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The Great Gatsby is a novel that needs no introduction for a certain generation of American readers. Long taught as required reading in American schools, critics have consistently held it up alongside Moby Dick, Huck Finn, and To Kill a Mockingbird as perhaps the quintessential Great American Novel.

Nick Carraway is a young Midwestern man freshly arrived in New York to make his fortune. He rents a shabby apartment in Long Island next door to a sumptuous mansion: the home of the mysterious and wealthy Jay Gatsby. Carraway spends time catching up with his distant cousin Daisy and her industry-baron husband Tom before being invited to one of Gatsby’s wildly lavish weekend parties. There he meets Jordan, a flapper and a golf star, and an intricate web of romances and betrayals begins to unfold.

The novel is a colorful study of America’s Jazz Age—a term said to be coined by Fitzgerald himself—complete with wealthy socialites living in hedonistic abandon, libertine flappers, jazz bands, roaring roadsters, and greasy speakeasies populated with shady grifters. Contrasted against the glamorous lives of wealthy socialites is the entrenched lower class, who live in gray, dingy squalor among smoldering ash-heaps. Fitzgerald uses the setting to examine the American Dream: the idea that anyone in America can achieve success through hard work and dedication. Gatsby has spent his life reaching for his dream. Some say he’s already achieved it. But has he? Is the dream even real for the hard-working poor that Gatsby and Tom race past in their glittering cars on the way to the decadent city?

Fitzgerald wrote much of his real life into the novel. Like Carraway, he was a Midwesterner educated at an Ivy-league school who went to live on Long Island. Despite his meager finances he hobnobbed with socialites, and spent his career struggling for money to maintain the grand style his romantic interests were accustomed to.

The cover art, titled Celestial Eyes, was commissioned from Francis Cugat, who completed it before the novel was finished. The huge eyes gazing down on the blazing city so moved Fitzgerald that he wrote them into the story.

Fitzgerald saw the novel as a purely artistic work, free of the pulp pandering required by his shorter commissions—but despite that, contemporary reviews were mixed, and it sold poorly. Fitzgerald thought it a failure, and died believing the novel to be fatally obscure. Only during World War II did it come back to the public consciousness, buoyed by the support of a ring of writers and critics and printed as an Armed Service Edition to be sent to soldiers on the front. Now it is an American classic.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

Crime and Punishment tells the story of Rodion Raskolnikov, an ex-student who plans to murder a pawnbroker to test his theory of personality. Having accomplished the deed, Raskolnikov struggles with mental anguish while trying to both avoid the consequences and hide his guilt from his friends and family.

Dostoevsky’s original idea for the novel centered on the Marmeladov family and the impact of alcoholism in Russia, but inspired by a double murder in France he decided to rework it around the new character of Raskolnikov. The novel was first serialized in The Russian Messenger over the course of 1866, where it was an instant success. It was published in a single volume in 1867. Presented here is Constance Garnett’s 1914 translation.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

Benjamin Franklin is a man who needs little introduction. He wore many hats over the course of his fascinating life, from that of a printer, to an inventor, to a scientist, to a politician, a founding father and statesman, and even a postmaster-general. He was famous for all of these things in his day, but he was also famed for his keen insight into people and human nature, and his sparkling talent as a conversationalist.

Despite his accomplishments, Franklin seemed to keep a down-to-earth demeanor, favoring home-spun sayings and simple, direct, honest prose—the kind of prose that shines in this autobiography.

The autobiography itself has a long and complex publication history. Franklin composed it in fits and spurts between 1771 and 1790, and never had a chance to complete it, let alone publish it, in his lifetime. It was first published as a poor French translation of an unrevised edition of the manuscript, and then as a heavily-editorialized and inaccurate English edition by Franklin’s son, William Temple Franklin. In 1868 John Bigelow purchased the original copy of the autobiography and published the first accurate edition, which is what subsequent publications, including this one, are based on.

Though incomplete, this autobiography is a highly readable and fascinating insight into the legendary life of the man some people call the “First American.”

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

When her husband dies and leaves his estate to his son from a former marriage, Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters are offered a cottage on the estate of a distant relative. The two oldest daughters fall in love, only to find that the objects of their affection have secrets that throw their lives into an uproar. The reserved oldest daughter and impetuous, fiery middle daughter will take very different journeys to discovering the true worth of their respective beaus.

Published in 1811, Sense and Sensibility, was largely written fifteen years earlier, when Austen was approximately the same age as her older protagonist Elinor. It was published anonymously (“By A Lady”), possibly due to propriety, or perhaps because she wanted to avoid any negative publicity if the book was not well-received. She needn’t have worried; it sold out its first printing of a modest 750 copies. She used well-defined characters, humor, and satire to paint a vivid picture of life in the England of George III, with all of its manners, class issues, and unwritten rules of behavior. That it’s still being read over two hundred years later is a testimony to her brilliance.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

Hermann Hesse wrote Siddhartha during a period in his life in which he suffered what he described as a “sickness with life.” He claimed to be unable to complete the book because he had not experienced the kind of nirvana that Siddhartha, the main character, wants to achieve—so Hesse surrounded himself with sacred Buddhist and Hindu teachings and lived as a recluse in order to complete this work.

Siddhartha is a short, simple tale of a man’s quest to achieve enlightenment and happiness. Over twelve short chapters the reader follows Siddhartha through his time as a young adult, to his exploration of spirituality as a traveling ascetic, to his delvings in lust, business, and greed, to his time as an old man. At each stage of his life Siddhartha yearns for nirvana, finally achieving it only after realizing that it’s all of life’s experiences that form it, not the teachings of any one man.

Today Siddhartha remains an influential text in new Western spirituality.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

The Prince is a book that was controversial before it had even been sent to the printer. Written in vernacular Italian instead of Latin, dedicated to a member of one of the most powerful Italian families of the day, and only printed after Machiavelli’s death, this treatise on how to tyrannize effectively was considered shocking even by his contemporaries. The discussion of its morality that continues to this day gives us the modern-day word Machiavellian.

The book is organized into several sections, each one giving direction on the ruthless rule of principalities that Machiavelli based on both reading and personal experience. Despite its controversial nature, The Prince is often cited as one of the first examples of modern philosophical thought, and the “advice” contained within is still quoted as relevant today.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

The Odyssey is one of the oldest works of Western literature, dating back to classical antiquity. Homer’s epic poem belongs in a collection called the Epic Cycle, which includes the Iliad. It was originally written in ancient Greek, utilizing a dactylic hexameter rhyme scheme. Although this rhyme scheme sounds beautiful in its native language, in modern English it can sound awkward and, as Eric McMillan humorously describes it, resembles “pumpkins rolling on a barn floor.” William Cullen Bryant avoided this problem by composing his translation in blank verse, a rhyme scheme that sounds natural in English.

