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Medicine shortages

A medicine shortage occurs when there is unlikely to be enough of a medicine in Australia for the people who need to take it. Suppliers must report shortages of prescription medicines and a small number of over-the-counter medicines to the TGA.

Each shortage listed on our medicine shortages reports page refers to a single product. There are usually alternative brands, strengths or dose forms of the same medicine available.

Read the latest medicine shortage alerts and other updates

Options for alternative medicines, including medicines approved for import and supply during a shortage (s. 19A approvals)

Understand medicine shortages and what to do if your medicine is affected

General medicine shortage information and what to do if your patient’s medicine is in shortage

Contact us

If you have an enquiry about medicine shortages, use the following contact details.

Health professionals and consumers

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 1800 020 653 (free call within Australia)
