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Generally favorable reviews- based on 226 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 21 out of 226
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  1. Gaz
    May 17, 2012
    Alright, so Mortal Kombat has finally hit the Vita. Now, I've been waiting for this game for a while and trust me when I say that both newcomers and fans of the the series won't be dissapointed by this portable port. The amount of "kontent" in the Vita version is amazing. For 40 bucks you get a full-fledged story mode, arcade mode complete with regular acrcade ladder mode and tag ladderAlright, so Mortal Kombat has finally hit the Vita. Now, I've been waiting for this game for a while and trust me when I say that both newcomers and fans of the the series won't be dissapointed by this portable port. The amount of "kontent" in the Vita version is amazing. For 40 bucks you get a full-fledged story mode, arcade mode complete with regular acrcade ladder mode and tag ladder mode, challenge tower, a bonus challenge tower that utilizes the features of the Vita, training mode, fatality training, all four DLC character from the console verion, including PS3-exclusive, Kratos, and more. And if that doesn't make your mouth water, there's also the massive Krypt, which you can use koins you earned in the game to unlock new content such as concept art, alternate costumes, and alternate fatalities. The fighting is intense, satisfying, and fun. The fighting engine works very well on the Vita, and being able to unleash those kombos on your enemies on the go makes it even more gratifying. The cutscene graphics during story mode are near-pefect, and stage graphics really look great on the Vita. The only downside to the graphics is that the character models look somewhat horrendous. While you're fighting, they look fine, but zoom in for the beginning of a fight or a fatality, and you'll find that the graphics leave a lot to be desired in comparison to the game's console counterpart. Another downfall of the game is the extremely annoying and cheap battles with Shao Kahn. Don't expect a straight-up fight with this guy. Instead you'll be dodging and upcutting you're way through two rounds praying that you don't fall victim to his unblockable hammer-throw attack. Not to mention that his X-ray move does 52% damage, so try not to get your head smashed in(which he literally does, by the way), and take him down. Aside from these gripes, Mortal Kombat proves itself, in my opinion, as the greatest fighting game on the Vita. Street Fighter fans can keep their flashy, complicated hyper combos to themselves. I'm sticking with a game that's simple to pick up and play, yet so deep that you won't want to put it down(unless you're fighting Shao Kahn). This makes MK a no-brainer for fighting game fans, MK veterans, or someone who just wants to rip people's heads off. When it comes to fighting games on the Vita, Mk reigns supreme. Expand
  2. Jun 11, 2012
    This is the best Vita game out. I've spent hours playing the bonus challenge tower alone. It's addicting and the replay value is high. Anyone on the fence will not be disappointed.
  3. May 4, 2012
    Yes, the graphic is toned down compared to the console version.
    However, everything else you have enjoyed from Mortal Kombat from your console is now in your palm.
    Characters movements are smooth and fast with its 60 fr/s, and using d-pad to use fantastic combos and special moves are great fun. The game contains all the contents that its console brother has and more. (e.g. More costumes
    Yes, the graphic is toned down compared to the console version.
    However, everything else you have enjoyed from Mortal Kombat from your console is now in your palm.
    Characters movements are smooth and fast with its 60 fr/s, and using d-pad to use fantastic combos
    and special moves are great fun.

    The game contains all the contents that its console brother has and more.
    (e.g. More costumes and New Challenge Tower Mode)

    If you love Mortal Kombat and own VITA, this title is a must-buy.
  4. Jul 22, 2012
    Pickd up Mortal Kombat for the Vita because I had never owned the console version and was always afraid to drop full price on a fighter recently because in my younger days I played fighters so much! THIS IS AN AMAZING game. For a portable game to have this much content (tons of modes, tons of characters, and a HELLA long story mode for a fighter) is amazing. The only con is that upclose onPickd up Mortal Kombat for the Vita because I had never owned the console version and was always afraid to drop full price on a fighter recently because in my younger days I played fighters so much! THIS IS AN AMAZING game. For a portable game to have this much content (tons of modes, tons of characters, and a HELLA long story mode for a fighter) is amazing. The only con is that upclose on the short cutscenes (only 2 seconds long) right before you fight you can tell that they had to scale back a little to keep the frame rate so fluid (never a drop so far). But the overall graphics are beautiful. "Come here!!!" and buy this game. Expand
  5. May 6, 2012
    It's the PS3 port of the great Mortal Kombat game from last year with all the DLC bells and whistles in it, along with a few Vita specific things like touchscreen fatalities and a bonus challenge tower. It's very enjoyable but the graphical hit the game took to get on the Vita is very noticeable. They definitely could have done a little better with the graphics here. I'm not expecting PS3It's the PS3 port of the great Mortal Kombat game from last year with all the DLC bells and whistles in it, along with a few Vita specific things like touchscreen fatalities and a bonus challenge tower. It's very enjoyable but the graphical hit the game took to get on the Vita is very noticeable. They definitely could have done a little better with the graphics here. I'm not expecting PS3 quality graphics here but it is very noticeable. If you really liked last years game then pick this one for sure. It's not a game you buy the system for, but it's a very good game in general for a system that could use another quality title so early in it's life. Expand
  6. May 6, 2012
    I like this game. It is almost an identical replica of the console versions of the game. My only complaint is on the graphics. On console versions, the transition between cut scene and in- game visuals were smooth. I almost couldn't tell the difference. But in the Vita version, the in-game graphics are so degraded, it were about the same as the original PSP graphics. Scorpion looksI like this game. It is almost an identical replica of the console versions of the game. My only complaint is on the graphics. On console versions, the transition between cut scene and in- game visuals were smooth. I almost couldn't tell the difference. But in the Vita version, the in-game graphics are so degraded, it were about the same as the original PSP graphics. Scorpion looks especially pixilated and washed out compared to his cut scene CG model. However, if you can overlook these graphical inconsistencies, you will enjoy this game just like you would the console version. Expand
  7. May 6, 2012
    In game characters textures are horrible, but in movement (60 fps) are beauty, theres is enough content to keep you busy untill another great game comes for the vita. I hope in the near future the developers realease a patch for anti-aliasing for the game if its possible.
  8. May 6, 2012
    As a huge fan of Mortal Kombat, I was looking forward to this game immensely. The first thing you notice when you turn this game on and get into a match is the graphics. Now not to say they're bad, you can just tell they had to make some cut-backs to get the game to run at its silky smooth 60fps. If you have played MK9 on the consoles you pretty much know what to expect from the gameplay.As a huge fan of Mortal Kombat, I was looking forward to this game immensely. The first thing you notice when you turn this game on and get into a match is the graphics. Now not to say they're bad, you can just tell they had to make some cut-backs to get the game to run at its silky smooth 60fps. If you have played MK9 on the consoles you pretty much know what to expect from the gameplay. If not you can expect a grizzly, violent and immensely fun fighter. Pulling off fatalities on the touch screen is fun and they have introduced some clever use of the vita's functions in the challenge tower. The online seems smooth from what I've played, my only complaint with the MK games online, is the players... they can be incredibly cheap by spamming the same most powerful move over and over again! But overall for the £30 I payed for this game I'm very impressed the whole DLC roster from the consoles is here, also the vita's new touches make this a very good purchase. Expand
  9. Nov 22, 2012
    If it aint broken don't fix it... Exactly! While the gameplay remains pretty much the same as the older the games, the added violent x ray attacks make it even so much more fun.