This epic poem follows Ulysses, one of the Greek leaders that brought an end to the ten-year-long Trojan war. Longing for home, he travels across the Mediterranean Sea to return to his kingdom in Ithaca; unfortunately, our hero manages to anger Neptune, the god of the sea, making his trip home agonizingly slow and extremely dangerous. While Ulysses is trying to return home, his family in Ithaca is also in danger. Suitors have traveled to the home of Ulysses to marry his wife, Penelope, believing that her husband did not survive the war. These men are willing to kill anyone who stands in their way.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

“Call me Ishmael” says Moby Dick’s protagonist, and with this famous first line launches one of the acclaimed great American novels. Part adventure story, part quest for vengeance, part biological textbook and part whaling manual, Moby Dick was first published in 1851. The story follows Ishmael as he abandons his humdrum life on shore for an adventure on the waves. Finding the whaler Pequod at harbour in Nantucket, he signs up for a three year term without meeting the Captain of the ship, a mysterious figure called Ahab. It is only well into the voyage that Ahab’s thirst for vengeance against the eponymous white whale Moby Dick—and the consequences—become clear.

The novel is semi-autobiographical: Herman Melville had had his own experience of whaling, having spent a year and a half aboard a whaling ship and further years travelling the world in the early 1840s. Herman used the knowledge gained from his experiences and wide reading on the subject to furnish Moby Dick with an almost encyclopaedic quality at times. The literary style varies widely, veering from soliloquies and staged scenes to dream sequences to comprehensive lists of ships provisions, but everything serves to further detail the world that’s being painted.

Presented here is the New York edition, which was published later than the London edition and reverted numerous changes the original publishers had made, as well as including the initially omitted epilogue.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

Returning from Liverpool, Mr. Earnshaw brings with him a dirty, ragged, black-haired child called Heathcliff, and sets into motion a tale of destructive passions. The book’s two locations, the genteel Thrushcross Grange and the wild Wuthering Heights, serve as matching backgrounds to the characters of their occupants, as they struggle to gain the upper hand in marriage and power. All the while, the ghosts of the past seem to drive revenge more than inspire forgiveness.

Wuthering Heights was Emily Brontë’s sole published novel before her early death at the age of 30. Published under the pen name of Ellis Bell, a shared surname with the pen names of her sisters, many assumed that such a book could only have been written by a man. Reviewers of the time praised its emotional power but were also shocked at the actions of its characters, and most agreed that it was impossible to put down. After the novel’s original publication in 1847 it was revised into a single volume in 1850, and over time has become a classic of English literature. The story has been reworked into plays, operas, films, TV dramatisations and a ballet, and has inspired many further works of art, music and literature.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

The Importance of Being Earnest is Oscar Wilde’s most popular play today, enduring thanks to its easy humor, witty dialog, and clever satire. It was also one of his more successful plays, despite its first run being prematurely ended after only 86 performances. The main characters pretend to be other people in order to escape social obligations, with the resulting confusion of identities driving the plot and the humor behind it.

Earnest also holds the sad distinction of being Wilde’s last published play. A feud with an aristocrat whose son was Wilde’s lover led to a court case revealing Wilde as a homosexual—a crime in those days, and punishable by imprisonment with hard labor.

This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.

Esta obra reúne, oportunamente revisadas y estructuradas, todas las contribuciones al IV Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Derecho Deportivo celebrado en Huesca los días 13 y 14 de mayo de 2010, que estuvo exclusivamente dedicado a la reforma del régimen jurídico del deporte profesional y, más en concreto, al análisis de los distintos temas integrantes del "Informe sobre el deporte profesional en España" aprobado el 27 de abril anterior por la Subcomisión del Congreso de los Diputados encargada de estudiar la situación normativa de este sector en nuestro país y plantear su posible reforma. En la obra se abordan directamente, a través de ponencias y comunicaciones, las cuestiones más relevantes que, en un sentido amplio y sustancial, deben integrar la reforma, desde el propio modelo de organización de las competiciones profesionales hasta las apuestas deportivas, pasando por materias singulares como la "forma" o estructura de las entidades intervinientes en la competición profesional (con especial detenimiento en el presente y futuro de la sociedad anónima deportiva), el régimen fiscal, los derechos audiovisuales, las relaciones laborales o el fraude y la corrupción, materia esta recientemente incluida en el Código penal. Otros aspectos, como el propio concepto de deportista profesional, la disciplina deportiva o el régimen de jueces y árbitros, son también objeto de consideración directa o tangencial en los trabajos que conforman esta monografía.
The Seventh Edition of Strategies & Tactics for the MBE has been carefully revised by Steve Emanuel and is full of up-to-date advice on how to analyze Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions in all MBE subject areas (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Real Property with Future Interests, and Torts). Steve Emanuel—author of the Emanuel Law Outlines and CrunchTime books in the MBE-subject areas—has passed the bar exam in several states (including New York and California) and worked with law students to prepare them for taking the MBE.

New to the Seventh Edition:

30 additional Civil Procedure questions, all recently asked on the MBE and released by examiners, with detailed answers by Steve Emanuel Recently released actual MBE questions in Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Property, and Torts (also with detailed answers by Steve Emanuel)

Key features include:

Fully explained answers that not only analyze each answer option for each question, but also explain doctrines or rules that are necessary for answering the question and that you may not have encountered since your first year in law school Detailed advice on how to handle MBE questions in each of the MBE subject areas Step-by-step strategies for analyzing different question types Tips about how subtle differences in wording can change the meaning of an answer Strategies for “rewording” questions in your mind to make them easier to analyze Over 550 questions in the MBE topics (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Real Property and Future Interests, and Torts) that were asked on past MBEs A complete MBE-style 200-question practice exam with detailed answers
The Ultimate Guide to the UBE (Uniform Bar Exam) is your “one stop shop” for all things UBE (Uniform Bar Exam). Now administered in over 35 jurisdictions, bar exam takers don’t want to just pass – they want to excel and obtain the highest score possible so they have their choice of UBE jurisdictions. This Guide covers it all - from the basics of what is tested on the UBE, to the best ways to personalize your bar exam study, to the most important of all – how to maximize your score on each of the three sections of the UBE.

With over 40 years of combined experience in preparing students to pass the bar exam, Tania Shah, Melissa Hale, and Antonia (Toni) Miceli bring their expertise in the bar exam field directly to you and use actual bar exam answers from real bar examinees to show you exactly what you need to do to pick up points on the UBE!

Key features:

  • Whether you are in a new UBE jurisdiction, or one of the original UBE jurisdictions, this guide provides you with a detailed approach to the UBE, combining the authors’ expertise in bar exam preparation with access to actual bar exam answers from real bar examinees that were written during past bar exams and graded by actual bar exam graders.
  • The Ultimate Guide to the UBE shows readers what an actual bar exam answer looks like, rather than just telling them what the “perfect,” and mostly impossible, essay answer looks like. The material in this book appeals to readers with its straightforward approach, providing outlines, charts, easily digestible content, and good humor to engage readers with what could seem to be overwhelming and dry content.

