Adecco has 17 branches around New Zealand, each branch has made a commitment to have a staff member dedicated to the Adecco Group Athlete Career Programme and working with athletes.

Adecco NZ has a Social Responsibility Manager who is committed to
the Athlete Career Programme and the athletes 100%. The Manager is the primary point of contact for all the HPSNZ advisors and referrals. The referrals are managed on an on going basis.

Part of this role is to increase the aware of the Athlete Career Programme and Adecco in general with the athletes.  This includes:

  • Being part of workshops to talk through CV writing, interview tips, basic coaching of athletes in preparation for entering the workforce
  • Setting athletes up with online learning
  • Having a presence at national sporting events to talk one on one with Athletes about the Athlete Career Programme and/or work and career opportunities
  • Having an open relationship with the HPSNZ advisors so the two parties can work collectively for the good of the athletes.

The programme clearly defines who and how Adecco can help athletes. These may not necessarily be Paralympians but will be what is considered Elite Athletes, that is someone training to represent their country at the highest level. Adecco’s goal is to help as many athletes as possible with the best support possible. 

For more information contact: or +64 9 309 7572