    Based on how i feel, Mortal Kombat isn't 'perfect', but still back to the roots and better than ever for both story and gameplay department!
  10. X19
    May 22, 2012
    A lot of these reviews are pretty narrow minded, so I thought I should share my thoughts. First up, this is my first MK game. I vaguely remember playing the older ones in an arcade, but that's really it. That being said, I can't compare this to past MK games because I have not played them. I do know the graphical difference between the PS3 and Vita version however. Simply put though, It isA lot of these reviews are pretty narrow minded, so I thought I should share my thoughts. First up, this is my first MK game. I vaguely remember playing the older ones in an arcade, but that's really it. That being said, I can't compare this to past MK games because I have not played them. I do know the graphical difference between the PS3 and Vita version however. Simply put though, It is fun. This is my most played game on the Vita for good reason. There's plenty to do and it plays so well. Most of the mixed and negative reviews only contain a complaint about graphics, but really share no other problems since there are few. I'd like to explain to people why MK on the Vita is not up to par with the PS3 version or other Vita titles.

    1: It's running at 60 FPS (Frames per second)- essentially, graphics are downgraded for better performance and responsive controls. Compare CoD (60 FPS) to BF3 (30 FPS) and you'll see the difference between the two. I know, it's so hard to not mention Call of Duty in a fighting game review.

    2: It's a handheld device.- not even Uncharted Golden Abyss matches modern PS3 titles running at 60 FPS

    3: It's the FULL MK game with even more Kontent (see what I did there?)- It takes up roughly 3 GB, which is the same amount of space that Uncharted Golden Abyss takes up. Meaning that the devs wanted to sacrifice graphics for more content and gameplay.

