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In cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH)–pyometra syndrome, toxic factors and endometrial remodeling culminate in changes characterized by exudative and degenerative inflammatory reaction. Recent studies on hemodynamic found an increased... more
EnglishThe volume of available and expanding digital information to which Open Access to information contributes entails new challenges for libraries. These, which have always had as objective the access to good quality information, face... more
Desde a Declaracao de Budapeste em fevereiro de 2002 que se discute a questao do acesso livre e universal ao conhecimento cientifico, procurando explorar as potencialidades abertas pela tecnologia digital e o modo como os processos e... more
Now-a-days, while a mature system of preservation and conservation (PAC) technology and methodology exists world wide to achieve the systematic PAC of world's cultural heritage, the PAC programs of Bangladesh National Archives (the... more
Excess capacity and overfishing are problems in the open-access, common-pool fisheries of the Java Sea. Data development analysis is used to estimate excess fishing capacity and the number of vessels to decommission in three Java Sea... more
Familial glomerular hematuria(s) comprise a genetically heterogeneous group of conditions which include Alport Syndrome (AS) and thin basement membrane nephropathy (TBMN). Here we investigated 57 Greek-Cypriot families presenting... more
This paper examines functional aspects of the internet Web Sites that (re)present Greek Higher Educational Departments and Institutes and focuses on the promotion and dissemination of their educational and scientific results. The study... more