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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Ukrainian describes 25 nights tied to a railing in a basement outside Chernihiv

    Sixty-year-old Mykola Klymchuk describes scenes of horror when held by Russian soldiers in a basement.

  2. Russian aluminium producer calls for war crime inquiry

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    Friday's Financial Times leads with reports that aluminium producer Rusal has become the first Russian group to call for an inquiry into alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

    Ukraine says more than 300 civilians were killed by the Russians in Bucha, although Moscow denies any involvement.

    Unlike a number of other Russian companies, Rusal is not the target of sanctions, although its billionaire founder Oleg Deripaska is.

    The war in Ukraine and the backlash against it have also wreaked havoc on Rusal's supply chains.

    In a statement on Wednesday, it wrote that it was shocked by reports from the city of Bucha in recent days.

    "We support an objective and impartial investigation of this crime and call for severe punishment for the perpetrators. No matter how hard it may seem in the context of ongoing information war," it said.

    The company also called for "an early peaceful resolution of this conflict, to preserve priceless human lives and return to normalcy."

  3. Video content

    Video caption: French winemakers fan flames to save 2022 crop

    Sudden and sharp frosts in France this week are threatening this year's vintage.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: Ukraine war: ‘Leave no ambulance behind’

    Cwm Taf Morganwg's Dr Mateo Szmidt says he thinks Wales’ ambulances are “bombproof”.