    I hope you see why the graphics are downgraded now and why it wouldn't be nearly as good if they just focused on graphics. Any MK fan who owns a Vita should pick this up. It is Mortal Kombat on the go. It's only downside is graphics, but if you're a true fan, then it should not matter.
  11. Aug 3, 2012
    There is a lot to do in this game with two challenge towers and the story mode so it will definitely keep you busy. The game runs smoothly as well but there are some issues with low res textures in places on the characters. It's hardly a deal breaker though and this is a fantastic Mortal Kombat game
  12. Dec 28, 2012
    This is a really good comprehensive fighting game. It plays in 2D and runs at 60fps. It includes all of the extra content from the other platform releases of this game and then some. It controls well and is a joy to play with so many characters to choose from. The main thing that impressed me was the depth to the story mode, I've not seen anything with quite the same scope. It appears toThis is a really good comprehensive fighting game. It plays in 2D and runs at 60fps. It includes all of the extra content from the other platform releases of this game and then some. It controls well and is a joy to play with so many characters to choose from. The main thing that impressed me was the depth to the story mode, I've not seen anything with quite the same scope. It appears to cover the entire plot of the first 3 games. Sometimes you will have a few minutes of dialogue between fights and although predictably it's no Shakespeare I found the cinematics engaging, entertaining and (perhaps unintentionally), rather humorous at times. This is a great example of how a handheld port should be done. I concur with the comments about the character models as some of them are jarringly low detail which is especially noticable when the game moves from a cutscene to in game action. However, it really is less of an issue in play. In summary this is a good well implemented game with a lot of content that really translates to the platform well. Expand
  13. Aug 21, 2013
    MK Might just be the best fighting game on the vita right now I still haven't played DOA plus,But trust ,me this game is well worth your money first off The DLC makes the game so much more fun,There are tons of modes to enjoy for a long time including a challenge tower with hundreds of difficult tasks to complete plus for tha a bonus challenge tower!!!!,A fascinating,amazing,interestingMK Might just be the best fighting game on the vita right now I still haven't played DOA plus,But trust ,me this game is well worth your money first off The DLC makes the game so much more fun,There are tons of modes to enjoy for a long time including a challenge tower with hundreds of difficult tasks to complete plus for tha a bonus challenge tower!!!!,A fascinating,amazing,interesting entertaining and long story mode!,is the best story mode I've seen in a fighting game for a while,The mini games are fun and the new ones 2!,the game uses the vita's features perfectly,the gameplay runs smoothly and backgrounds look great with tons of content to unlock,adhoc & is a very awesome game there's still some problems I have with the game especially the visuals just look gross and unpleasant which fatalities unfun to watch which really hurts and the online play is pretty slow anyways the game is amazing and if your making a choice between Sfxtk,UNVC3 or MK pick MK toons of stuff!!!!!that is way my final score is 8.5(Best fighting game on the vita yet its epic!!!!!!) Expand
  14. Jun 24, 2013
    It might be a little a late to review this game but I feel I should take this opportunity now. This game, simply gives a smile to my face. It has everything to keep me busy on long commutes and BOOOOORING school-days. The graphics, as far as what people are b*tching about here, is only slightly changed compared to the console versions. Yeah there are a lot of jags, but the lighting, theIt might be a little a late to review this game but I feel I should take this opportunity now. This game, simply gives a smile to my face. It has everything to keep me busy on long commutes and BOOOOORING school-days. The graphics, as far as what people are b*tching about here, is only slightly changed compared to the console versions. Yeah there are a lot of jags, but the lighting, the awesome background animations are there. MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Komplete Story Mode is there! Everything from the console version is available in this Vita version plus a new challenge tower and more! It's worth every buck. And, well, as a fan of the MK series ever since, I could say, after the original MK9 got released in 2011, this is the next most satisfyingly built MK ever with in-game touch-screen minigames and OH-SO FUNNY modes ONLY available in the Vita's new challenge tower! It is everything I expected it to be.. and more! Expand
  15. Mar 10, 2014
    Best way to Experience Mortal Kombat on the go. Full roster with tons of modes plus vita-only challenge stages. graphics take a hit but not enough to really take away from the game.
  16. Sep 16, 2013
    Superb technical fighting game like on the consoles.
    And while having the entire story mode plus the ohter many game modes intact,
    unfortnately it has taken some hard hits one the graphical side. And also have ind mind the huge amount memory this game takes up on your memory card` 3066mb. I´d barely give this port an 8 but must, admit that Mortal Kombat is my favorite fighter for the
    Superb technical fighting game like on the consoles.
    And while having the entire story mode plus the ohter many game modes intact,
    unfortnately it has taken some hard hits one the graphical side.
    And also have ind mind the huge amount memory this game takes up on your memory card` 3066mb.
    I´d barely give this port an 8 but must, admit that Mortal Kombat is my favorite fighter for the vita!
    Great story mode plus lots of content makes sure that you will be entertained for quite some time
  17. Apr 27, 2015
    Good fighting game. The best background story of its time among all fighting games, outstanding long kombos, a humongous variety of exciting elements such as hidden kombatants, secret levels, countless finishers which make you have lots of fun while playing. Please, do not regard the people saying this game is too violent comparing to the other games just because of its finishers, becauseGood fighting game. The best background story of its time among all fighting games, outstanding long kombos, a humongous variety of exciting elements such as hidden kombatants, secret levels, countless finishers which make you have lots of fun while playing. Please, do not regard the people saying this game is too violent comparing to the other games just because of its finishers, because most of them are just too funny to take them serious. Tell me street fighter lovers, do you think it is too violent when the Coyote is crushed by a huge rock after falling to the ground on his face while chasing the Roadrunner, or IS IT FUNNY? The Coyote still lives, so does Sub-Zero in MK... To conclude, I personally believe this is how a fighting game should be. Expand
  18. May 3, 2012
    Main reason I bought a Vita was so I could rip off people's legs and beat them to death with it (Quan Chi fatality). Never gets old. Seriously though, I felt the same way another person commented, that I fired up story mode at first and when the game switched from pre-rendered graphics to in-game graphics I was gob smacked how poor it looked. No damage shows up either. However, once I wentMain reason I bought a Vita was so I could rip off people's legs and beat them to death with it (Quan Chi fatality). Never gets old. Seriously though, I felt the same way another person commented, that I fired up story mode at first and when the game switched from pre-rendered graphics to in-game graphics I was gob smacked how poor it looked. No damage shows up either. However, once I went to other modes like arcade + training + challenge tower, the difference in lighting + damage model turned on (I assume it's disabled in story mode on purpose) makes the game look fine. Sure not console quality, but its fast and fluid. Very happy with my purchase. Expand
  19. May 4, 2012
    I played the XBox and PS3 version of Mortal Kombat and the PS vita version is amazing. The fact that NRS was able to put MK9 on Vita at 60 frames a second makes this game worth buying. If you love the console versions, you will love the Vita version. It's great to see NRS didn't just port MK, but added tons of new content and the WIFI plays so smooth that I feel like I'm playing offline.I played the XBox and PS3 version of Mortal Kombat and the PS vita version is amazing. The fact that NRS was able to put MK9 on Vita at 60 frames a second makes this game worth buying. If you love the console versions, you will love the Vita version. It's great to see NRS didn't just port MK, but added tons of new content and the WIFI plays so smooth that I feel like I'm playing offline. If you have a Vita this is a must buy, and not to mention the new mini games like test your slice are a lot of fun. I also love playing as Kintaro, Shao Kahn, and Tremor. Congrats NRS on a great game and not just porting the same old game. Expand
  20. May 3, 2012
    Okay let me just start by saying you can't be very smart if you're reviewing based on the graphics everything on here is done just fine outside of the graphics. In other words it's suffering from a bit of Goldeneye N64 syndrome. The graphics NEVER effect the gameplay and if you're going to review this and look at the graphics and say oh this is no good PLEASE jump off the empire state building.
  21. May 3, 2012
    This version of Mortal kombat is the best I've Played in yeArs! The graphics are very good I thought- people need to grow up who give this a zero : graphics are not what make or brake a game! It's an awesome fighter and the best on a handheld- psp or Ds graphics?! Please! Obviously he never ownd one or he wouldn't even compare ! If you love fighters you'll love this
  22. May 2, 2012
    Don't listen to the naysayers here. "Graphics look like a PSP game." Really? This game is excellent. The fighting is just as smooth as the console versions, all of the DLC characters and costumes are included and the fatalities still look great. Sure the graphics don't look as good as the console versions, but this is a HANDHELD. I would like to see another handheld pump out these graphicsDon't listen to the naysayers here. "Graphics look like a PSP game." Really? This game is excellent. The fighting is just as smooth as the console versions, all of the DLC characters and costumes are included and the fatalities still look great. Sure the graphics don't look as good as the console versions, but this is a HANDHELD. I would like to see another handheld pump out these graphics and still maintain the smooth 60fps gameplay, There is the addition of new bonus missions and modes as well. If you have a Vita and are into fighting games, for $40 you are getting an amazing package. Completely recommended. Expand
  23. May 1, 2012
    I have never bought a Mortal Kombat game, and the PS Vita one is my first. I've always watched tournaments on mk9. The PS Vita makes fighting games on the go an awesome experience, MK being the top contender. This game offers plenty of stuff to do for hours on end, has awesome sound, the graphics may not look like the xbox360 or ps3, but the gameplay is solid and fluid. If your a PS VitaI have never bought a Mortal Kombat game, and the PS Vita one is my first. I've always watched tournaments on mk9. The PS Vita makes fighting games on the go an awesome experience, MK being the top contender. This game offers plenty of stuff to do for hours on end, has awesome sound, the graphics may not look like the xbox360 or ps3, but the gameplay is solid and fluid. If your a PS Vita owner like me and didnt get the 360 or Ps3 versions, get this for sure! Expand
  24. May 2, 2012
    Being a MK diehard fan, I just can't get enough of this game. I purchased the PS3 version along with the PDP arcade stick when it was released last year and completed everything. Now, I have a portable version with some new compelling content, so I have something new to play during my lengthy NYC train commute.

    Does the game play great? YES Is all of the new content amazing? YES Must
    Being a MK diehard fan, I just can't get enough of this game. I purchased the PS3 version along with the PDP arcade stick when it was released last year and completed everything. Now, I have a portable version with some new compelling content, so I have something new to play during my lengthy NYC train commute.

