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Monday Miscellany

Although spring is one month and a couple of days away from us, IP events and opportunities are already blooming and you can find a bundle of the best here.

A Kat trying to negotiate an early spring with Mother Nature
Conferences and eventsEPO Tech Day 2022 - 16 February 2022

On 16 February 2022, from 1:00pm to 5:15pm (CET), the European Patent Office (EPO) will celebrate Tech Day 2022 with the online event "Technologies of Transformation: Patenting in an era of global challenges and opportunities". Open to the public for the first time, the event will provide insights into the technologies developed to manage the most pressing global crises of current times, with a view to sustaining planetary health - both human health and that of the planet. More details about the event and how to register can be found here.

University of Queensland - Stand and Deliver: Biopiracy, Law, and the Balkanization of the Genescape - 22 February 2022

The University of Queensland launched a series of webinars on the interrelationships between people, plants and the law. The first webinar will be held by Professor Jack Kloppenburg on "Stand and Deliver: Biopiracy, Law, and the Balkanization of the Genescape" on 22 February 2022 from 9:00am to 10:00am, Australian Eastern Standard Time. More details about this event are available here and for the other events here.

Institute of European Media Law of the University of Luxembourg  - Piracy on all waves? - 24 February 2022

The Institute of European Media Law of the University of Luxembourg will hold the webinar "Piracy on all waves?" on 24 February 2022, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm (CET), to present the current technical and economic background of unauthorized access to television programmes broadcast within the European Union and then discuss legal aspects from both a substantive and procedural perspective. Registration is available here.

OxFirst - Damage Calculations in Patent Infringement Cases in the U.S.A. - 24 February 2022

OxFirst will hold a webinar on 24 February 2022, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm (CET), to discuss damage calculations in patent infringement cases in the US. Professor Thomas Cotter and Judge Randall Rader will present on the key tenets of damage calculations in patent infringement cases in the U.S.A. Registration is open and can be made here.

IFIM - IP and Regulatory Rights in the Age of Personalized Medicine - 15 March 2022

The Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law of Stockholm University (IFIM) will hold the webinar "IP and Regulatory Rights in the Age of Personalized Medicine" on 15 March 2022, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm (CET), to celebrate the publication of the book "Evergreening Patent Exclusivity in Pharmaceutical Products" by our GuestKat Frantzeska Papadopoulou and discuss the current state and future of patent law and regulatory rights in the field of personalized medicine. Further details about the event and registration can be found here.

European Copyright Society Annual Conference - 27 May 2022 

The European Copyright Society (ECS) announced that its annual conference will take place on 27 May 2022 in Nottingham, UK. More information will be released later on, but registration is already available here.

OpportunitiesCall for papers - Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS)

In connection with the 6th annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS), there is an ongoing call for papers to be presented at WIPS. WIPS is organised by reCreating Europe and inDICEs and will be hosted by the Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory from the University of Szeged on 9-10 June 2022 in Szeged (Hungary). Abstracts can be sent until 15 March 2022 and more information about the event and the abstract submission is available here.

Scholarship -  University of Leicester

The University of Leicester is funding 100 PhD Scholarships as part of the University’s Centenary celebrations. One of those Scholarships provides the opportunity to undertake an investigation into the regulation of IP licensing in a pandemic context. Further information about the scholarship is available here. The deadline for application is 11 March 2022.

MiscellaneousWIPO - China's Accession to the Hague System and the Marrakesh Treaty

China recently accessed two important WIPO treaties - the Hague System for the international registration of designs and the Marrakesh Treaty, aiming at making the production and international transfer of specially-adapted books for people with blindness or visual impairments easier by establishing a set of limitations and exceptions to copyright law. More information about this topic is available here.

Monday Miscellany Monday Miscellany Reviewed by Alexandre Miura on Monday, February 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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