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a b s t r a c t The framing of issues of migration and clandestine travel in the European Union are tied up with a historically-specific ethos towards the outsider, which, after philosopher Jacques Rancière, I term a "count".... more
Taking up the challenge of understanding power in its complexity, this volume returns to and revitalises the concept of ‘authority’. It provides a powerful analysis of the ways that relationships of trust, attachment, governance and... more
Aux cotes de la toponymie etymologique qui contribue a l’histoire de l’occupation humaine des milieux, se developpe une toponymie politique ou critical toponymy. Celle-ci porte davantage sur les processus de nomination que sur les... more
O presente artigo visa discutir a municipalização da saúde noBrasil, tendo em vista as referências da Geografia Política eda Ciência Política, em geral. Para isso, é analisada a questãoda participação da comunidade e da forma em que... more
Page 1. WOMEN AND WORK IN _ MEXICO S MAQUILADORAS •, * Page 2. Page 3. Women and Work in Mexico's Maquiladoras This One Y7EH-D3X-FF55 Page 4. Page 5. Women and Work in Mexico's Maquiladoras Altha J. Cravey ...