    Does the game play great? YES
    Is all of the new content amazing? YES
    Must you run out right now and purchase this? YES

    There is indeed a little graphic fidelity loss, however remember that the Vita IS NOT a full fledged PS3 console in your hands. I'll take the slight (and I do mean slight) loss is visuals to keep the game running at 60Hz! It's smooth as butter!

    Kudos!!!!! This is the way that Vita games need to be in order for the system to survive!!!
  25. May 2, 2012
    I gave it a 9 because of the slight graphical difference between the console counterparts. Do not listen to the zero spammers below. The only time you really notice it is during story mode when it transitions between the movie cut scenes to the in game engine. Once it backs out and you are fighting the character models look great and the gameplay is fluid at 60fps. This version hasI gave it a 9 because of the slight graphical difference between the console counterparts. Do not listen to the zero spammers below. The only time you really notice it is during story mode when it transitions between the movie cut scenes to the in game engine. Once it backs out and you are fighting the character models look great and the gameplay is fluid at 60fps. This version has everything every character available right from the start, all the extra costumes and plenty of replay value between the story mode, online (which is great and stable), ladder modes, tower challenge and the bonus tower challenge that offers more in the way of the vita mechanics. If fighting games is your thing hands down this is the best the vita has to offer. Expand
  26. May 2, 2012
    What a great game. I have never played a previous MK title, but it blows away Ultimate Marvel and Blazblue. The graphics are stellar on Vita. Game should be rated a 95+. A TON of content, an a+ quality game.
  27. May 2, 2012
    I would love to give this game a 10, it plays so true to the style of past Mortal Kombat games, however, as an early adopter of the Vita, a machine that boasts unparalleled strength in the mobile market, I hoped to find a truly immersive hand held experience. I am sad to say, that is not the case here. Although mechanically it is a powerhouse, Mortal Kombat on the PSVita looks miserable.I would love to give this game a 10, it plays so true to the style of past Mortal Kombat games, however, as an early adopter of the Vita, a machine that boasts unparalleled strength in the mobile market, I hoped to find a truly immersive hand held experience. I am sad to say, that is not the case here. Although mechanically it is a powerhouse, Mortal Kombat on the PSVita looks miserable. The models are so jagged, it takes an emulation of a child's imagination to make this game seem as gruesome as the console original. The menus and the on screen displays follow suit, not taking advantage of the pixel dense oled at hand. On top of all this, the sound is dim, making the experience all the more ineffective. I've played fighters on my iPhone that succeed in immersion more than the title here. Bottom line, the PSVita earns a 10/10 for the way it executes, it's comfortable and responsive when going through the combos, and they did an excellent job porting the controls right onto the device, but when it comes down to it, the experience is sub par, not taking advantage of the visual elements available. 6/10 I expect to see more developers really taking advantage of the powerhouse we have here. Expand
  28. May 12, 2012
    While the game is as great as it was before (+ awesome minigames!), the soundtrack and graphics are let down from console versions, and they are HUGE let downs. I'll give it a 9 cause as a game, it's still awesome.
  29. May 1, 2012
    The same gameplay with minor additions like character costumes, additional ladder, etc. Vita specific features include swype actions. Be aware: dumbed down graphics (both characters and environments), but, what's important, FPS is still 60. They should have made a PC version with enhancements instead of this with lower quality.
  30. May 1, 2012
    After having played the excellent port of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I was honestly expecting the same level of quality to be present in Mortal Kombat for the PS VITA. To my utter shock and horror this is not the case. I started up story mode. Everything looked great until the switch from pre rendered video to in game engine. This game looks like a first gen PSP title at best. TheAfter having played the excellent port of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I was honestly expecting the same level of quality to be present in Mortal Kombat for the PS VITA. To my utter shock and horror this is not the case. I started up story mode. Everything looked great until the switch from pre rendered video to in game engine. This game looks like a first gen PSP title at best. The polygon count on the character models is laughably low. The textures are muddy and flat. Fatalities look awful because of this problem. I'm sorry but there is no excuse for this poor presentation. Now in the games defense it plays fluid and online works. This is great and I applaud NetherRealm for nailing that down. But seriously this game needed either more time or a different dev team that has more experience to retain the graphical quality this game should have. I will be selling my copy in the morning because I really feel like I was deceived by the promise of the complete experience on the go. Next time NetherRealm hire people that can get the job done right or give it to the Capcom devs. They certainly know what it takes to make everything work. Expand
  31. May 3, 2012
    Well after a long wait there we have MK to PSV, and what a disappointment; the first and biggest complaint is graphics, what a mess, MKII for game boy was better. what were they thinking, this is not a Nds game, or PSP game but looks like.

    game play is good, but this is supposed to be one of the main selling games for PSV, I can understand why they released a game with dated graphics,
    Well after a long wait there we have MK to PSV, and what a disappointment; the first and biggest complaint is graphics, what a mess, MKII for game boy was better. what were they thinking, this is not a Nds game, or PSP game but looks like.

    game play is good, but this is supposed to be one of the main selling games for PSV, I can understand why they released a game with dated graphics, c'mon characters looks like soul reaver ones.

