2016 Secretary Kerry's Remarks

12/30/16 Myanmar's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/28/16 Interview With Andrea Mitchell of NBC;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/28/16 Remarks on Middle East Peace;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
12/23/16 Today's Vote in the UN Security Council;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/22/16 Remarks on the 70th Anniversary of the FPC;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/21/16 The Emperor of Japan's Birthday;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/19/16 The Assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/18/16 International Migrants Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/18/16 Joint Press Availability with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
12/16/16 Kazakhstan's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/15/16 Remarks on Syria;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/15/16 Statement by Secretary Kerry on Renewing Waivers Related to Extension of the Iran Sanctions Act;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/13/16 On the Nomination of Rex Tillerson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/13/16 Remarks at the Unaccompanied Tour Family Holiday Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/12/16 The Republic of Kenya's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/10/16 Human Rights Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/10/16 Joint Press Availability With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed al-Thani;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Quai d'Orsay; Paris, France
12/10/16 Remarks at the French Grand Legion of Honor Ceremony With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Quai d'Orsay; Paris, France
12/09/16 Burkina Faso National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/09/16 Remarks at a Meet and Greet With the Staff and Families of Embassy Paris;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Embassy Paris; Paris, France
12/08/16 Remarks at the Opening Session of the OSCE Ministerial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hamburg, Germany
12/08/16 The Death of John Glenn;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/07/16 After His Meeting With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hamburg, Germany
12/06/16 Press Availability in Brussels;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
12/06/16 Remarks to Press Upon Arrival at NATO Headquarters;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
12/05/16 Conversation With German Transatlantic Young Professionals;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Berlin, Germany
12/05/16 On the Occasion of Finland's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/05/16 Remarks at a Ceremony Awarding the Grand Cross 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Secretary Kerry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; German Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Berlin, Germany
12/05/16 Remarks at the Embassy Berlin Meet and Greet;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Berlin, Germany
12/04/16 Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyladej's Birthday;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/04/16 Remarks at the Saban Forum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Willard Hotel; Washington, DC
12/03/16 International Day of Persons With Disabilities;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/03/16 Kennedy Center Honors Remarks;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/03/16 The United States Commends The Gambia on Peaceful Election;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/02/16 Joint Press Availability With Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Parco dei Principi Hotel; Rome, Italy
12/02/16 Remarks With UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rome, Italy
12/02/16 Remarks at the Mediterranean Dialogues Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Parco dei Principi Hotel; Rome, Italy
12/01/16 Central African Republic National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/01/16 Lao National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/01/16 Revised Colombia Peace Accord Approved;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
12/01/16 World AIDS Day 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC

11/30/16 Barbados National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/30/16 Signing a Memorandum of Understanding With Foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh Shoukry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Treaty Room; Washington, DC
11/29/16 On the Occasion of Romania's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/29/16 Remarks at the Women's Foreign Policy Group Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Ritz Carlton; Washington, DC
11/28/16 Mauritania National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/26/16 The Passing of Fidel Castro;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/25/16 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/25/16 On the Occasion of Albania's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/25/16 Suriname Independence Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/20/16 On the Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/20/16 Transgender Day of Remembrance;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/18/16 Remarks During Women's Empowerment Breakfast;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Grand National Theater; Lima, Peru
11/17/16 On the Occasion of Latvia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/17/16 On the Occasion of Sovereign Prince's Day in Monaco;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/17/16 Remarks With Peruvian Foreign Minister Ricardo Luna Mendoza;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lima, Peru
11/17/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lima, Peru
11/16/16 Remarks at the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Marrakech, Morocco
11/15/16 Press Roundtable in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
11/15/16 Retirement of Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard G. Olson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/14/16 Meet and Greet With Embassy Staff in Oman;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Muscat, Oman
11/13/16 Press Availability With New Zealand Prime Minister John Key;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Premier House; Wellington, New Zealand
11/13/16 Remarks at Dedication Ceremony of American War Memorial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Pukeahu National War Memorial; Wellington, New Zealand
11/13/16 Remarks at Meet and Greet With Embassy Staff and Their Families;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Wellington, New Zealand
11/12/16 Colombia Peace Accord;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/12/16 Remarks After Returning From Antarctica;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Christchurch International Airport; Christchurch, New Zealand
11/11/16 Remarks at Meet and Greet With the Staff of McMurdo Station;  Secretary of State John Kerry; McMurdo Station; Antarctica
11/10/16 Angola National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/10/16 Department of State and USAID FY 2017 Budget Amendment;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/10/16 Remarks With New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The George Hotel; Christchurch, New Zealand
11/08/16 Kingdom of Cambodia's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/06/16 On the Release of a U.S. Citizen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/05/16 Egypt's Important Economic Reform Steps;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/04/16 Remarks With United Nations Secretary-General-designate Antonio Guterres Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Treaty Room; Washington, DC
11/03/16 Dominica Independence Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/03/16 Panama's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/03/16 Remarks at Swearing-In Ceremony for U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines Sung Kim;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
11/03/16 Tonga National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/02/16 Federated States of Micronesia's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
11/02/16 Remarks at the 11th Annual Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
11/01/16 Antigua and Barbuda Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC

10/31/16 Remarks With Chatham House Director Robin Niblett at the Chatham House Prize Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chatham House; London, United Kingdom
10/31/16 Remarks and Conversation With Mayor of London Sadiq Khan at the Youth Outreach Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; London, United Kingdom
