Register: Red Pine

Heart of Perfect Wisdom 

Zen Luminaries Series with Jon Joseph Roshi:
A Conversation with Bill Porter (Red Pine)
on the Heart Sutra

December 20, 2021
6:00 – 7:30 pm PST

Join us for a lively conversation on the great sutras, with Jon Joseph Roshi and special guest Bill Porter, also known as Red Pine.

Bill will read for us his translation of the iconic Heart Sutra, the core teaching of Chan and Zen Buddhism.

Bill Porter (Red Pine) is recognized as one of the world’s great translators of Chan poetry and Buddhist texts. His translations include 9th-century Chan poet Hanshan’s works, published as The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain, and several of the major Buddhist sutras, including the Heart Sutra, Diamond SutraPlatform Sutra, and Lankavatara Sutra.

Learn more about the Zen Luminaries Series

Feeding the PZI Dragon for Year of the Tiger 
Coming in 2022:

Stay tuned for details and registration.

Special Sunday Series:
PZI Teachers in January

1-Day Retreat: 
January 2, 2022 with
Tess Beasley & Jesse Cardin

Winter Sesshin:
February 1–6, 2022
6-Day & 5-Night Retreat
John Tarrant & Friends

The Dragon of Requirement Newsletter for December is here!

 is a Year of the Tiger that starts February 1st, 2022, and ends January 21st, 2023. It is a Water Tiger Year. May it be auspicious.

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Register: The Hoofs & The Horns, Part I: 1st of 2 End-of-Year Sundays with John Tarrant & Friends

PZI Digital Temple: 10:30am 
PST The Universe


All PZI Members Invited: Morning Meditations in the Open Temple through Year’s End

NOV-DEC 2021
PZI Digital Temple
The Universe


Register: Zen Luminaries Series – Heart of Perfect Wisdom: Jon Joseph in Conversation with Special Guest Bill Porter (Red Pine)

PZI Zen Online: 6pm PST
The Universe


Register: PZI Talk LIVE! Winter Solstice Party with Gaffney & Hitchcock

PZI Zen Online: 5pm PST
The Universe

Audio Recording

Befriending Your Own Heart Mind with John Tarrant

Befriending your life, your koan, your own heart mind—not using your meditation for anything: no intentions to improve yourself; no getting on board with the mind. Linji says, “Wherever you are, just take the position of host and that will be a true place.” (MK 38d) As recorded October 17,2021.

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