    Just terrible to spend 40 in this game just for paper box alike graphics. i regret of bought it using psn, i can't sell it and get some of my money back....
  32. Jun 14, 2012
    Well, it's a pretty decent port, lots of content.
    But there are some problems. The visuals are really bad. Namco should've handled this part.
    As for the content, while there is more of it, there's not enough DLC. Ridge Racer has you covered in this regard.
    All in all, average, but not a classic.
  33. Sep 1, 2015
    This game is not perfect in that it has frame rate issues, but thankfully the game play outperforms the frame rates, in essence is not the home run Mortal Kombat on the PS Vita, but it's really close to it, enough for it to recommended it to fans of the Mortal Kombat series and that want to play it on the go
  34. Jun 18, 2012
    Mortal Kombat on the Playstation Vita is a worthy port of the 2011 console game. The controls, the content and the frenetic gameplay are all intact here. The best feature to the Vita game though is the bonus challenge tower. If you were expecting an easy challenge tower that's a breeze, sorry to disappoint you. The bonus challenge tower is comprised of 150 unique challenges, which sprinkleMortal Kombat on the Playstation Vita is a worthy port of the 2011 console game. The controls, the content and the frenetic gameplay are all intact here. The best feature to the Vita game though is the bonus challenge tower. If you were expecting an easy challenge tower that's a breeze, sorry to disappoint you. The bonus challenge tower is comprised of 150 unique challenges, which sprinkle in some potent touchscreen, rear touch and tilt controls for an interesting and unique Mortal Kombat experience. This gives it an edge over the console game, as the spark of creative design makes for a more compelling game. The only drawbacks come in the form of inherent button mashing situations. Two on one battles and familiar tactics will make the experience less enjoyable. Unless you use a wide assortment of moves in your arsenal. Unfortunately the touchscreen capabilities are also absent for the main challenge ladders and story modes. Seriously, who wouldn't want to use the touch screen to counter ranged attacks? Lastly the graphics are noticeably bumped down and envionments lack that certain MK magic of the PS3 and 360 versions. Overall though, MK on Vita is the complete fighting experience on a handheld. The consessions and flaws are minor, and mainly stem from inconsistencies in the console game. So is this the definitive version of Mortal Kombat? Absolutely! Expand
  35. Jun 10, 2012
    If this game didn't already look stunning on consoles, I doubt anyone would be complaining about the graphics. Unfortunately, in comparison, the difference is obvious, as there is indeed less detail (no flapping tongue left behind after you blow off your opponent's head in Stryker's first fatality, for instance), but it absolutely cannot be ignored that the developers did all they could toIf this game didn't already look stunning on consoles, I doubt anyone would be complaining about the graphics. Unfortunately, in comparison, the difference is obvious, as there is indeed less detail (no flapping tongue left behind after you blow off your opponent's head in Stryker's first fatality, for instance), but it absolutely cannot be ignored that the developers did all they could to keep their "EVERYTHING will ALWAYS be 60 fps" promise. Well, they did, and of course, some corners had to be cut. It's a shame, but totally understandable; to imagine something as insanely gorgeous as the console version to port perfectly to a handheld is just asking too much. But here's the good part: There's still a lot of blood and everything is intact, so the core feeling is still there--and in my opinion, that's all that matters. Fatalities are still extremely satisfying, as are the X-Ray attacks, and the inclusion of so much more than even the Komplete Kollection has just has to be commended. There's an obscene amount of content to be explored here, and all of it is simply wonderful. This is the "true" Komplete Kollection, since it has more than even that edition (there's even rumors of Vita-specific DLC, such as Tremor being playable), and the MK "feel" is perfectly maintained. Because it still feels just as it should, it deserves all the praise it gets. Not needing an external microphone is also an excellent feature, as well as immediately unlocking all the characters, with the developers no doubt anticipating that most of us already have MK9 in some form on a console, and to unlock those characters would be tedious, to say the least. The developers seem to have thought of everything here, and it all works in every way. There are tiny little touches all over the place that improve the gameplay significantly, and the new optional modifiers, such as the blood obstructing your view and needing to be "wiped off" the screen so you can see, are really a lot of fun. Excellent edition of an already-fantastic fighter, especially for something like MK9. This could have easily been completely screwed up, but the developers didn't let that happen. It's obvious that a lot of care is here so that it was perfect coming out of the gate (rather than being an obvious beta or simple port), so I think a 10 is definitely warranted. For anyone who wants MK9 on the go, you just can't ask for more than this. Expand
  36. Jun 3, 2012
    Faithful port of the console version with some added Vita-specific bonus features (which can be quite fun). Character models looks disgusting up close but when the game is in full swing (at 60fps) it can look pretty. If you're looking for some fighting on the go definitely pick this up.
  37. May 24, 2012
    It's what you'd expect, its a port...a really really good port. Easy to jump into, though I wish there was a way to actually save progress in standard ladder battles. Fun, combo combat that you'd expect from Mortal Kombat, not revolutionary, but doesn't need to be. If you grew up on the series as I did, this was a great place to come back to after many years of absence.
  38. May 21, 2013
    Awesome fighting game on the Vita. Vita only features don't feel like a gimmick and are actually a lot of fun. The character models are a little low rez, but overall, the game looks great! lots of fun on the go.
  39. Jun 9, 2012
    This is a fantastic game. NRS made great use of all the features of the vita with this port. Or remake, or whatever. The bonus tower missions are fun and clever, the controls are really responsive and it just feels right. If you were a fan of the console version, you'll fit right in. The graphics took a bit of a hit, but not much, and the online is a bit sketchy at times. Otherwise, thisThis is a fantastic game. NRS made great use of all the features of the vita with this port. Or remake, or whatever. The bonus tower missions are fun and clever, the controls are really responsive and it just feels right. If you were a fan of the console version, you'll fit right in. The graphics took a bit of a hit, but not much, and the online is a bit sketchy at times. Otherwise, this is a great game, it's my new favorite vita game for sure. Expand
  40. Sep 19, 2012
    If you,ve played Mortal Kombat for the ps3 and 360 than you'v played this game,but for the vita version there are a few bonuses. For fatality input u can now use the touch screen to swipe the motions but u dont have to push the required button letting u have more than one chance at pulling it off,there are 150 new challenges that take advantage of the vitas touchcreen and gyroscope andIf you,ve played Mortal Kombat for the ps3 and 360 than you'v played this game,but for the vita version there are a few bonuses. For fatality input u can now use the touch screen to swipe the motions but u dont have to push the required button letting u have more than one chance at pulling it off,there are 150 new challenges that take advantage of the vitas touchcreen and gyroscope and they are fun. You get the same story mode,original challenge tower,bonus challenge tower,ladder,tag ladder,the krypt,practice,and online play for 40 bucks. If you have a vita this is the only game that you should definitley buy. Expand
  41. May 31, 2012
    Other than the fact that the character models in this game look like absolute crap, and the vita is definatley capable of a lot more graphically, this game runs at a smooth 60 fps and plays exactly like its console counterpart, and even has some silly new modes which take advantage of the vita's features. I should also mention that I'm a complete noob at fighting games but I had aOther than the fact that the character models in this game look like absolute crap, and the vita is definatley capable of a lot more graphically, this game runs at a smooth 60 fps and plays exactly like its console counterpart, and even has some silly new modes which take advantage of the vita's features. I should also mention that I'm a complete noob at fighting games but I had a fantastic time with this game, even though I got my ass handed to me in every single online match (online also works very smoothly btw). Other than the graphics, this game shows the true potential of the vita - a true console experience on the go. Oh yea i forgot to mention it includes all the DLC from the console games. This game is huge. Its worth twice the price. GET IT NOW IF YOU HAVE A VITA! Expand
  42. May 23, 2012
    Great graphics and there is nothing like excessive violence with tons of blood! Sometimes I feel as if single-player challenges are not balanced, some opponents are too easy, other too hard, but then again maybe that's how it supposed to be.
  43. Dec 27, 2012
    A excellent port of the console game. All is here and more. The massive amount of content makes up for the terrible graphics. The menu's still look excellent though. If you're wondering why I haven't given this a 8 or 9. Its because I wasn't the biggest fan of the PS3 version. But still thought it was good. Sound on the Vita version excels. The amount of content(it has to be said over andA excellent port of the console game. All is here and more. The massive amount of content makes up for the terrible graphics. The menu's still look excellent though. If you're wondering why I haven't given this a 8 or 9. Its because I wasn't the biggest fan of the PS3 version. But still thought it was good. Sound on the Vita version excels. The amount of content(it has to be said over and over again) here is so huge! A worthwhile purchase for anyone with a soul. Expand
  44. Aug 8, 2012
    It's a very good game to play. Lot's of things to do. The only con is that the graphics could be better. Well, if you like platinum trophies, this one is really difficult to get.
  45. Aug 22, 2012
    First of all the graphics are horrible! Very pixilated and rushed.
    And also the game is frustratingly hard!
    Sometimes some fights feel like they are impossible!!!

