the cradle of civilizations. As being the heart of today’s... more
Abstract: Trust in the doctor-patient relationship is an indispensable structural element for the medical profession. The discourse concerning trust and its importance in the healthcare context, although quite old, elicits increasingly... more
Desde un enfoque interpretativo presentamos los resultados de lectura de Stromata V (89,1– 100,4) de Clemente de Alejandría, en orden a considerar la herencia clásica como instrumento para profundizar la comprensión de Dios. Nos interesa... more
Discuss the meaning and importance of hope in the context of pediatric palliative care. Describe strategies for identifying the hope of hild d f ili d id f i c ren an am es an eas or support ng their hope as it changes over time. O tli i... more
The paper serves as a reflection reflection on Motoi Yamamoto’s salt art installation 'Labyrinth' placed in the Jesuit Church of St Peter in Cologne in 2010. The reflection delves into the significance of the labyrinth in Medieval... more
טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, נפתלי רוטנברג, ירושלים תשפ"ב, 2022. Naftali Rothenberg Reason and Opinion Among Person to Person, God and Time טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, משתף את הקוראים בניסיונות חוזרים ונשנים... more
Recent trends in the study of pistis contribute to our understanding of belief in the Gospel of John. Beginning with one of the most recent studies on belief in John’s Gospel from Nadine Ueberschaer, it is evident that Johannine belief... more
An extended effort to discuss the nature, scope, and rationality conditions on Kant's account of "Belief" or "faith" (Glaube). It is familiar that Kant thinks various claims that cannot be objects of knowledge may be the proper object of... more
Le Bayefallisme est une branche à l'intérieur de la voie soufie de Mouridiyya qui met de l'avant l'importance du travail pour les autres. Les disciples Baye Fall sont majoritairement sénégalais et renégocient leur... more
The following verses and many others, have divided followers of Yeshua Mashiach for over 2,000 years.
Abstract:  By the second half of the eleventh century,  in the Christian West,  the theological doctrine of St. Anslem sought to re‐establish the place of  reason  within  the  domain  of  faith. Anselm  arrived  at  a possible... more