The Ultimate Guide to the UBE is organized and broken down into four sections:

  • First, the Guide introduces the reader to the UBE, including what is tested on the UBE, how it is tested, and how it is scored, before guiding readers into their bar exam study, with tips on memory, time management, and scheduling.
  • Next, the Guide introduces the reader to the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE), which is the essay component of the UBE. After breaking down how to prepare for the MEE, and how to structure an MEE answer, the Guide uses actual MEE questions and actual bar exam answers to take the reader, step by step, through maximizing your MEE score. Readers are given the chance to “be the grader” and learn how to self-assess their own answers to improve their MEE score.
    • The Guide repeats this same process with the Multistate Performance Test (MPT), which is the closed-universe skills portion of the UBE.
  • The Guide next tackles the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), which is the multiple choice section of the UBE. The Guide focuses on each of the seven MBE subjects in independent chapters, where readers are guided through how to best attack MBE questions in that subject area, which include very detailed answer explanations and strategy pointers.
  • Finally, the Guide provides readers with all of the law needed to answer the actual UBE questions presented in the Guide, including quick reference handouts and charts.
As the field of sport management continues to expand and grow, the prevalence of litigation in sport is increasing. Sport management professionals must maintain a current understanding of sport law as the field evolves and lawsuits become a greater risk.

Case Studies in Sport Law, Third Edition, presents students with specific examples and perspectives of some of the most significant cases in sport law. Written in an accessible tone free of legal jargon, the authors introduce a comprehensive list of sport law cases to provide a student in any discipline both clarity and context for legal issues commonly encountered in sport management and sport law settings. The broad approach makes this text an ideal supplement for sport law courses or a stand-alone reference book, addressing the most prevalent legal issues sport professionals will encounter in their careers.

This third edition adds seven new case studies to reflect modern, prominent issues in the field, for a total of 93 case studies, all carefully curated to provide real-life applications representing many of the multifaceted aspects of sport law. The cases provide insight into the most prominent topics in sport law, including sexual harassment, hostile work environment, employment discrimination, negligence, risk management, antitrust law, arbitration, collective bargaining, trademark registration, free speech, and gambling.

Introductory information in each chapter discusses the type of law that will be examined in the case studies. Court cases are presented in an approachable and abridged format, promoting understanding without being hampered by legal verbiage. Each case study ends with review questions to test student comprehension and prompt in-class discussion.

Case Studies in Sport Law, Third Edition, will develop understanding of the basics of sport law by examining real-world cases and their impact on the sport industry.
Persuasive, engaging oral argument is breathtaking. Envision a self-assured attorney leading the court through the salient points of the case, deftly addressing questions from the bench, and steering those questions to the next relevant topic. It’s like watching a magician at work. Think that magic is beyond you? Think again. You can learn to be a persuasive oral advocate with the tips and advice in Point Well Made: Persuasive Oral Advocacy. Whether you are a first-year law student prepping for your Moot Court presentation, a public defender managing mountains of motions, an appellant or respondent on appeal before a panel, or a seasoned lawyer arguing in front of the US Supreme Court, you need Point Well Made.

Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Nancy Vaidik and international legal communications coach Rebecca Diaz-Bonilla again bring their expertise to your fingertips. This completely revised and expanded edition of Point Well Made gets even more “under the hood” of judges, pointing out ways to recognize the reactions of your audience and effectively persuade. You will learn how to prepare the right notes for your hearings, so you are confident in your facts, theories, and themes. You will also learn to handle a judge’s questions, how to deal with multi-judge panels, when and how to pivot when the court is unpersuaded, and how to lay out your argument to the best advantage.

In addition to helping you address the facts of your legal arguments, Point Well Made will enhance your presentation skills—how to deliver the motion with successful voice and body language techniques to capture the attention and trust of your listeners. Examples and exercises throughout the book help you practice your skills and learn from the experience of other attorneys.

The wealth of knowledge you will gain by reading Point Well Made is quickly and easily reviewed, thanks to the many tables summarizing and highlighting the concrete tools the book provides. Unsure how to respond to a judge’s question? The tables spell out effective responses. Nervous about an upcoming argument? Review the tables for methods of relieving your jitters. Dialing into your first remote hearing? Point Well Made provides a step-by-step guide.

Expanded to address appellate argument and remote hearings, the new edition of Point Well Made is a hands-on, practical guide that helps you develop persuasive themes, effectively convey your facts, simplify the law, gain insight into your particular judge(s) so you can customize your argument, and answer challenging questions with confidence.

Case Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, provides students with specific examples and perspectives of some of the most significant cases in sport law in an accessible tone that is free of legal jargon. The text is an ideal companion for non-law students who are seeking clarity and context for legal issues commonly encountered in sport management and sport law settings. The 87 cases provide real-life applications for students and scholars of sport management.

This updated second edition of Case Studies in Sport Law contains one new case study to provide a more contemporary example while maintaining the most significant precedent cases. The text is easily incorporated as a supplement to course studies, especially for its recommended companion text, Introduction to Sport Law, Second Edition. These two texts were designed with the other in mind, and the structures match each other in order of topics presented so that students can easily cross-reference the two to obtain the best understanding of sport law.

The 87 cases in Case Studies in Sport Law have been carefully curated by a team of experts in the field and represent many of the multifaceted aspects of sport law. Some of the areas covered in the text are school districts, colleges and universities, interscholastic and recreational programs, professional sport franchises, sporting goods manufacturers and trademarks, and governing bodies. This broad approach encourages students to understand the impact of legal issues on the sport industry, including many of the areas that students are hoping to pursue as a career.

Case Studies in Sport Law offers condensed versions of each case as opposed to the full legal proceedings, which enables students to grasp key concepts of the case instead of wading through legal jargon. The cases are divided into the main topics that are most prevalent in sport law courses: agency law, antitrust law, constitutional law, contract law, employment law, intellectual property, labor law, products liability, risk management, statutory law, Title IX, tort law, and the U.S. legal system. This is an easy-to-follow format that allows instructors and readers easy selection of cases based on the topic at hand. In addition to the abridged court cases, each section provides introductory information to prepare students on the type of law that will be examined and key concepts to bear in mind while reading. Further, each case study ends with review questions that can test student comprehension, be used for review, and prompt in-class discussions. Answers to these review questions are in the instructor guide, which is free to course adopters and available at www.HumanKinetics.com/CaseStudiesInSportLaw.

