The stochastic properties of term structure movements rights and content


The aim of this paper is to identify a stationary statistical model for Treasury bill discount changes. We find that the sample variance of discount changes are non-stationary over short differencing intervals but stabilize as the intervals increase to quarterly or semi-annual periods. This result has important implications for pricing options and for analyzing the predictive properties of forward rates. We show that the stochastic process structure leads to a downward revision in estimates of forward rate predictive power.

References (15)

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Cited by (10)

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    2009, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
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    Hence, this assumption is inconsistent with reality. In fact, numerous empirical studies have attested the dynamic and volatile nature of asset prices [8,10,12,19] and interest rates [20,24,30]. Hence, portfolio selection based on M–V analysis is bound to err for long holding period.

  • Flexible exchange rates. A closer look

    1989, Journal of Monetary Economics
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The original version of this paper was presented at the American Finance Association Meeting in San Francisco, CA, December 28–30, 1983. We are grateful to Robert Hansen, Robert Jarrow, Seha Tinic and especially Michael Brennan for helpful comments and to Dorothy Bower for computer programming. Funding for this study was provided by the Johnson School Financial Research Institute and The Tuck Associates Research Program.

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