10/31/16 Remarks at the Benjamin Franklin House Medal for Leadership Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Benjamin Franklin House; London, United Kingdom
10/30/16 Press Availability with Irish Foreign Minister Charles Flanagan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Tipperary, Ireland
10/30/16 Remarks Following Receipt of the Tipperary Peace Award;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Aherlow House Hotel; Tipperary, Ireland
10/28/16 United States Election to the Human Rights Council;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/27/16 On the New Marine Protected Area in Antarctica's Ross Sea;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/27/16 On the Occasion of Turkey's Republic Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/27/16 St. Vincent and the Grenadines Independence Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/26/16 Interview With David Axelrod of The Axe Files Podcast;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chicago, Illinois
10/26/16 On the Occasion of the Czech Republic's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/26/16 Remarks With Students at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chicago, Illinois
10/26/16 Remarks at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hilton Chicago Hotel; Chicago, Illinois
10/25/16 Remarks With Vietnamese Executive Secretary Dinh The Huynh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
10/24/16 On the Occasion of Austria's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/24/16 Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF);  Secretary of State John Kerry; The White House; Washington, DC
10/24/16 Zambia National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/21/16 Remarks With Kuwaiti First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/20/16 Remarks With Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Secretary of State's Outer Office; Washington, DC
10/20/16 Remarks at the Panel Discussion Following "Before the Flood" Screening;  Secretary of State John Kerry; UN Headquarters; New York City
10/19/16 Remarks With Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se at a Press Availability;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
10/19/16 Remarks at the U.S.-Republic of Korea 2+2 Ministerial Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Room 1107; Washington, DC
10/18/16 Announcement of Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/18/16 Remarks with Vice President Joe Biden, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi At State Luncheon in Honor of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
10/16/16 Joint Statement From Secretary John Kerry and U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lancaster House; London, United Kingdom
10/16/16 Joint Statement From Secretary John Kerry, U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, and UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lancaster House; London, United Kingdom
10/15/16 An Ambitious HFC Amendment to the Montreal Protocol;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/14/16 Remarks at the Plenary of the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Plenary Hall, Convention Center; Kigali, Rwanda
10/13/16 Appointment of António Guterres as United Nations Secretary-General;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/13/16 Passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/12/16 Equatorial Guinea National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/12/16 Sint Maarten Constitution Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/11/16 International Day of the Girl;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/11/16 On the Occasion of Spain's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/11/16 Thirtieth Anniversary of the Reykjavik Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/10/16 Curacao Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/10/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Energy Innovators Roundtable;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palo Alto, CA
10/10/16 Remarks at the Virtuous Circle Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palo Alto, California
10/07/16 Congratulations to President Santos on Receiving the 2016 Nobel Prize for Peace;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/07/16 Remarks With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
10/07/16 Republic of Fiji's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/07/16 Uganda National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/06/16 Achieving Carbon Neutral Growth in the Airline Industry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/05/16 Remarks at the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
10/05/16 The Paris Agreement To Enter Into Force;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/04/16 Lesotho National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
10/04/16 Remarks on the Transatlantic Relationship;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Concert Noble; Brussels, Belgium

09/30/16 China's Founding of the PRC Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/30/16 On the Occasion of the Day of German Unity;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/30/16 Palau's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/30/16 Tuvalu's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/29/16 Botswana National Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/29/16 Nigeria National Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/29/16 On the Occasion of Independence Day in Cyprus;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/29/16 Remarks at The Atlantic and Aspen Institute;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Harman Center of Arts; Washington, DC
09/28/16 On the Passing of Shimon Peres;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/28/16 Remarks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Wilson Center; Washington, DC
09/28/16 Secretary Kerry Presents Award at USA Olympic Committee Team Awards Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; McDonough Arena, Georgetown University; Washington, DC
09/26/16 Guinea-Bissau's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/26/16 Interview With Claudia Gurisatti of NTN24/RCNTV;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Cartagena, Colombia
09/26/16 Remarks During Discussion With Victims of Conflict Representing Disadvantaged Youth, Former Combatants, and Landmine Victims;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Escuela Taller; Cartagena, Colombia
09/26/16 Remarks With Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Cartagena, Colombia
09/26/16 Roundtable With Traveling Press;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Cartagena, Colombia
09/24/16 Remarks Before Meeting With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Tufts University; Boston, MA
09/23/16 Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The London NYC; New York City
09/23/16 Remarks With Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palace Hotel; New York City
09/23/16 Remarks at United Nations Security Council Meeting on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT);  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/23/16 Remarks at the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Marriott New York East Side; New York City
09/22/16 Remarks at U.S.-Hosted Meeting of the Equal Futures Partnership;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Palace Hotel; New York City
09/22/16 Remarks at the Montreal Protocol Donor Declaration Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palace Hotel; New York City
09/22/16 Statement to the Press After the ISSG Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Palace Hotel; New York City
09/21/16 Belize's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/21/16 President Obama's Memorandum on Climate Change and National Security;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/21/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Official Residence of the Peruvian Permanent Representative to the United Nations; New York City, NY
09/21/16 Remarks With Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/21/16 Remarks With Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi at the U.S. Africa Business Forum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Palace Hotel; New York City
09/21/16 Remarks at the Council Session on Syria;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/21/16 Remarks at the UN Paris Agreement Entry into Force Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/20/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Kuwaiti Amir Shaykh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Residence of the Kuwaiti Permanent Representative to the United Nations; New York City, NY
09/19/16 Interview with Elise Labott of CNN;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palace Hotel; New York City, NY