Litigation and lawsuits in sport are increasing; therefore, managers and operators must maintain a thorough understanding of legal practices. Case Studies in Sport Law is the ideal text to supplement a sport management or sport law class and bolster student comprehension of sport law issues, and it is a supreme reference in the professional library of all practitioners in college, high school, professional, and recreational sport settings.

Most law students have never had formal coursework in accounting or finance, yet these areas are integral to so many law school courses including: Business Associations, Securities Regulations, Corporate Finance, Taxation, Banking Law, Financial Regulation, and Business Planning. With math no more difficult than high school algebra, Essential Concepts of Business for Lawyers, Third Edition fills in those gaps with an accessible and interactive presentation of accounting, finance, and financial markets. Each stand-alone chapter provides a complete lesson that will shed light on business courses in law school, as well as business situations in legal practice.

New to the Third Edition:

Updates for and addition of new cases that illustrate the business concepts Addition of more examples, including information related to more companies such as Google and Uber Addition of new materials on the basic microeconomic concept of supply and demand

Professors and students will benefit from:

A self-contained course book that supports a 2-credit course on an overview of business concepts, including accounting, finance, valuation, financial instruments, and business strategy Lessons that go beyond the definitions of terms of art and business terminology A book written at an accessible level Edited appellate cases that connect business concepts to the law and legal practice Knowledge of the basic and most essential concepts of business Materials presented in an accessible way including the use of many examples to illustrate difficult concepts Clear explanations of difficult materials and foreign concepts
La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir NTV se ha mantenido como una de las Biblias favoritas por muchos aos y contina siendo una de las Biblias de estudio de mayor venta en la actualidad. Provee valiosa informacin acerca de los principales personajes bblicos, adems de una introduccin a cada libro con datos importantes, resmenes y esquemas para que todo lector obtenga una mejor comprensin del contexto en el que fue escrita la Biblia. Es el nico recurso bblico que incorpora la erudicin ms actualizada para responder a las preguntas de la vida diaria. Incluye aproximadamente 10.000 notas y guas actualizadas y ms de 200 mapas. La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir contiene el texto claro y comprensible de la NTV, una concordancia, palabras de Cristo en rojo y una pgina de presentacin.

La NTV es una traduccin excepcional de la Biblia, redactada en un espaol fcil de comprender y fiel a los idiomas originales. Es el fruto del trabajo de un equipo de ms 50 destacados eruditos de la Biblia. La erudicin y la claridad de la NTV le dan vida aun a los pasajes ms difciles. Sin embargo, lo ms impresionante de la NTV son los testimonios de cmo esta Biblia est cambiando la vida de las personas al hablarles directamente al corazn. Por eso la llamamos LA VERDAD CON CLARIDAD.

A favorite for many years, the Biblia de estudio del diario vivir NTV [Life Application Study Bible NTV] continues to be one of the most popular study Bibles available today. The Biblia de estudio del diario vivir provides valuable information about key Bible characters, as well as book introductions with vital statistics, overviews, and timelines to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the context in which the Scriptures were written. Its the one Bible resource that incorporates todays top scholarship in answering your real-life questions. Includes nearly 10,000 completely updated notes and guides, and more than 200 maps designed to help readers apply Gods truth to everyday life. The Biblia de estudio del diario vivir contains the clear and understandable NTV text. Classic features include a concordance, words of Christ in red, and a presentation page.

The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into todays Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. Thats why we call it La verdad con claridad (The Truth Made Clear).
El cine documental is an innovative intermediate/advanced textbook that provides students with the tools needed to communicate accurately and appropriately in Spanish. Learning is centered on cultural themes related to thought-provoking documentaries from around the Spanish-speaking world. Through the culturally rich and linguistically authentic medium of documentary film, El cine documental provides the experience of listening to many varieties of authentic speech in context, and stimulates conversation and critical thinking by immersing students in the target cultures. Organized to provide scaffolding for students as they develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, each chapter includes five sections: Ver, Leer, Escuchar, Escribir, and Expandir.

  • Authentic, engaging, culturally rich materials that develop students’ translingual and transcultural competence and prepare them for participation in a global society. Authentic input related to each chapter theme is provided in the form of:
    • a documentary film depicting contemporary and historical topics from a variety of Spanish-speaking countries. Themes include the environment; sports; globalization; poverty, hopes, and dreams; immigration; human rights; war and peace; and feminism.
    • a reading from a variety of genres: blog posts, newspaper articles, poetry, and short stories.
    • video interviews that students conduct with native Spanish speakers from the local community and a contemporary song related to the chapter theme.
  • Pre-, during, and post-viewing/reading/listening activities that guide and scaffold students’ interaction with multimedia input (films, readings, and songs) and develop their language skills. All activities are contextualized, meaningful, and directly related to the chapter themes.
  • End-of-chapter, learner-driven activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to integrate and put into practice their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge and understanding via oral presentations, debates, and a process-oriented writing assignment with a real-world purpose and audience.
  • An electronic workbook with detailed grammatical explanations for each grammar topic (four per chapter) and auto-correcting practice activities that provide additional vocabulary exposure. 

The Documentary Films:
  • América Latina y el Caribe: Riqueza viva
  • Rumbo a las grandes ligas / Road to the Big Leagues
  • ¿Por qué quebró McDonald’s en Bolivia? / Fast Food off the Shelf
  • La mina del diablo / The Devil’s Miner
  • ¿Cuál es el camino a casa? / Which Way Home?
  • Nuestros desaparecidos / Our Disappeared
  • La Sierra
  • Nosotras, centroamericanas
Films not included. To see list of sources for purchase, rental or other means of accessing the films please visit www.hackettpublishing.com.
Puedes comprar este libro con descuento si lo adquieres en la tienda oficial: http://www.escribircanciones.com.ar/tienda/

Hace tu música y desarrolla tu talento. No importa si recién comienzas o si eres músico profesional, en este libro encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para hacer tus canciones, desde la música hasta la letra.

No es otro libro más de teoría musical ni un aburrido manual de poesía. Es un libro práctico en el que descubrirás el arte de hacer canciones. En sus páginas se explican las diferentes técnicas y métodos para escribir y componer una canción. 

Aplicables a todos los géneros musicales: sean canciones de "radio" (desde el rock, pop, tango, heavy metal, reggaetón, infantiles, rap) a géneros mas experimentales y vanguardistas

Un libro indispensable tanto para quienes se quiere iniciar en el mundo de la música, como para músico profesionales o de conservatorio que desean adquirir nuevos recursos, métodos y técnicas, como para aquellos escritores y poetas que quieren pasar del mundo del papel al de los sonidos.

No encontrarás esta información revelada en ningún otro sitio, ya que la mayoría de métodos y recursos explicados en este libro provienen de años de oficio e investigación en el arte de hacer canciones.

