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Safety information

No therapeutic product is ever completely risk free. Some risks may be known when a medicine or medical device is first entered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). However, some information only comes to light after more people use the products.

This section includes current and historic recalls of medicines and medical devices, advice that the TGA has issued about products, monitoring communications, information on reporting problems and how the safety of therapeutic products are monitored.


The information in this section is for patients, travellers, carers and members of the general public.

If you require medical advice please contact your GP, pharmacist or health provider.

Health professionals

Do you use or prescribe therapeutic goods in a professional capacity?

The information in this section is for health providers, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, complementary practitioners, etc. It is not presented as medical advice to health professionals or the public.


Do you supply and/or manufacture therapeutic goods or want to?

This section includes information about the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia, including standards and guidelines for different product types.