09/19/16 On the Occasion of Independence Day in Armenia;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/19/16 On the Occasion of Independence Day in Malta;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/19/16 Remarks With Holy See Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Waldorf Astoria; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks With Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Waldorf Astoria; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks With Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Plaza Hotel; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks With Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Waldorf Astoria; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks at the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for Assistance to the Palestinians;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks at the Atlantic Council Award Dinner in Honor of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Natural History Museum; New York City
09/19/16 Remarks at the UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on Refugees and Migration;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
09/19/16 St. Kitts and Nevis Independence Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/18/16 Remarks at the Global Demining Initiative for Colombia Ministerial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palace Hotel; New York City, NY
09/18/16 Remarks with BBC's Katty Kay at the UN Foundation Social Good Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York City, NY
09/18/16 Remarks with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Marriott New York East Side; New York City, NY
09/16/16 Chile's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/16/16 Interview With Tom Hanson of Channel One;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Georgetown University; Washington, DC
09/16/16 Mexico's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/16/16 Remarks at Georgetown University;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/16/16 Remarks at the Closing Session of Our Ocean Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Costa Rica's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 El Salvador's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Guatemala's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Honduras's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 International Day of Democracy;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Interview With Adam Boulton of Sky News;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Marshall and John Jay Rooms; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Nicaragua's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Papua New Guinea Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Protecting Our Ocean through Marine Protected Areas;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Remarks With Leonardo DiCaprio;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Remarks at the Kennedy Center;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Remarks with Paraguayan Foreign Minister Eladio Loizaga Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Secretary Kerry Introducing President of the United States Barack Obama at the Our Ocean Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
09/15/16 Welcome Remarks at the Our Ocean Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
09/14/16 Remarks With Mozambican President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
09/14/16 Remarks at Oceana Global Fishing Watch Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Long View Gallery; Washington, DC
09/14/16 The Republic of Korea's Chuseok Holiday;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/12/16 Remarks Before the Daily Press Briefing;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/12/16 Remarks at the Airbnb Luncheon for the U.S. Department of State's Gilman Scholarship Program;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United States Institute for Peace; Washington, DC
09/11/16 September 11;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/09/16 North Korea's Nuclear Test;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/09/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura at a Press Availability;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Geneva, Switzerland
09/09/16 Tajikistan Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/08/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Geneva, Switzerland
09/07/16 Brazil's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/07/16 United States Deposits Its Instrument of Ratification for the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/06/16 On the Occasion of Macedonia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/06/16 On the Occasion of Our Lady of Meritxell Day in Andorra;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/06/16 Swaziland National Day Message;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
09/04/16 Remarks After Meeting With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hangzhou International Expo Center; Hangzhou, China
09/03/16 U.S. and China Joining the Paris Agreement;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hangzhou, China
09/01/16 On the Occasion of the Feast of San Marino;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC

08/31/16 Kyrgyz Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/31/16 Remarks During Meet and Greet in New Delhi, India;  Secretary of State John Kerry; American Embassy School; New Delhi, India
08/31/16 Remarks at India Institute of Technology Delhi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New Delhi, India
08/31/16 Trinidad and Tobago's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/31/16 Vietnam's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/30/16 Malaysia's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/30/16 On the Occasion of the Slovak Republic's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/30/16 Press Availability with Commerce Secretary Pritzker, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, and Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan Building; New Delhi, India
08/30/16 Remarks at the Joint S&CD Opening Plenary Session;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan Building; New Dehli, India
08/29/16 Press Availability in Dhaka, Bangladesh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Edward M. Kennedy Center; Dhaka, Bangladesh
08/29/16 Remarks During Meet and Greet at Embassy Dhaka;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Embassy Dhaka; Dhaka, Bangladesh
08/29/16 Syrian Refugee Admissions;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/26/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a Press Availability;  Secretary of State John Kerry; President Wilson Hotel; Geneva, Switzerland
08/25/16 Colombia Final Peace Accord;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/25/16 On American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) Attack;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/25/16 On the Occasion of Moldova's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/25/16 Press Availability With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Royal Terminal; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
08/25/16 Uruguay's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/24/16 Meet and Greet With Staff and Families of Embassy Abuja;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Embassy Abuja; Abuja, Nigeria
08/24/16 Remarks at a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Girls Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; Abuja, Nigeria
08/23/16 On the Occasion of Ukraine's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/23/16 Remarks on Community Building and Countering Violent Extremism;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Sultan's Palace; Sokoto, Nigeria
08/22/16 Interview With Daniel Danis of Eye Radio;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rosa Kempinski Hotel; Nairobi, Kenya
08/22/16 Remarks With Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rosa Kempinski Hotel; Nairobi, Kenya
08/22/16 Remarks at the Young African Leaders Initiative and Mandela Washington Fellows Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rosa Kempinski Hotel; Nairobi, Kenya
08/19/16 World Humanitarian Day 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/18/16 Afghan Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/18/16 On the Occasion of Hungary's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/17/16 Gabonese National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/15/16 Republic of Indonesia Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/15/16 The Republic of Congo National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/14/16 Indian Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/14/16 Pakistan Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/11/16 Chad's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/11/16 On the Occasion of Liechtenstein's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/11/16 The Republic of Korea's Independence Day;;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/10/16 Ecuadorian Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/10/16 Her Majesty Queen Sirikit's Birthday;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/08/16 Republic of Singapore National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/06/16 Bolivia's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/06/16 Interview With Craig Melvin on NBC's TODAY Show;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Copacabana Beach; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
