2007 computer lab

Computer Science and Software Engineering/CIS

Augustana Participates in Call for Code Challenge

Augustana Participates in Call for Code Challenge

Technology is intricately woven into our daily lives, and the devices and applications we use are changing rapidly. Most people are never without their cell phone, and being off-line is an unfamiliar concept, at least for students. Computers hold our music and photo libraries, they allow us to watch movies and television shows anywhere and anytime, and we rely more and more heavily on the Web for researching most any question or subject. Today’s technology provides access to most anyone and anything worldwide.

The Department of Computer Science at Augustana has forged an innovative undergraduate curriculum that will equip you with both a broad and deep understanding of the foundations of this modern technological world. Our diverse group of scholars engages in assorted aspects of research, teaching and mentoring in computer science and its related interdisciplinary areas to provide up-to-date, quality instruction.

You can both major and/or minor in either:

  • Computer Science and Software Engineering — for students who plan to pursue graduate studies or seek employment involving the technical or scientific applications of computing. This major provides the stronger mathematical and scientific background.
  • Computer Information Systems (CIS) — for students who want to work with user-interfacing and the business applications of computing. This major deals more with the commercial and human aspects of computing.

Our active and close-knit community is supported by state-of-the-art computing hardware and software laboratories. Read more about our learning environment.

Course descriptions and requirements