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Food waste has emerged recently as one of the major environmental and socio-economic issues that humanity faces. Analysis on the subject are at the early stage and the concordance on methodologies need to be developed. This report reviews... more
reality in a food system and rural world that has been devastated by industrial food production and its so-called Green and Blue Revolutions. We see Agroecology as a key form of resistance to an economic system that puts profit before... more
The Green Revolution not only failed to ensure safe and abundant food production for all people, but it was launched under the assumptions that abundant water and cheap energy to fuel modern agriculture would always be available and that... more
Every civilization has specific social-cultural rituals for eating, and contemporary Japan is a particularly interesting case. The architects of the Japanese food policy use a special respect for food in two ways: first, as a tool of soft... more
En el marco de politicas dirigidas a la reduccion de la desnutricion, a la erradicacion del hambre y al fomento del sector rural, existen diferentes conceptualizaciones y tendencias de acuerdo a la naturaleza de sus impulsores. La... more
Si bien los movimientos sociales y políticos son generalmente el ámbito de las luchas por la soberanía alimentaria, las prácticas cotidianas de aprovisionamiento son fundamentales para la persistencia de sistemas alimentarios locales y... more
Las mujeres, particularmente las campesinas, han tenido un rol fundamental en la construccion de procesos de soberania alimentaria. Distintas investigaciones, como Lara (1995), Deere y Leon (2000) y Mundubat (2012), han evidenciado la... more
Health food access continues to be a focus of research, policy, and activism on a global scale. In the USA, healthy corner store initiatives seek to improve food access and health outcomes, with particular attention to urban, low-income... more
Moveable Gardens explores how biodiversity and food can counter the alienation caused by displacement. By offering in-depth studies on a variety of regions, this volume carefully considers various forms of sanctuary-making within... more
Nutrition, food systems, and the biodiversity of food and agriculture (agrobiodiversity) are rapidly changing among indigenous smallholders in the Andean countries, across Latin America, and globally Urgent calls for food sovereignty... more
This paper discuses integration between Green Islam and an agro - ecological movement in establishing food sovereignty practiced by a community of  Pesantren Ath - Thariq  Garut, West Java. They have struggled for food sovereignty through... more
Food sovereignty is an alternative approach attempting to resolve the world’s current food crisis. This approach emphasizes small-scale farmers as the main actors in a food and agricultural system. It encourages small-scale farmers to... more
The Venezuelan food sovereignty movement represents an attempt by the government to establish a national food system that strives to provide equitable food access by offering multitiered, decentralized strategies supported by legislation.... more