08/06/16 Interview With Nancy Chen of 7News Boston WHDH;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Copacabana Beach; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
08/06/16 Jamaica's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/05/16 ASEAN Day 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/05/16 Cote d'Ivoire's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/05/16 Meeting With Olympic Athletes From Team USA;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Naval Academy; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
08/05/16 Remarks After Meeting With Brazilian Foreign Minister Jose Serra;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Palacio Itamaraty; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
08/04/16 Joint Press Availability With Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra;  Secretary of State John Kerry; San Martin Palace; Buenos Aires, Argentina
08/04/16 Remarks With Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; San Martin Palace; Buenos Aires, Argentina
08/04/16 Remarks to Members of the American Chamber of Commerce;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Buenos Aires, Argentina
08/03/16 Niger's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/03/16 Remarks at the Central Asia Ministerial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
08/02/16 Benin's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
08/02/16 Remarks at a State Lunch for Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
08/01/16 Press Availability With Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC

07/30/16 Remarks With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Quai d'Orsay; Paris, France
07/29/16 Remarks With United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/28/16 On the Occasion of Switzerland's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/28/16 Peruvian Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/28/16 Vanuatu Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/27/16 Remarks Philippines Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Manila, Philippines
07/27/16 Remarks With Philippines Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Manila, Philippines
07/27/16 Remarks With YSEALI Alumni on Marine Conservation;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Manila, Philippines
07/26/16 Liberia National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/26/16 Press Availability in Vientiane, Laos;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Convention Center; Vientiane, Laos
07/25/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Convention Center; Vientiane, Laos
07/25/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Convention Center; Vientiane, Laos
07/25/16 Remarks Before Mekong Initiative Ministerial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Convention Center; Vientiane, Laos
07/25/16 Remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Convention Center; Vientiane, Laos
07/22/16 Meeting With U.S. NGO and Industry Leaders;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vienna, Austria
07/22/16 Remarks at the Montreal Protocol High-level Segment;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vienna International Center; Vienna, Austria
07/21/16 Press Availability after the Counter-ISIL Ministerial Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
07/21/16 Remarks at the Counter-ISIL Ministerial Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
07/21/16 Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Hassan Shoukry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
07/21/16 Remarks With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
07/21/16 Remarks With German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
07/21/16 Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
07/20/16 Colombian Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/20/16 Remarks With Pledging Conference in Support of Iraq Co-Chairs;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Dean Acheson; Washington, DC
07/20/16 Remarks at the Pledging Conference in Support of Iraq;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
07/19/16 Joint Press Availability With U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; London, United Kingdom
07/19/16 On the Occasion of Belgium's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/18/16 Joint Press Availability With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Justus Lipsius Building; Brussels, Belgium
07/17/16 Interview With CNN's State of the Union With Jake Tapper;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Luxembourg, Luxembourg
07/17/16 Interview With Chuck Todd of NBC's Meet the Press;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Luxembourg, Luxembourg
07/17/16 Interview With George Stephanopolous of ABC's This Week;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Luxembourg, Luxembourg
07/17/16 Recent Developments in Bahrain;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/16/16 Remarks With Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
07/15/16 Joint Press Availability With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Osobnyak; Moscow, Russia
07/15/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Osobnyak; Moscow, Russia
07/15/16 The Situation in Turkey;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/14/16 Attack in Nice;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/14/16 Remarks With Russian President Vladimir Putin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Kremlin; Moscow, Russia
07/14/16 Remarks on the One-Year Anniversary of the JCPOA;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Westin Hotel; Paris, France
07/14/16 Video Remarks: James Timbie Forum on Arms Control and Nonproliferation;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/13/16 On the Occasion of Bastille Day in France;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/12/16 Remarks at a Reception in Celebration of Eid al-Fitr;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/12/16 Remarks at the Launch of the MissionOne Initiative;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington Passport Agency; Washington, DC
07/12/16 Sao Tome and Principe National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/11/16 On the Occasion of Montenegro's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/11/16 Republic of Kiribati Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/11/16 Serbia Offers Two Former Guantanamo Detainees Humanitarian Resettlement;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/11/16 World Population Day, July 11, 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/10/16 Commonwealth of the Bahamas Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/09/16 21st Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/09/16 Mongolia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/07/16 Argentina's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/07/16 Meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and Speaker Andriy Parubiy;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Rada; Kyiv, Ukraine
07/07/16 Remarks at Embassy Meet and Greet;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Embassy Tbilisi; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/07/16 Remarks at Top of Meeting With Georgian Opposition Leaders;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Radisson Blue Iveria Hotel; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/07/16 Remarks with Kyiv Embassy Staff;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hyatt Hotel; Kyiv, Ukraine
07/07/16 Remarks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Bankova Kyiv, Ukraine
07/06/16 Malawi's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/06/16 On the Occasion of Eid al-Fitr;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/06/16 On the Occasion of the Union of the Comoros' National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/06/16 Remarks Before Participation in the U.S.-Georgia Strategic Partnership Commission With Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chancellery; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/06/16 Remarks With Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chancellery; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/06/16 Remarks With Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Presidential Palace; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/06/16 Remarks With Georgian Prime Minister Kvirikashvili;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chancellery; Tbilisi, Georgia
