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Proposed Australian Approved Name (AAN) application form

7 August 2014

Use this form to apply for an Australian Approved Name (AAN). This application will be assessed by the TGA's Australian Approved Names Committee (AANC).

Please refer to the TGA approved terminology for medicines for guidance.


How to access a pdf or Word document

*Large file warning: Attempting to open large pdf files over the Internet within the browser window may cause problems. It is strongly recommended you download this document to your own computer and open from there.

This form is available in pdf and Microsoft Word formats. The pdf form can be filled in and saved to your computer using Adobe Reader version 7 or later or any version of Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional. If you have an earlier version of Adobe Reader you can fill in the form on-screen and print it out but you will not be able to save the completed form.