    But it has a very solid online mode that works great.

    And overall it's a great game the story is long and really deep.

    Well worth your money and your time if you like fighting games.
  46. Oct 23, 2012
    gave this an 8 out of 10, very fluid framerate and just as fun as the home console, my only komplaint (see what i did there...) is that the in game graphics, when it transitions from the CG movies to the actual fighting is quite poor.....i appreciate the framerate being top notch, but its still hard to believe that the fighters themselves look so bad.....just a slight step up from pspgave this an 8 out of 10, very fluid framerate and just as fun as the home console, my only komplaint (see what i did there...) is that the in game graphics, when it transitions from the CG movies to the actual fighting is quite poor.....i appreciate the framerate being top notch, but its still hard to believe that the fighters themselves look so bad.....just a slight step up from psp graphics. the backgrounds are solid if only the character models were up to par this game would be flawless(there...i did it again) still a very solid effort and a lot of fun to play, especially with all the unlockables Expand
  47. Sep 24, 2012
    MK does a good job of bringing a Mortal Kombat "virgin" into a well developed fighting series. I instantly fell in love with the game and it's amusing-in-a-kinda-dumb-way story, but the presentation of the story is done very well. After the story mode i didn't find myself playing it all that much, since i am not much for competitive fighting gaming against strangers, speciall not in a gameMK does a good job of bringing a Mortal Kombat "virgin" into a well developed fighting series. I instantly fell in love with the game and it's amusing-in-a-kinda-dumb-way story, but the presentation of the story is done very well. After the story mode i didn't find myself playing it all that much, since i am not much for competitive fighting gaming against strangers, speciall not in a game like MK, which i am not that good at. Expand
  48. Oct 11, 2012
    First off, I haven't played a fighting game since Tekken on the PS2. That game was great, but I never really got into it beyond picking it up with a friend for an hour. So it was to my complete surprise when I popped in Mortal Kombat and I was hooked. I think it was the gameplay more than anything but having little to no exposure to the variety of attacks and characters made it feel soFirst off, I haven't played a fighting game since Tekken on the PS2. That game was great, but I never really got into it beyond picking it up with a friend for an hour. So it was to my complete surprise when I popped in Mortal Kombat and I was hooked. I think it was the gameplay more than anything but having little to no exposure to the variety of attacks and characters made it feel so fresh compared to what I've currently been playing. I can't say the story was especially important for me but I found it interesting how they were able to tie in so many characters and place a story around them without it getting boring. I can see the story mode being similar to that of a Call of Duty game to a first-timer in that it is a tutorial for multiplayer modes and other facets of the game (challenge tower/spec ops). It served as a great way to introduce me to the players and learn their skill sets which I can take to multiplayer (which I haven't tried) and also the challenge tower. So now that I've brought it up I should mention that I'm only about 15 challenges in on each tower. I liked them plenty but not to the extent that I wanted to grind through them. I think they'll serve as a good go-to when I'm short on time similar to many iPhone games. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone at $10 and while I don't know what the console versions have over the vita version I would say there is a whole lot more than $10 worth of content. Expand
  49. Nov 19, 2012
    First of all this is same as MK: Komplete edition for PS3. It has all the bonus characters and stuff. Of course there are worse graphics , but who cares when the game runs smooth on 60fps and still looks pretty good imo. After beating the story mode you can start the challenge tower , where you will unlock most of your coins which you can use to unlock stuff at the crypt. Trophies are veryFirst of all this is same as MK: Komplete edition for PS3. It has all the bonus characters and stuff. Of course there are worse graphics , but who cares when the game runs smooth on 60fps and still looks pretty good imo. After beating the story mode you can start the challenge tower , where you will unlock most of your coins which you can use to unlock stuff at the crypt. Trophies are very hard to earn in Mortal Kombat. Pretty the same thing as PS3 version. I recommend this game to everyone who doesnt own MK for PS3 or Xbox 360. Expand
  50. Apr 7, 2013
    Mortal Kombat Vita version is just another perfect addition to rich library of Vita's Fighting games MK has not much difference with its console version, it doesnt have Cross-Play unfortunately but it does comes with all the DLCs which were released for the console version. It has additional Tower challenge which adds to game much of fun specially that these sort of challenges are createdMortal Kombat Vita version is just another perfect addition to rich library of Vita's Fighting games MK has not much difference with its console version, it doesnt have Cross-Play unfortunately but it does comes with all the DLCs which were released for the console version. It has additional Tower challenge which adds to game much of fun specially that these sort of challenges are created based on vita capabilities The controls are amazingly well suited as well. The game runs of smooth 60 FPS, but the characters models are a bit jaggy and ygly from the closer views. The stages have their details though. Finally MK its a really MOST HAVE GAME for every vita owner who didnt previously tried MK on their consoles, its the most bloody vita game to date as well so be advised if you are below 18 Expand
  51. Nov 18, 2012
    Game is extremely fun. Runs fast and fluid just like the home console versions. Having the DLC also makes the game a great value. Lots of game modes to play through that add tons of replay value. My only issue is the graphics themselves. The characters run very smooth, but the details in the characters are only fair quality. The are not bad just not amazing compared to a game like UltimateGame is extremely fun. Runs fast and fluid just like the home console versions. Having the DLC also makes the game a great value. Lots of game modes to play through that add tons of replay value. My only issue is the graphics themselves. The characters run very smooth, but the details in the characters are only fair quality. The are not bad just not amazing compared to a game like Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Online play is smooth as well. No noticeable lag on my end. Overall a solid 8 and worthy of being in your collection if you are a fighting game fan Expand
  52. Nov 12, 2020
    This is top VITA game. 60 FPS, perfect looks, best single player campaign I've ever seen in fighting games. Lot of extra content for VITA and one of few games that took full advantage of specific VITA. Challange tower is ton of fun for many hours, often unnerving as.any othe MK games.
  53. Feb 21, 2013
    Now this game is an amazing port of the console versions of Mortal Kombat. The game, although has bad character models, runs at an amazing 60 FPS with so much to do in-game. If the story mode isn't enough for you there are the unlockables in the game which require you to get a ton of Koins. Also, the ladder mode and the Vita Ladder Mode are just so extensive man!