También encontraras cientos de consejos e ideas para utilizar en tu música, además de los recursos, trucos y secretos que usan los artistas consagrados a la hora de componer y escribir sus canciones.

 Con este libro aprenderás:

- Métodos de composición.
- Tipos de canciones y diferentes estructuras.
- Distintas formas de pensar y crear música.
- Aprenderás a ser creativo y lograr la inspiración fácilmente.
- Los diferentes elementos de la música y la letra.
- Aspectos esenciales como rima, versos, motivos musicales, etc.
- Técnicas avanzadas para desarrollar la letra y la música de una canción.
- Cientos de recursos, tips e ideas originales para escribir y componer.
- Pequeños grandes trucos a la hora de escribir.
- Descubrirás cómo crear frases e ideas únicas.
y muchísimas cosas más…

Desarrolla tu música, tus canciones, y tu estilo. Deja de cantar canciones de otros, deja de ser un imitador:

¿No sabes cómo empezar a componer?
¿Ya tienes escritas letras y no sabes agregarle la melodía?
¿Quieres conocer nuevas técnicas y métodos de composición?
¿Te da vergüenza mostrar tus canciones?
¿Escribir te resulta difícil?
¿Quieres hacer canciones como tus ídolos?

Con este libro vas aprender a hacer buenas canciones, lograr explotar todo tu potencial creativo, adquirir nuevos recursos, métodos, técnicas y secretos para componer y escribir letras de canciones.

El libro de escribircanciones es una guía esencial para aquellos que desean adentrarse en el mundo de la música, así como un libro imprescindible para aquellos músicos y escritores profesionales que desean tener un manual de referencia.

Publicada inicialmente en 2007, esta Breve historia de la lengua española se ha convertido en la introducción más difundida a una de las lenguas más importantes del mundo por la extensión de su dominio y el número de hablantes. Este libro ofrece al lector un relato conciso que se propone profundizar en la evolución de la lengua desde sus raíces latinas hasta el presente, prestando especial atención a los cambios históricos y culturales que contribuyeron a su evolución y propagación por el mundo.
La Breve historia de la lengua española se concentra en los cambios más importantes de la evolución de la lengua, evitando la jerga académica ininteligible y favoreciendo la claridad en las explicaciones. Por el camino, intenta dar respuesta a muchas de las preguntas que con frecuencia desconciertan a los hablantes nativos y no nativos: ¿Por qué se utiliza en algunos lugares y vos en otros? ¿Cómo surgió la pronunciación como fricativa interdental de la zeta castellana? ¿Por qué se dice la mesa pero el agua con un artículo que parece masculino?
David A. Pharies es un experto en el estudio de la historia y evolución del español, que goza de un reconocido prestigio en la escena internacional. Para actualizar esta segunda edición ha revisado en profundidad todos los aspectos de la evolución del español, incluido su desarrollo demográfico. El libro va dirigido a quienes tienen un conocimiento básico del español y desean aprender más sobre sus orígenes. También constituye una base ideal para emprender el estudio de cualquier aspecto de la lingüística histórica española y de la literatura medieval. Entretenida y accesible, la Breve historia de la lengua española es un gran viaje de descubrimiento en una presentación amena y sucinta.

Since its publication in 2007, A Brief History of the Spanish Language has become the leading introduction to the history of one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. Moving from the language’s Latin roots to its present-day forms, this concise book offers readers insights into the origin and evolution of Spanish, the historical and cultural changes that shaped it, and its spread around the world.
A Brief History of the Spanish Language focuses on the most important aspects of the development of the Spanish language, eschewing technical jargon in favor of straightforward explanations. Along the way, it answers many of the common questions that puzzle native and nonnative speakers alike, such as: Why do some regions use while others use vos? How did the th sound develop in Castilian? And why is it la mesa but el agua?
David A. Pharies, an internationally recognized expert on the history and development of Spanish, has updated this edition with new research on all aspects of the evolution of Spanish while adding current demographic information as well. This book is perfect for anyone with a basic understanding of Spanish and a desire to further explore its roots. It also provides an ideal foundation for further study in any area of historical Spanish linguistics and early Spanish literature. Both absorbing and accessible, A Brief History of the Spanish Language is a grand journey of discovery in a beautifully compact format.
Based on a research project funded by the Army Research Institute, Foreign Language Learning reports original empirical and theoretical research on foreign language acquisition and makes recommendations about applications to foreign language instruction. The ultimate goal of this project was to identify a set of psychological principles that can provide the foundation for--or at least, argumentation for--a foreign language training course. This book reviews the various studies of which the project is comprised. It begins with an overview chapter outlining the scope of the project and summarizing some of the experiments that were conducted in the laboratory. In each of the following chapters, the contributors report on previously unpublished research on selected specific psycholinguistic training principles; vocabulary and concept acquisition; language comprehension; reading processes; and bilingualism. The final chapter--prepared by a prominent expert on second language training--provides an overview and evaluation of the contribution of the research described in earlier chapters to the goal of improving instructional methods in foreign language learning.

Sandwiched between the introductory and final chapters are four major sections:
* Vocabulary and Concept Acquisition, which discusses the effect of first-language phonological configuration on lexical acquisition in a second language, contextual inference effects in foreign language vocabulary acquisition and retention, mediated processes in foreign language vocabulary acquisition and retention, and the status of the count-mass distinction in a mental grammar;
* Language Comprehension, which addresses voice communication between air traffic controllers and pilots who are nonnative speakers of English, cognitive strategies in discourse processing, and the effects of context and word order in Maasai sentence production and comprehension;
* Reading Processes, which discusses the enhancement of text comprehension through highlighting, the effect of alphabet and fluency on unitization processes in reading, and reading proficiency of bilinguals in their first and second languages; and
* Bilingualism, which addresses Stroop interference effects in bilinguals between similar and dissimilar languages, the individual differences in second language proficiency, and the hierarchical model of bilingual representation.
Pushing the field forward in critically important ways, this book offers clear curricular directions and pedagogical guidelines to transform foreign language classrooms into environments where stimulating intellectual curiosity and tapping critical thinking abilities are as important as developing students’ linguistic repertoires. The case is made for content-based instruction—an approach to making FL classrooms sites where intellectually stimulating explorations are the norm rather than the exception. The book explicitly describes in detail how teachers could and should use content-based instruction, explains how integration of content and language aims can be accomplished within a program, identifies essential strategies to support this curricular and pedagogical approach, discusses issues of assessment within this context, and more.

Content-Based Foreign Language Teaching

provides theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence for reforming curricula and instruction, describes models and curriculum planning strategies that support implementation of well-balanced FL programs, explores the transformative potential of critical pedagogy in the FL classroom, and offers illustrations of secondary and post-secondary language programs that have experimented with alternative approaches. Advancing alternatives to conventional curriculum design, this volume posits meaning-oriented approaches as necessary to create language programs that make a great difference in the overall educational lives of learners
Un libro de consulta completo sobre terapia de juego para los profesionales de la salud mental.

