Misc Library

There are 49 pieces here.

Misc July 13, 2021
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Misc July 13, 2021
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Misc July 13, 2021
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Misc July 13, 2021
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Misc July 13, 2021
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Misc October 1, 2020

Artwork: Then Make a Raft

Corey Hitchcock

PZI Art: ‘Then Make a Raft’ Corey Hitchcock 2020, Painting mixed media on paper 47″ x 27.5″

Misc September 30, 2020
Misc September 30, 2020

Artwork: Infinite Elephant

Ellen Van Fleet

Art: Infinite Elephant – Ellen Van Fleet, artist, mixed media on paper.

Misc September 30, 2020

Distant Temple Bell

Ellen Van Fleet

PZI Art: Ellen Van Fleet, Artist – Temple Bell, mixed media on paper.

Misc September 30, 2020

All For You

Ellen Van Fleet

Art: Ellen Van Fleet, artist, mixed media on paper.

Misc September 30, 2020

Artwork: Sumi-e Collage

Michael Hofmann

PZI Zen- Artwork,collage, ink on paper by Michael Hofmann.

Misc September 30, 2020

Artwork: Save a Ghost!

Michael Hofmann

PZI Zen – Save a Ghost! is the title. Acrylic painting on canvas by Michael Hofmann.

Misc September 29, 2020

Painting – Deep in Jumbled Mountains

Corey Hitchcock

Painting – Deep in Jumbled Mountains – August 2020, Corey Hitchcock. Mixed media on paper – 47″x27.5″

Misc August 10, 2020

Yunmen’s One Treasure – Images from Cosmic Lantern Workshop in Santa Fe with Corey Hithchock

Corey Hitchcock

Artwork: Body sized Cosmic Lanterns – a visual response to Yunmen’s One treasure. Santa Fe, NM Spring, 2018.

Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017

New Table of Non-Periodic Elements

Corey Hitchcock

After you have died and the elements of your body have separated into earth, water, air and fire, where will you go?

Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017
Misc December 17, 2017

One Hundred Foot Pole

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “One Hundred Foot Pole,” 2008. Acrylic and silver leaf on wood box, 4″ x 8″ x 12″.

Misc December 17, 2017

Tree of Life

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Tree of Life,” 2008. Acrylic on birch panel with copper leaf, 30″ x 60″.

Misc December 17, 2017

Blue Night

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Blue Night,” 2009. Acrylic on birch panel with silver leaf, 16″ x 20″.

Misc December 17, 2017

Dreaming Awake

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Dreaming Awake,” 2009. Acrylic on birch panel with copper leaf, 18″ x 24″.

Misc December 17, 2017

Snow in a Silver Bowl

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Snow in a Silver Bowl,” 2009. Acrylic on paper with silver leaf, 16″ x 20″.

Misc December 17, 2017

The Well

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “The Well,” 2012. Acrylic on birch panel with copper, gold, and silver leaf, 28″ x 28″.

Misc December 17, 2017

Hands and Eyes

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Hands and Eyes,” 2008. Acrylic on birch panel with gold leaf, 18″ x 24″.


Visual Artwork December 17, 2017

Bird Disappearing Among Clouds

Allison Atwill

Allison Atwill, “Birds Disappearing Among Clouds,” 2008. Acrylic on birch panel with gold leaf, 36″ x 48″.