07/05/16 Algeria's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/05/16 On the Occasion of Cabo Verde's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/05/16 Solomon Islands Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/05/16 Venezuelan Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/02/16 Passing of Elie Wiesel;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/01/16 Burundi's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/01/16 Canada Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/01/16 On the Occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Belarus;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/01/16 Rwanda National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
07/01/16 Somalia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC

06/30/16 Democratic Republic of the Congo's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/30/16 Remarks at the 2016 Trafficking In Persons Report Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
06/30/16 UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/29/16 Seychelles National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/28/16 Remarks at the Aspen Ideas Festival and Conversation with Walter Isaacson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Greenwald Pavilion, Aspen Institute; Aspen, Colorado
06/27/16 Djiboutian National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/27/16 Remarks With British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond;  Secretary of State John Kerry; London, United Kingdom
06/27/16 Remarks With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Berlaymont Building; Brussels, Belgium
06/27/16 Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Chief of Mission's Residence; Rome, Italy
06/27/16 Remarks With NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg;  Secretary of State John Kerry; NATO Headquarters; Brussels, Belgium
06/26/16 Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Grand Hotel La Minerve; Rome, Italy
06/24/16 Madagascar National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/24/16 On the Occasion of the Republic of Mozambique's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/24/16 On the United Kingdom - European Union Referendum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/23/16 Colombia Peace Process;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/23/16 Interview With Emily Cheng of Bloomberg;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ford Plaza - Innovation Marketplace, Stanford University; Stanford, CA
06/23/16 On the Occasion of Croatia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/23/16 On the Occasion of Slovenia's Statehood Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/23/16 Remarks at the Opening of the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Stanford University Memorial Auditorium; Stanford, California
06/22/16 Remarks at the GES Welcoming Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Arrillaga Alumni Center, Stanford University; Palo Alto, California
06/21/16 On the Occasion of National Day in Luxembourg;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/21/16 Remarks at GLIFAA Pride;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
06/21/16 Remarks at the SelectUSA Investment Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/21/16 Remarks at the Truman Scholarship Foundation Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/20/16 On the Occasion of Iceland's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/20/16 Remarks With College Students at the U.S. Diplomacy Center Refugee Simulation;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Harry S. Truman Building; Washington, DC
06/20/16 Remarks With Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie Pitt;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
06/20/16 Remarks at the Interfaith Iftar Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; ADAMS Center; Sterling, Virginia
06/20/16 World Refugee Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/17/16 Remarks With Greenland Foreign Minister Vittus Qujaukitsoq and Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; HDMS Thetis; Greenland
06/17/16 Remarks at GAME Copenhagen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Copenhagen, Denmark
06/16/16 Remarks With Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Copenhagen, Denmark
06/16/16 Remarks With Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Copenhagen, Denmark
06/15/16 Remarks With Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Oslo, Norway
06/15/16 Remarks at the Oslo Forum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Oslo, Norway
06/15/16 Remarks at the Oslo Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Oslo, Norway
06/14/16 Remarks at the 46th Organization of American States General Assembly;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
06/14/16 Roundtable with Press at the General Assembly Of the Organization of American States;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
06/13/16 Remarks With Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
06/10/16 On the Occasion of the National Day of the Russian Federation;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/10/16 Remarks With Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
06/10/16 Republic of the Philippines Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/09/16 On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/08/16 On the Occasion of Portugal Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/08/16 Remarks at Meeting With UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Mina Palace; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
06/08/16 World Oceans Day 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/07/16 70th Anniversary of Accession to the Throne of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/07/16 Consultation on People-to-People Exchange Plenary Session;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Museum; Beijing, China
06/07/16 Press Availability in Beijing, China;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Westin; Beijing, China
06/07/16 Remarks at the CEO Roundtable;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/07/16 Remarks at the Meeting With Chinese President Xi Jinping;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
06/07/16 Remarks at the S-Track Plenary;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/07/16 U.S.-China Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Beijing International Hotel; Beijing, China
06/07/16 U.S.-China Press Statements;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
06/06/16 Remarks Before the Small Session 1: Bilateral Issues;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/06/16 Remarks at the EcoPartnerships Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/06/16 Remarks at the Public Event on Oceans;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/06/16 S&ED Joint Session on Climate Change Remarks;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/06/16 S&ED Opening Session Remarks;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guesthouse; Beijing, China
06/05/16 Conversation With Young Leaders;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Shangri La Hotel; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
06/05/16 Joint Press Availability With Mongolian Foreign Minister Lundeg;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
06/05/16 On the Occasion of Ramadan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/05/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Mongolian Foreign Minister Lundeg Purevsuren;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
06/05/16 Remarks With Staff and Families of Embassy Mongolia;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ambassador's Residence; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
06/05/16 Statement On David Gilkey and Zabihulla Tamanna;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/04/16 Remarks Before Meeting With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault;  Secretary of State John Kerry; MFA Convention Center; Paris, France
06/03/16 Remarks Before Meeting With UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon;  Secretary of State John Kerry; MFA Convention Center; Paris, France
06/03/16 Remarks at Roundtable With Traveling Press;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Intercontinental Hotel; Paris, France
06/02/16 On the Occasion of Denmark's National Day, "Grundlovsdag";  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/02/16 On the Occasion of Sweden's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
06/02/16 Remarks at the United Nations International School Commencement Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; UN General Assembly Hall; New York City
06/01/16 Classroom Discussion on Ocean Protection and Environmental Issues;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Silver Spring, Maryland
06/01/16 Facebook Live Interview With Sean Lesniak for Discovery Channel;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Discovery Channel Headquarters; Silver Spring, MD