Editado por los fundadores de este campo, el Manual de terapia de juego, 2a ed., es una referencia integral para los terapeutas pues ofrece una cobertura actualizada de todos los aspectos importantes del tema. Cada capítulo fue escrito por un académico y clínico renombrado y respetado en sus áreas de especialidad; incluye temas de investigación, evaluación, estrategias y aplicaciones clínicas. Debido a que cubre todas las áreas requeridas para la certificación de la Association for Play Therapy, constituye una guía esencial y única como libro de consulta para prepararse y obtener dicha certificación.
Útil para clínicos experimentados y principiantes, el Manual de terapia de juego, 2a ed., ofrece una introducción y un panorama integrales de la terapia de juego, ya que incluye teoría y técnica, poblaciones especiales, escenarios no tradicionales, y cuestiones profesionales y contemporáneas, así como la manera de incorporar todo esto en la práctica.
Además, el libro explora:
• Las teorías y técnicas esenciales en terapia de juego.
• Cómo aplicar la terapia de juego en poblaciones especiales y escenarios no tradicionales.
• La historia y los temas nuevos en este campo.
• Investigación, base de evidencias, aplicaciones clínicas y más.

Es una lectura indispensable para psicólogos, consejeros, terapeutas de pareja y familiares, trabajadores sociales y enfermeras psiquiátricas.

Kevin J. O’Connor, PHD, ABPP, RTP-S, es psicólogo clínico. Profesor distinguido en programas de licenciatura y posgrado en Psicología Clínica de California School of Professional Psychology. Junto con Charles E. Schaefer fundó la Association for Play Therapy.
Charles E. Schaefer, PhD, RPT-S, es Profesor emérito de Psicología en la Fairleigh Dickinson University de Teaneck, El Dr. Schaefer ha escrito o editado más de 55 libros profesionales, muchos de los cuales tratan el tema de la terapia de juego.
Lisa D. Braverman, PhD, es psicóloga pediátrica especializada en oncología, abuso infantil y trauma. Trata a niños, adolescentes y sus familias.
Trabajo de Investigación del año 2018 en eltema Pedagogía - Sistemas educativos, políticas educativas, Universidad Central de Venezuela (EDUCACION), Materia: ADMINISTRACION, Idioma: Español, Resumen: La presente investigación tiene por objeto analizar los factores que influyen en la culminación del Trabajo de Grado de los estudiantes de la Maestría en Educación Física Mención Administración del Deporte de la UPEL-IPC ya que el estudiante se enfrenta ante la realización de una investigación en la cual debe demostrar conocimientos relacionados con el postgrado cursado y muchas veces no tiene las habilidades necesarias, falta apoyo institucional, capacidad de redacción y síntesis, motivación, impedimentos burocráticos, líneas de investigación y asignación de tutores desde el comienzo del programa, entre otros. Es necesario investigar sobre esta temática porque influye en la productividad, eficiencia y eficacia de la maestría y afecta a la formación de investigadores del deporte en el país. El soporte teórico se baso en el trabajo de grado y la postergación del mismo, el tesista, la productividad de los postgrados en Venezuela además se hizo énfasis en la realidad de la maestría. Respecto a la metodología es un trabajo de carácter cuantitativo, una investigación de campo, descriptivo y no experimental. La población objeto de estudio está conformada por los 19 estudiantes de la cohorte 2006 y 2007 que culminaron la carga académica, la muestra es el total de la población. Para la recolección de datos se uso como instrumento un cuestionario, este es validado por el juicio de expertos y se determino la confiablidad a través del método Alfa de Crombach. Para las citas y referencias se utilizo el sistema tradicional mediante la American Psychological Association (APA).
The leading textbook in sport and exercise psychology is back in a revised seventh edition, and it again raises the bar with its engaging introduction to the field. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, offers both students and new practitioners a comprehensive view of sport and exercise psychology, drawing connections between research and practice and capturing the excitement of the world of sport and exercise.

Internationally respected authors Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould continue to gather and incorporate feedback from teachers and students with each edition, building a text that addresses emerging trends and remains relevant and up to date. In-depth learning aids have been refreshed, including chapter objectives and summaries, sidebars, key terms, key points, and discussion questions to help students think more critically about applying the material. Other updates to the seventh edition include the following:

  • A new chapter on diversity and inclusion addressing topics related to gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and disability
  • New content on popular and emerging areas such as grit, mindfulness, organizational sport psychology, and technology in sport psychology
  • Additional modern-day practical examples and anecdotes to better illustrate concepts
  • Updated references, including more contemporary sources

Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology provides students with a unique learning experience—taking them on a journey through the field’s origins, key concepts, research development, and career options available in the field. After this introduction to the field, the text shifts focus to personal factors that affect performance and behavior in sport, physical education, and exercise settings. It augments those concepts by factoring in situational circumstances that influence behavior, group interaction and processes, and the use of psychological techniques to help people perform more effectively. Students will gain critical insights into the role psychological factors play in health and exercise and the psychological consequences of participation in sport and physical activity, including children’s psychological development through sport participation, aggression in sport, and moral development and good sporting behavior in sport and physical activity contexts.

The related web study guide serves as an important learning tool to support the educational journey. With more than 100 engaging activities, it allows students to apply the concepts from the text by completing activities for each chapter that encourage critical thinking and hands-on experience.

Many of the study guide activities offer compelling audio and video clips that reveal how sport psychology consultants communicate with athletes and coaches to improve athletic experiences. These clips feature esteemed experts from the field discussing concepts that they have studied and refined during their professional careers.

To further emphasize practical application, the activities can be integrated throughout a full semester, turning course units into a unified whole that builds upon itself for greater understanding of the field.

In addition to the web study guide, instructors will have access to a full suite of ancillaries: an instructor guide, test package, chapter quizzes, and presentation package plus image bank. Plus instructors have access to a special instructor video library featuring more than 120 video clips.

Note: The web study guide is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web study guide is available separately.

La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir NTV se ha mantenido como una de las Biblias favoritas por muchos aos y contina siendo una de las Biblias de estudio de mayor venta en la actualidad. Provee valiosa informacin acerca de los principales personajes bblicos, adems de una introduccin a cada libro con datos importantes, resmenes y esquemas para que todo lector obtenga una mejor comprensin del contexto en el que fue escrita la Biblia. Es el nico recurso bblico que incorpora la erudicin ms actualizada para responder a las preguntas de la vida diaria. Incluye aproximadamente 10.000 notas y guas actualizadas y ms de 200 mapas. La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir contiene el texto claro y comprensible de la NTV, una concordancia, palabras de Cristo en rojo y una pgina de presentacin.