    This game contains so
    Now this game is an amazing port of the console versions of Mortal Kombat. The game, although has bad character models, runs at an amazing 60 FPS with so much to do in-game. If the story mode isn't enough for you there are the unlockables in the game which require you to get a ton of Koins. Also, the ladder mode and the Vita Ladder Mode are just so extensive man!

    This game contains so much for a small price to pay for a long period of replayability, which is a good point for me.

    Buy this game if you want a Fighter on the go, if you want something with better character models but slower FPS then buy Marvel VS Capcom 3 or Street Fighter X Tekken for the Vita.
  54. Mar 20, 2014
    Por comentar este fabuloso juego de PSVITA es por lo que me he inscrito en Metacritic.

    No voy a comentar gráficos y sonidos porque para eso lo veis en un canal HD de youtube. Podríamos resumirlo como Videojuego en estado puro. El juego es emocionante, entretenido y muy divertido, el modo historia simplemente de lo mejor que existe en beat 'em ups, excelentemente integrado y fusionado
    Por comentar este fabuloso juego de PSVITA es por lo que me he inscrito en Metacritic.

    No voy a comentar gráficos y sonidos porque para eso lo veis en un canal HD de youtube.

    Podríamos resumirlo como Videojuego en estado puro. El juego es emocionante, entretenido y muy divertido, el modo historia simplemente de lo mejor que existe en beat 'em ups, excelentemente integrado y fusionado con los combates. Y la jugabilidad sencillamente es infinita. Tiene muchos luchadores diferentes, muchisimos modos de juego aparte del historia y todos muy originales. A destacar uno de ellos en los cuales se cambian al azar varias carácterísticas del combate como la orientación al avanzar, el salto, etc... lo cual es de lo mas divertido para jugar con un amigo y las risas son aseguradas. Aparte tambien tiene modos para desbloquear items, trajes, opciones, galerías etc.

    A destacar su diseño en general tanto de personajes, localizaciones, animaciones, sonidos, voz del narrador...en resumen es un buen homenaje a lo que fue Mortal Kombat, que digo...es lo que debería haber sido Mortal Kombat el juego definitivo de la saga y un imprescindible para todo aquel que tenga ganas de diversión.

    Este es de los juegos que podrás echar una partida en cualquier sitio, tengas mucho o poco tiempo libre, y solo por su jugabilidad y diversión le planto un 10, porque es videojuego en estado puro, ya que lo que mas me importa de los videojuegos es que me hagan sentir, entretener, sufrir y disfrutar a partes iguales.
  55. Jun 5, 2014
    Now it was a amazing game but the level changed during time of the story I was new to mortal kombat and I barley knew any moves yet wheni got to cyrax and sector I couldn't win using moves too advanced for me to block and one person vs 2 people that's ****
  56. Jun 23, 2015
    Great port from bigger systems of a great game gave us one of the best titles in VITA library.
    Graphics are a bit worse than on X360/PS3 but theyre still really good and the game itself is just excellent.
    If You like fighting games this is one of the best titles out there, not as tehnical as SF or Tekken, but there is beauty in simplicity. You dont have to spend years in training mode to
    Great port from bigger systems of a great game gave us one of the best titles in VITA library.
    Graphics are a bit worse than on X360/PS3 but theyre still really good and the game itself is just excellent.
    If You like fighting games this is one of the best titles out there, not as tehnical as SF or Tekken, but there is beauty in simplicity. You dont have to spend years in training mode to play good, but its not easy to master.
  57. Nov 7, 2014
    Now I'm reluctant to give any game a 10/10 but this game is close. Mortal Kombat on the Vita is the best handheld fighting game out there. Great graphics just like a console game, all the special moves and fatalities. Good sound effects and great character choice. You can play for hours and if you own a Vita and like fighting games you have to buy this
  58. May 2, 2015
    Mortal Kombat for PlayStation Vita is a game worth your attention, especially if you haven't had the opportunity to check out last year's "big" MK and you miss the original installments. It's a great reboot - well made, reminiscent of the golden age, has lots of fantastic warriors and some unique bonuses.
  59. Nov 11, 2016
    For Mortal Kombat on a handheld is pretty good. I enjoy playing it and can't get enough of it!!!!!! Great graphics and fatalities and x-rays. I also enjoy the tournament mode. 10/10
  60. May 12, 2019
    Good port. The frame rate is stable and the game's controls took no damage in contrast to some other ports on the vita; however, in terms of visuals the game looks worse than old psp fighting games.
  61. Nov 18, 2019
    One of the first titles for my PS Vita.
    Great port from stronger consoles with some new mechanics.
    MK 9 in finest :)
  62. Dec 19, 2020
    In my opinion, this is the best Mortal Kombat game ever made. As an old school fan of the original trilogy, I hold them in high regard, especially Mortal Kombat II. For all these years and up until recently, I have long considered MK2 to be the best, but after playing MK11 recently and spiraling into depression due to the online requirements and demotivational grinding, I had to come backIn my opinion, this is the best Mortal Kombat game ever made. As an old school fan of the original trilogy, I hold them in high regard, especially Mortal Kombat II. For all these years and up until recently, I have long considered MK2 to be the best, but after playing MK11 recently and spiraling into depression due to the online requirements and demotivational grinding, I had to come back and re-evaluate my love for the franchise. And I have come to the conclusion that this game is indeed the best Mortal Kombat ever made. As MK is my favorite franchise of all time, this is, for me, the greatest game ever made and my all-time favorite. If I had to choose one game to play forever, this would be my immediate answer. I own the Komplete Edition on every possible platform: Steam, PS3, Xbox 360, and PS Vita, and I love them all. I will leave a review for each version, because they are basically the same game, but will add a distinct paragraph at the end for each.

    Where to start? I'll divide my praises into sub-sections:

    Graphics: Gorgeous, mind-blowing. This was my first high definition experience, the first time I bought a modern console and hooked it up to a flat-panel via HDMI. I was blown away. And the visuals still hold up, because 720p cannot be retroactively demoted from being high def, because it is and it shows. The stages are so detailed, the character models are so cool, the damage is so deliciously bloody, the fatalities look so awesome, it's just top-notch stuff all-around.