06/01/16 Interview With the Discovery Channel's "Nuclear Sharks";  Secretary of State John Kerry; Discovery Channel Headquarters; Silver Spring, MD

05/31/16 Interview With Bingru Wang of Phoenix TV;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
05/31/16 On the Occasion of Italy's Republic Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/30/16 Conviction of Hissene Habre for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Torture;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/29/16 Commemoration of International Day of UN Peacekeepers;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/27/16 Ethiopia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/27/16 Statement by Secretary John Kerry on the Passing of Cassandra Butts;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/25/16 Remarks at the Fulbright University Vietnam Establishment Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rex Hotel; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
05/25/16 Return of Nadiya Savchenko to Ukraine;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/24/16 Guyana Golden Jubilee - 50th Anniversary;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/24/16 On the Occasion of Independence Day in Georgia;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/24/16 On the Occasion of Republic Day in Azerbaijan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/24/16 Press Briefing With Secretary Kerry, Deputy NSC Advisor Ben Rhodes, and Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Park Hyatt; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
05/24/16 Remarks Before Meeting with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Government House; Hanoi, Vietnam
05/24/16 Remarks at a Peace Corps Signing Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Government House; Hanoi, Vietnam
05/23/16 Moving On in Vietnam, but Remembering Its Lessons;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York Times
05/22/16 Joint Press Availability With Burmese Foreign Minister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Naypyitaw, Burma
05/20/16 Cameroon National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/20/16 Meeting With Staff and Families of Tri Mission Brussels;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy Brussels; Brussels, Belgium
05/19/16 Morley Safer;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/19/16 Press Availability at NATO Headquarters;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
05/19/16 Vesak Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/18/16 Meeting With U.S. Embassy Vienna Staff;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Bristol Hotel; Vienna, Austria
05/18/16 Timor-Leste's Restoration of Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/17/16 Commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/17/16 Joint Press Availability With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vienna, Austria
05/17/16 Port State Measures Agreement to Enter Into Force;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/16/16 On the Occasion of Norway's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/16/16 Remarks at the Libya Ministerial;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vienna, Austria
05/14/16 Paraguayan Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/13/16 Remarks at a Working Luncheon in Honor of Nordic Leaders;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
05/12/16 Remarks With Foreign Secretary Hammond After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; 1 Carlton Gardens; London, United Kingdom
05/12/16 Remarks at Anti-Corruption Summit Plenary;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lancaster House; London, United Kingdom
05/12/16 Time To Treat Corruption With the Seriousness It Deserves;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/11/16 On Kenya's Announcement to End Hosting of Refugees;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/11/16 Remarks With Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Intercontinental Hotel; London, United Kingdom
05/11/16 Remarks at Oxford Union;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Oxford, United Kingdom
05/10/16 Interview With Christiane Amanpour of CNN International;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; London, United Kingdom
05/10/16 Roundtable Discussion;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; London, United Kingdom
05/09/16 Remarks Before His Meeting With French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Quai d'Orsay; Paris, France
05/06/16 On the Occasion of Europe Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/06/16 Remarks at Northeastern University Commencement Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; TD Garden; Boston, MA
05/06/16 Remarks at the AFSA Plaque Dedication;  Secretary of State John Kerry; C Street Lobby; Washington, DC
05/04/16 Holocaust Remembrance Day Observance;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/04/16 Japan's Children's Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/04/16 Korea's Children's Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/04/16 Remarks With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
05/04/16 Remarks With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/03/16 Press Availability by Secretary Kerry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
05/03/16 Remarks at the Council of the Americas' 46th Annual Washington Conference of the Americas/ U.S.-Caribbean-Central American Energy Summit Reception;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
05/02/16 Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; President Wilson Hotel; Geneva, Switzerland
05/02/16 Remarks With UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura after Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; President Wilson Hotel; Geneva, Switzerland
05/02/16 Secretary of State John Kerry Meets with U.S. Mission Geneva Staff;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Mission; Geneva, Switzerland
05/01/16 Remarks With Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Wilson Hotel; Geneva, Switzerland

04/29/16 On the Occasion of Poland's Constitution Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 Attack on al-Quds Hospital in Aleppo, Syria;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 China's Passage of the Law on the Management of Foreign NGO Activities Inside Mainland China;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 Interview With Omar Fekeiki of Middle East Broadcasting Network;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 Take Your Child To Work Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 The Marshall Islands National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/28/16 U.S. Senate's Confirmation of Roberta S. Jacobson as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/27/16 Freedom Day Message for South Africa;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/27/16 On the Occasion of Koningsdag in the Kingdom of the Netherlands;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/27/16 Remarks at the University of Texas at Austin Pickle Research Center Solar Field;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Austin, TX
04/27/16 Remarks at the Vietnam War Summit and Conversation With Ken Burns;  Secretary of State John Kerry; LBJ Presidential Library at the University of Texas at Austin; Austin, TX
04/27/16 Sierra Leone National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/27/16 Togo National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/26/16 On the Occasion of the United Republic of Tanzania's Union Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/26/16 Remarks at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rice University; Houston, Texas
04/25/16 On the Murder of a Locally-Hired Employee of the U.S. Mission in Bangladesh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/22/16 Opening Ceremony of the United Nations Signing Ceremony of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York City
04/22/16 Remarks Before Meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York, NY
04/22/16 Remarks at the Informal High-Level Event on Promoting the Early Entry into Force of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York City
04/21/16 Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/20/16 Remarks After Meeting With Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Cairo, Egypt
04/19/16 Pragmatic Reform of Global Drug Policy;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/19/16 Remarks After Meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United Nations; New York, NY
04/18/16 On the Occasion of the Republic of Zimbabwe's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/18/16 Remarks at J Street's National Gala Dinner;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center; Washington, DC
04/17/16 Ecuador Earthquake;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/17/16 Interview With Michael Putney of Local ABC News "The Week in South Florida";  Secretary of State John Kerry; Miami Passport Agency; Miami, Florida