La NTV es una traduccin excepcional de la Biblia, redactada en un espaol fcil de comprender y fiel a los idiomas originales. Es el fruto del trabajo de un equipo de ms 50 destacados eruditos de la Biblia. La erudicin y la claridad de la NTV le dan vida aun a los pasajes ms difciles. Sin embargo, lo ms impresionante de la NTV son los testimonios de cmo esta Biblia est cambiando la vida de las personas al hablarles directamente al corazn. Por eso la llamamos LA VERDAD CON CLARIDAD.

A favorite for many years, the Biblia de estudio del diario vivir NTV [Life Application Study Bible NTV] continues to be one of the most popular study Bibles available today. The Biblia de estudio del diario vivir provides valuable information about key Bible characters, as well as book introductions with vital statistics, overviews, and timelines to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the context in which the Scriptures were written. Its the one Bible resource that incorporates todays top scholarship in answering your real-life questions. Includes nearly 10,000 completely updated notes and guides, and more than 200 maps designed to help readers apply Gods truth to everyday life. The Biblia de estudio del diario vivir contains the clear and understandable NTV text. Classic features include a concordance, words of Christ in red, and a presentation page.

The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into todays Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. Thats why we call it La verdad con claridad (The Truth Made Clear).
El cine documental is an innovative intermediate/advanced textbook that provides students with the tools needed to communicate accurately and appropriately in Spanish. Learning is centered on cultural themes related to thought-provoking documentaries from around the Spanish-speaking world. Through the culturally rich and linguistically authentic medium of documentary film, El cine documental provides the experience of listening to many varieties of authentic speech in context, and stimulates conversation and critical thinking by immersing students in the target cultures. Organized to provide scaffolding for students as they develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, each chapter includes five sections: Ver, Leer, Escuchar, Escribir, and Expandir.

  • Authentic, engaging, culturally rich materials that develop students’ translingual and transcultural competence and prepare them for participation in a global society. Authentic input related to each chapter theme is provided in the form of:
    • a documentary film depicting contemporary and historical topics from a variety of Spanish-speaking countries. Themes include the environment; sports; globalization; poverty, hopes, and dreams; immigration; human rights; war and peace; and feminism.
    • a reading from a variety of genres: blog posts, newspaper articles, poetry, and short stories.
    • video interviews that students conduct with native Spanish speakers from the local community and a contemporary song related to the chapter theme.
  • Pre-, during, and post-viewing/reading/listening activities that guide and scaffold students’ interaction with multimedia input (films, readings, and songs) and develop their language skills. All activities are contextualized, meaningful, and directly related to the chapter themes.
  • End-of-chapter, learner-driven activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to integrate and put into practice their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge and understanding via oral presentations, debates, and a process-oriented writing assignment with a real-world purpose and audience.
  • An electronic workbook with detailed grammatical explanations for each grammar topic (four per chapter) and auto-correcting practice activities that provide additional vocabulary exposure. 

The Documentary Films:
  • América Latina y el Caribe: Riqueza viva
  • Rumbo a las grandes ligas / Road to the Big Leagues
  • ¿Por qué quebró McDonald’s en Bolivia? / Fast Food off the Shelf
  • La mina del diablo / The Devil’s Miner
  • ¿Cuál es el camino a casa? / Which Way Home?
  • Nuestros desaparecidos / Our Disappeared
  • La Sierra
  • Nosotras, centroamericanas
Films not included. To see list of sources for purchase, rental or other means of accessing the films please visit www.hackettpublishing.com.
Puedes comprar este libro con descuento si lo adquieres en la tienda oficial: http://www.escribircanciones.com.ar/tienda/

Hace tu música y desarrolla tu talento. No importa si recién comienzas o si eres músico profesional, en este libro encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para hacer tus canciones, desde la música hasta la letra.

No es otro libro más de teoría musical ni un aburrido manual de poesía. Es un libro práctico en el que descubrirás el arte de hacer canciones. En sus páginas se explican las diferentes técnicas y métodos para escribir y componer una canción. 

Aplicables a todos los géneros musicales: sean canciones de "radio" (desde el rock, pop, tango, heavy metal, reggaetón, infantiles, rap) a géneros mas experimentales y vanguardistas

Un libro indispensable tanto para quienes se quiere iniciar en el mundo de la música, como para músico profesionales o de conservatorio que desean adquirir nuevos recursos, métodos y técnicas, como para aquellos escritores y poetas que quieren pasar del mundo del papel al de los sonidos.

No encontrarás esta información revelada en ningún otro sitio, ya que la mayoría de métodos y recursos explicados en este libro provienen de años de oficio e investigación en el arte de hacer canciones.

También encontraras cientos de consejos e ideas para utilizar en tu música, además de los recursos, trucos y secretos que usan los artistas consagrados a la hora de componer y escribir sus canciones.

 Con este libro aprenderás:

- Métodos de composición.
- Tipos de canciones y diferentes estructuras.
- Distintas formas de pensar y crear música.
- Aprenderás a ser creativo y lograr la inspiración fácilmente.
- Los diferentes elementos de la música y la letra.
- Aspectos esenciales como rima, versos, motivos musicales, etc.
- Técnicas avanzadas para desarrollar la letra y la música de una canción.
- Cientos de recursos, tips e ideas originales para escribir y componer.
- Pequeños grandes trucos a la hora de escribir.
- Descubrirás cómo crear frases e ideas únicas.
y muchísimas cosas más…

Desarrolla tu música, tus canciones, y tu estilo. Deja de cantar canciones de otros, deja de ser un imitador:

¿No sabes cómo empezar a componer?
¿Ya tienes escritas letras y no sabes agregarle la melodía?
¿Quieres conocer nuevas técnicas y métodos de composición?
¿Te da vergüenza mostrar tus canciones?
¿Escribir te resulta difícil?
¿Quieres hacer canciones como tus ídolos?

Con este libro vas aprender a hacer buenas canciones, lograr explotar todo tu potencial creativo, adquirir nuevos recursos, métodos, técnicas y secretos para componer y escribir letras de canciones.

El libro de escribircanciones es una guía esencial para aquellos que desean adentrarse en el mundo de la música, así como un libro imprescindible para aquellos músicos y escritores profesionales que desean tener un manual de referencia.

This book addresses the history of harm reduction. It evaluates the consequences and constraints, stakes and costs of the policy of needle exchange for the purposes of harm prevention and health research. Vitellone situates the syringe at the centre of empirical research and theoretical analysis, challenging existing accounts of drug injecting which treat the syringe as a dead device that simply facilitates social action between humans. Instead, this book complicates the relationship between human and object – injecting drug user and syringe – to ask what happens if we see the object as an intra-active part of the sociality that constitutes injecting practices. And what kinds of methods are required to generate a social science of the syringe that is able to measure injecting sociality?