    Story: Excellent. I mean, it goes from the whole Shang Tsung Island original tournament to the golden-age of MK2, then all the way to MK3's invasion of Earthrealm... it's just so darn good. The atmosphere is there to match as the story goes along. And nearly everyone is here and part of it too. I cannot fault it and I think they rebooted it very nicely. The only thing I don't like and continue not to like is the whole "revenant" schtick. I'm sick of hearing, I'm sick of seeing it, it's dumb and it must stop. Unfortunately, it started here - but because it was new, it was okay. Should have stopped with MKX though, but nope, all the way to MK11's main storyline to the point of being the default of many characters. Kill it, please. But back to MK9, this is the most enjoyable story mode ever of them all, bar none.

    Roster: Man, isn't this the best part. Unlike every other post-MK2 entry without exception, this is the ONLY Mortal Kombat that I can move the cursor through the whole roster and not find a character I hate. No Jacqui. No Bo Rai Cho. No Hsu Hao. No Kung Jin. Kombat kids are nowhere to be found. The game is so awesome that they even managed to do the impossible, and make Stryker a cool, relatable, and likable character. And the classic outfits, wow! The ninjas look fantastic, it's amazing. Everything is just done right here. God, I really love this game, so much!

    Gameplay: This is gold. Fast-paced. Combo opportunities everywhere. There's depth, you can actually get a character, study its moves and combos and just get very good at it. Watching the pros playing this game is like watching an artist painting a masterpiece, it's beautiful and exciting.

    Sound: I prefer the older Asian atmosphere that Dan Forden so beautifully crafted, it just built this awesomely dark atmosphere that reminds you of older kung-fu movies that were lacking past the two first entries. But even MK3 had memorable tunes. While it's not bad, it's somewhat forgettable and just overall meh. But then recently I was choosing stages and pressed start on one of them. Then I heard Shao Kahn laughing. I was like, huh, something is going on here. Turns out to be a little hidden feature: if the stage is a classic MK stage, it will then play the original retro music in battle. I was so excited, this game delivers!!!

    Single-player: No grinding here and no stupid online requirements! The tower challenges are so awesome! How about test your luck, huh? I can play that for hours, so much fun! Not to mention test your sight, test your might, I mean, it's just Mortal Kombat Perfection here. Arcade ladder is a classic, just great. My only minor gripe here is with the bosses having the invincibility shield sometimes, it felt like an artificial difficulty increase to me, an afterthought. Challenge 300, Endgame, is legendary.

    In conclusion, if there is a game that would get a 10 out of 10 from me, this is it. This game single-handedly brought me back into gaming altogether.

    PS Vita specific: The people complaining about the graphics remind me of the current folks who buy MK11 on the Switch and don't understand that it needs to be toned down to run smoothly. MK9 on the Vita is, like MK11 on the Switch, a technological marvel, a sweet treat. Except much better here, as this is a much better game than MK11. Do yourself a favor if you have a Vita and like MK and get this game!
  63. Oct 9, 2021
    Screw STORY MODE

    You're a dumb fighting game about killing people in silly ways when you win a match. Then the story mode comes in and DESTROYS all that. AND it's that annoying trope of "Why does this keep happening to us?" when all of those problems would have been solved if they added the "MORTAL" element to the combat. SERIOUSLY, and then not able to skip the inbetweens makes it a
    Screw STORY MODE

    You're a dumb fighting game about killing people in silly ways when you win a match. Then the story mode comes in and DESTROYS all that. AND it's that annoying trope of "Why does this keep happening to us?" when all of those problems would have been solved if they added the "MORTAL" element to the combat. SERIOUSLY, and then not able to skip the inbetweens makes it a real chore to play through. THOUGH, the redeeming quality is the non-story mode aspect of it. Feels like real mortal kombat. THOUGH don't play with the joysticks since they're tuned too sensitively so your character has an annoying habit of constantly jumping. Seriously Game DEVS, stop trying with story, especially for games like this. Don't care about the Zelda Lore, Mario LORE, or any lore. I play video games for the GAMES aspect. Made the exception for Psychonauts and Edith Finch. With the latter being a visual novel game, so clearly story is front and center.
  64. Aug 27, 2021
    Mortal Kombat en PSVita llega con todos los contenidos adicionales de consola integrados, manteniendo intacta su jugabilidad. Como extras exclusivos para PSVita, tenemos una nueva Torre de Desafíos en la que aprovecharemos todas las funciones de la portátil y modos exclusivos como Test Your Slice (un Fruit Ninja a lo sangriento) y Test Your Balance (mantener el equilibrio con los sensoresMortal Kombat en PSVita llega con todos los contenidos adicionales de consola integrados, manteniendo intacta su jugabilidad. Como extras exclusivos para PSVita, tenemos una nueva Torre de Desafíos en la que aprovecharemos todas las funciones de la portátil y modos exclusivos como Test Your Slice (un Fruit Ninja a lo sangriento) y Test Your Balance (mantener el equilibrio con los sensores de movimiento). No obstante, en el apartado gráfico y sonoro se queda por detrás de las versiones de consolas domésticas: los personajes sufren un downgrade bastante notorio y, para colmo, el Modo Historia no está 100% doblado al castellano, como sí lo está en consola. Choca mucho ver una cinemática en castellano y que, antes del combate, hablen en inglés. Un buen Mortal Kombat y muy completo donde le echaremos horas. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 51 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 51
  2. Negative: 0 out of 51
  1. Hyper Magazine
    Aug 8, 2012
    A bursting at the seams port that sets a precedent for future Vita titles. [Sept 2012, p.74]
  2. LEVEL (Czech Republic)
    Jul 29, 2012
    Successful conversion of the original Mortal Kombat proves that battle games aren't yet finished. Great visuals and perfect playability delivers uncompromising fights. [July 2012]
  3. Playstation Official Magazine Australia
    Jul 4, 2012
    It's incredibly fast-paced and responsive. Nailing some of the intense combos may twist your fingers off as there are no touchscreen specials except for the X-ray moves that can be initiated once you have a full meter, but fatalities can be executed with finger swipes that match the d-pad inputs. Most of the extra modes, such as Test Your Slice, are gimmicks that either borrow heavily from smartphone games (let's just say you'll slice fruit whilst playing as a ninja) or rely on 'been there, done that' mechanics that use the Vita's hardware. Balancing a man on a beam is old hat, even if he's perilously dangling above a pit. [July 2012, p82]