04/14/16 Remarks at the Global Connect Initiative Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/14/16 Remarks at the Miami Dade Honors Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Miami, FL
04/14/16 Remarks with Miami Passport Agency Staff;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Miami, FL
04/13/16 Bengali New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/13/16 Release of the 2015 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Press Briefing Room; Washington, DC
04/12/16 Lao New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/12/16 Nepali New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/12/16 Remarks At the Pacific Council on International Policy;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Omni Hotel; Los Angeles, CA
04/12/16 Sinhala and Tamil New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/11/16 Interview With Morio Chijiiwa of TV Asahi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima; Hiroshima, Japan
04/11/16 Press Availability for G7;  Secretary of State John Kerry; International Media Center; Hiroshima, Japan
04/11/16 Songkran Festival - Thai New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/11/16 Thingyan and New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/10/16 Khmer New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/10/16 Secretary of State John Kerry And Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Grand Prince Hotel; Hiroshima, Japan
04/09/16 Joint Press Availability With Afghanistan President Ghani;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Dilgusha Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
04/09/16 Remarks With Afghan CEO Abdullah Abdullah Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Kabul, Afghanistan
04/09/16 Remarks With Afghanistan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani At the Opening of Bilateral Commission;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Char Chinar Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
04/09/16 Remarks at Meet and Greet With Staff of Embassy Kabul;  Secretary of State John Kerry; United States Embassy; Kabul, Afghanistan
04/08/16 Meets With Embassy Baghdad Staff;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Embassy Baghdad; Baghdad, Iraq
04/08/16 Press Availability in Baghdad, Iraq;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy Baghdad; Baghdad, Iraq
04/08/16 Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Foreign Minister's Villa; Baghdad, Iraq
04/07/16 Commemoration of the 22nd Anniversary of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/07/16 Embassy Meet and Greet With Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Manama, Bahrain;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; Manama, Bahrain
04/07/16 International Roma Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/07/16 Interview With Hasan Muawad of Al-Arabiya;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Manama, Bahrain
04/07/16 Joint Press Availability With Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Four Seasons Hotel; Manama, Bahrain
04/07/16 Remarks Before the Gulf Cooperation Council Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Four Seasons Hotel; Manama, Bahrain
04/07/16 Remarks With His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Gudaibiya Palace; Manama, Bahrain
04/07/16 Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Four Seasons Hotel; Manama, Bahrain
04/05/16 Interview With Bloomberg's David Westin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Grand Hyatt Hotel; New York City
04/05/16 Interview With Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Willie Geist, and Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC's Morning Joe;  Secretary of State John Kerry; MSNBC Studios; New York City
04/05/16 Interview With PBS's Charlie Rose;  Secretary of State John Kerry; New York City
04/05/16 Remarks at Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Grand Hyatt Hotel; New York City
04/04/16 On the Occasion of the Republic of Senegal's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/04/16 Remarks With Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
04/04/16 Remarks With Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed al-Thani;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
04/04/16 Senegal Offers Two Former Guantanamo Detainees Humanitarian Resettlement;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/04/16 UN International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/02/16 United States Condemns Ceasefire Violations Along Nagorno-Karabakh Line of Contact;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
04/01/16 Remarks Before Meeting With EU High Representative Mogherini;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Walter E. Washington Convention Center; Washington, DC

03/31/16 Remarks at a Working Dinner with Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz for the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/30/16 On the Libyan Government of National Accord;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks With Argentinian Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks With Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks With Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks With Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/30/16 Remarks at the U.S.-Nigeria Binational Commission;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/29/16 Introducing Vice President Joe Biden At the 2016 International Women of Courage Forum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/29/16 Remarks at the International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/28/16 Remarks With Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/26/16 Interview With CBS Face the Nation's John Dickerson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; CBS Studio; Washington, DC
03/25/16 Interview With CBS's Vladimir Duthiers;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With CNN's Erin Burnett;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With Greg Palkot of Fox;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With NBC's Richard Engel;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With RTBF's Regis De Rather;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With Terry Moran of ABC;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 Interview With VRT's Jan Valliant;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Brussels, Belgium
03/25/16 On The Occasion of Greek National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/25/16 Remarks With Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Prime Minister's Residence; Brussels, Belgium
03/24/16 Remarks Before Meeting With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Moscow, Russia
03/24/16 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Kremlin; Moscow, Russia
03/24/16 Remarks With Russian President Vladimir Putin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Kremlin; Moscow, Russia
03/23/16 Interview With Mikhail Gusman of Rossiya 24;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy Moscow; Moscow, Russia
03/23/16 Remarks Before Russian Young Professionals Roundtable;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; Moscow, Russia
03/22/16 Interview With Maria Celeste Arraras of Telemundo;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hotel Nacional; Havana, Cuba
03/22/16 Interview With Maria Elena Salinas of Univision;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hotel Nacional; Havana, Cuba
03/22/16 The United States Condemns the Terrorist Attacks in Brussels, Belgium;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/21/16 On the Occasion of the Republic of Namibia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/21/16 Statement on the Departure of U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern and the Appointment of Jonathan Pershing;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/21/16 Tunisia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/19/16 Message on the Occasion of Nowruz;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/18/16 Human Rights Situation in Egypt;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/18/16 On the Passing of Guido Westerwelle;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/17/16 Remarks on Daesh and Genocide;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/16/16 On The Occasion of St. Patrick's Day in Ireland;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/15/16 Burma's Union Parliament Elects New President;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/15/16 Remarks With Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/15/16 Remarks at Launch of U.S. Strategy for Adolescent Girls Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Bill Burns Auditorium; Washington, DC
