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Federal Register of Legislation - Australian Government

Primary content

Browse Legislative Instruments - All - Title
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This page lets you browse for the text of legislative instruments. Each main letter or pair of letters below itis a link to a list of legislative instruments whose titles start with those letters. You can get links to differently arranged lists of legislative instruments using the Sort by drop-down menu.

If you know the title of the legislative instrument you want to view, you can enter some or all of the title in the Filter results box and click on Apply filter.

If you want to browse for:

  • the text of Principal legislative instrument , click on the Principal tab.
  • the text of Amending legislative instrument, click on the Amending tab.
  • the text of All legislative instruments, click on the All tab.

Go to the left hand side menu and select Legislative Instruments if you want to browse for:

  • the text of legislative instruments that are in force), and click on the Legislative instruments - In force .
  • the text of legislative instruments that are no longer in force), and click on the Legislative instruments - No longer in force .
  • the text of legislative instruments as originally made, and click on the Legislative instruments - As made .
  • the text of an amended legislative instrument as it is expected to read in the future(only published in special circumstances) , click on the Legislative instruments - Future law compilations tab.
  • legislative instruments undergoing Parliamentary scrutiny, click on the Legislative instruments - Currently open to disallowance tab.
  • legislative instruments that have been disallowed by Parliament, click on the Legislative instruments - Disallowed tab.
  • legislative instruments that are sunsetting soon, click on Legislative instruments - Sunsetting soon tab.

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