Social Science of the Syringe

develops material methodologies and epistemologies of injecting drug use to enact the syringe as an object of intellectual inquiry. It draws on the methodologies of social anthropology, Actor-Network-Theory, Deleuze’s empiricism and new feminist materialism to move towards materially-engaged knowledge production. This interdisciplinary approach improves understandings of the causes and effects of injecting behaviour and the problem of needle sharing, as well as providing a more robust empirical framework to evaluate the motivations and consequences of drug use and drug policy. This book will appeal to researchers and students interested in the sociology of health and illness, STS, Actor-Network Theory, empirical sociology, medical anthropology, social and cultural anthropology, addiction theory and harm reduction.
The Western cultural consensus based on the ideas of free markets and individualism has led many social scientists to consider poverty as a personal experience, a deprivation of material things, and a failure of just distribution. Mary Douglas and Steven Ney find this dominant tradition of social thought about poverty and well-being to be full of contradictions. They argue that the root cause is the impoverished idea of the human person inherited through two centuries of intellectual history, and that two principles, the idea of the solipsist self and the idea of objectivity, cause most of the contradictions.

Douglas and Ney state that Economic Man, from its semitechnical niche in eighteenth-century economic theory, has taken over the realms of psychology, consumption, public assistance, political science, and philosophy. They say that by distorting the statistical data presented for policy analysis, the ideas of the solipsist self and objectivity indeed often protect a political bias. The authors propose to correct this by revising the current model of the person. Taking cultural bias into account and giving full play to political dissent, they restore the "persons" who have been missing from the social science debates.

Drawing from anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology, the authors set forth a fundamental critique of the social sciences. Their book will find a wide audience among social scientists and will also interest anyone engaged in current discussions of poverty.

This book is a copublication with the Russell Sage Foundation.
This book presents a series of ontological investigations into an adequate theory of embodiment for the social sciences. Informed by a new realist philosophy of causal powers, it seeks to articulate a concept of dynamic embodiment, one that positions human body movement, and not just ‘the body’ at the heart of theories of social action. It draws together several lines of thinking in contemporary social science: about the human body and its movements; adequate meta-theoretical explanations of agency and causality in human action; relations between moving and talking; skill and the formation of knowledge; metaphor, perception and the senses; movement literacy; the constitution of space and place, and narrative performance. This is an ontological inquiry that is richly grounded in, and supported by anthropological ethnographic evidence.

Using the work of Rom Harré, Roy Bhaskar, Charles Varela and Drid Williams this book applies causal powers theory to a revised ontology of personhood, and discusses why the adequate location of human agency is crucial for the social sciences. The breakthrough lies in fact that new realism affords us an account of embodied human agency as a generative causal power that is grounded in our corporeal materiality, thereby connecting natural/physical and cultural worlds.

Dynamic Embodiment for Social Theory is compelling reading for students and academics of the social sciences, especially anthropologists and sociologists of ‘the body’, and those interested in new developments in critical realism.

‘Young People and Social Media: Contemporary Children’s Digital Culture’ explores the practices, relationships, consequences, benefits, and outcomes of children’s experiences with, on, and through social media by bringing together a vast array of different ideas about childhood, youth, and young people’s lives. These ideas are drawn from scholars working in a variety of disciplines, and rather than just describing the social construction of childhood or an understanding of children’s lives, this collection seeks to encapsulate not only how young people exist on social media but also how their physical lives are impacted by their presence on social media.

One of the aims of this volume in exploring youth interaction with social media is to unpack the structuring of digital technologies in terms of how young people access the technology to use it as a means of communication, a platform for identification, and a tool for participation in their larger social world. During longstanding and continued experience in the broad field of youth and digital culture, we have come to realize that not only is the subject matter increasing in importance at an immeasurable rate, but the amount of textbooks and/or edited collections has lagged behind considerably. There is a lack of sources that fully encapsulate the canon of texts for the discipline or the rich diversity and complexity of overlapping subject areas that create the fertile ground for studying young people’s lives and culture. The editors hope that this text will occupy some of that void and act as a catalyst for future interdisciplinary collections.

‘Young People and Social Media: Contemporary Children’s Digital Culture’ will appeal to undergraduate students studying Child and Youth Studies and—given the interdisciplinary nature of the collection— scholars, researchers and students at all levels working in anthropology, psychology, sociology, communication studies, cultural studies, media studies, education, and human rights, among others. Practitioners in these fields will also find this collection of particular interest.  

This book presents a comprehensive discussion of classical ideas, core topics, currents and detailed theoretical underpinnings in medical sociology. It is a globally renowned source and reference for those interested in social dimensions of health and illness. The presentation is enriched with explanatory and illustrative styles. The design and illustration of details will shift the minds of the readers from mere classroom discourse to societal context (the space of health issues), to consider the implications of those ideas in a way that could guide health interventions. The elemental strengths are the sociological illustrations from African context, rooted in deep cultural interpretations necessitated because Africa bears a greater brunt of health problems. More so, the classical and current epistemological and theoretical discourse presented in this book are indicative of core themes in medical sociology in particular, but cut across a multidisciplinary realm including health social sciences (e.g., medical anthropology, health psychology, medical demography, medical geography and health economics) and health studies (medicine, public health, epidemiology, bioethics and medical humanities) in general. Therefore, apart from the book’s relevance as a teaching text of medical sociology for academics, it is also meant for students at various levels and all health professionals who require a deeper understanding of social dimensions of health and illness (with illustrations from the African context) and sociological contributions to health studies in general.
"This is a timely and easily accessible book that addresses a number of issues that are of central concern to the development of tourism studies. It will also be of interest to those in cultural studies, social geography and social anthropology who are concerned with the relationship between the production and consumption of place."
- Kevin Meethan, University of Plymouth

Sharp and engaging, Tourist Cultures presents valuable critical insights into tourism - arguing that within the imagined-real spaces of the traveller self it becomes possible to envisage tourist cultures and futures that will both empower and engage.

Here is a framework for understanding tourism which is subject-centred, dynamic, and capable of dealing with the complexity of contemporary tourist cultures. The book argues that tourists are not passive consumers of either destinations or their interpretations. Rather, they are actively occupied in a multi-sensory, embodied experience.

It delves into what tourists are looking for when they travel, be they on a package tour, or immersing themselves in the places, cultures and lifestyles of the exotic. Tourism is examined through a consideration of the spaces and selves of travel, exploring the cultures of meaning, mobilities and engagement that frame and define the tourist experience and traveller identities.

This book draws on the explanatory traditions of sociology, human geography and tourism studies to provide useful insights into the experiential and the lived dimensions of tourism and travel. Written in an accessible and engaging style, this is a welcome contribution to the growing literature on tourism and will be important reading for students in a range of social science and humanities courses.
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