Major General
Robert A. McClure

Army Chief of Psychological Warfare

Born on 4 March 1897, Major General (MG) Robert A. McClure was commissioned as a Regular Army Infantry Officer in 1917. When the U.S. entered World War II in 1941, McClure was the Assistant Military Attaché in London. The following year, he became Chief of the Information and Censorship Section, Allied Force Headquarters (HQ), supporting Mediterranean Theater operations. In 1944, he assumed command of the Psychological Warfare (Psywar) Division, Supreme HQ, Allied Expeditionary Force (PWD/SHAEF) until the war’s end. During the Korean War, Brigadier General (BG) McClure was the Chief of Psywar for the Army when he established the Psywar Center at Fort Bragg, NC. He also promoted the activation of the 10th Special Forces Group, the first Army unit organized for Unconventional Warfare. In 1953, McClure became Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Iran. He retired as a Major General in 1956 and passed away on 1 January 1957. On 19 January 2001, the USASOC HQ building was dedicated in his honor, and in 2010, the ‘Father of U.S. Army Special Warfare’ was inducted into the U.S. Special Operations Command Commando Hall of Honor.

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Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure
Major General Robert A. McClure