HuffPost Personal

"They die there in the hospital. ... They were transgender and took their life. They were 10 years old."
"It’s critical to consider the vast populace who want to participate and contribute to our society but can’t due to something outside their control."
"After nearly five years of treatment with no resulting improvement in Sammi’s condition, a doctor admitted ... he had not read her extensive medical chart."
"More than 60% of U.S. women are considered plus-size, or 'fat,' individuals, yet when I’m looking at the promotional media... of these businesses, I don't see even a hint of body diversity."
"For the past two years, I have wanted a megaphone to drown out the voices of those who didn’t seem to mind if their policies landed me in a body bag."
"While I had noticed my weight gain when working from home, I wasn’t aware of it on a minute-by-minute basis, and I certainly didn’t have to worry about what anyone else thought about it."
“It’s the small things — like being told that I’m ‘making things out to be worse than they are’ or that I’m ‘not being positive enough’ — that can hurt more than my illness.”
"I’ve come out as gay, as trans, as a sex worker. But halfway through 2021, I was diagnosed with HIV — and suddenly, I was back in the closet."
"Friends have warned me that if this story receives national attention, the church will see it and I may face excommunication."
"Hesitantly, I undressed, knowing this was the first time in decades a man other than my husband was seeing my body."