03/15/16 Remarks for Global Partnership Week;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/13/16 Press Availability With French Foreign Minister Ayrault, German Foreign Minister Steinmeier, British Foreign Secretary Hammond, EU High Representative Mogherini, and Italian Foreign Minister Gentiloni;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Paris, France
03/12/16 Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Hafr al Batin, Saudi Arabia
03/11/16 March 2011 Tohoku Disaster Anniversary;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/11/16 Mauritius' National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/11/16 On the Anniversary of the Election of His Holiness Pope Francis;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/10/16 Remarks at the State Luncheon in Honor of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/09/16 Interview With Lisa Laflamme of CTV;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
03/09/16 Interview With Rosemary Barton of CBC Power and Politics;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
03/09/16 Nine-Year Anniversary of the Disappearance of Robert Levinson;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/09/16 Remarks With Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/08/16 International Women's Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/08/16 Remarks With Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/07/16 Continued Detention of Nadiya Savchenko;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/06/16 On the Passing of Nancy Reagan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/04/16 On the Occasion of the Republic of Ghana's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/02/16 Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2270 on North Korea;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/02/16 On the Occasion of Bulgaria's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/02/16 Remarks With Central African Republic Transitional President Catherine Samba-Panza;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
03/02/16 Video Remarks for D3 Innovation Summit;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/01/16 On the Death of Two Locally-Employed Staff of the U.S. Mission in Pakistan;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/01/16 Remarks at the Strong Cities Network International Visitors Leadership Program for Municipal Leaders and Countering Violence Extremism Experts Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
03/01/16 Video Remarks for 2015 Award for Corporate Excellence Ceremony;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC

02/29/16 Remarks With German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
02/29/16 U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/27/16 Dominican Republic Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/25/16 Remarks With Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Secretary of State's Outer Office; Washington, DC
02/25/16 Strengthening U.S. Leadership in a Turbulent World: The FY 2017 Foreign Affairs Budget;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Opening Remarks Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Washington, DC
02/24/16 Budget Hearing - Department of State and Foreign Assistance;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Opening Remarks Before the House Appropriations Committee on Foreign Operations; Washington, DC
02/24/16 State, Foreign Operations Review of FY17 State Dept. Budget Request;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Opening Remarks Before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Foreign Operations; Washington, DC
02/23/16 Remarks With Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
02/23/16 Review of the FY 2017 State Department Budget Request;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Opening Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
02/22/16 Cessation of Hostilities in Syria;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/22/16 On the Occasion of Estonia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/22/16 Saint Lucia Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/21/16 Press Availability with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Amman, Jordan
02/19/16 Brunei Darussalam National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/18/16 Remarks With Moroccan Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
02/18/16 The Gambia National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/17/16 Interview With Michelle Los Banos of the Department of State;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/17/16 Remarks With Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
02/16/16 Interview on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Los Angeles, California
02/16/16 On the Occasion of Kosovo's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/16/16 Passing of Former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/14/16 Remarks After Meeting With Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Prime Ministry; Tirana, Albania
02/13/16 Interview With Hayvi Bouzo of Orient TV;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Munich, Germany
02/13/16 Remarks at the 2016 Munich Security Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Bayerischer Hof Hotel; Munich, Germany
02/12/16 Confirmation of Ambassador Thomas Shannon as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and Appointment of Ambassador Kristie Kenney as State Department Counselor;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/12/16 On the Occasion of Lithuania's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/12/16 Press Availability at the International Syria Support Group;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Munich, Germany
02/11/16 On the Occasion of Serbia's National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/11/16 Port State Measures Agreement Ratification;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/09/16 Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
02/08/16 Himalayan New Year (Losar);  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/08/16 Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
02/06/16 D.P.R.K. Missile Launch;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/06/16 Grenada;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/06/16 Lunar New Year;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/05/16 Commemorating the Fifth Anniversary of the New START Treaty;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/05/16 Press Availability with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/04/16 New Zealand National Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/04/16 Remarks With U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Lancaster House; London, United Kingdom
02/04/16 Remarks at the Syria Donors Conference;  Secretary of State John Kerry; London, United Kingdom
02/03/16 Supporting a Peaceful Resolution to the Syrian Crisis;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
02/02/16 Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Rome, Italy
02/02/16 Remarks at the Ministerial Meeting of the Small Group of the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Rome, Italy

01/31/16 Video Statement on Syria Negotiations;  Secretary of State John Kerry; State Department; Washington, DC
01/30/16 Getting the Endgame Right in Colombia;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Miami Herald
01/29/16 On the Syria Negotiations in Geneva;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/29/16 Remarks With Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion and Mexican Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Quebec, Canada
01/28/16 Nauru's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/28/16 Remarks at The Washington Post Grand Opening Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; The Washington Post Headquarters; Washington, DC
01/27/16 Press Availability With Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Beijing, China
01/27/16 Remarks With Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Beijing, China
01/27/16 Remarks With Chinese President Xi Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Great Hall of the People; Beijing, China
01/27/16 Remarks With Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Diaoyutai State Guest House; Beijing, China
01/26/16 Remarks With Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Phnom Penh, Cambodia
01/26/16 Remarks at a Meet and Greet with Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh; Phnom Penh, Cambodia
01/26/16 Remarks to the Press;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Phnom Penh, Cambodia
01/25/16 Australia Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/25/16 Betico Croes Day in Aruba;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/25/16 Remarks With Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Government House; Vientiane, Laos
01/25/16 Remarks at a Meet and Greet With Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Vientiane, Laos;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Landmark Hotel; Vientiane, Laos
01/25/16 Remarks at a Press Roundtable;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vientiane, Laos
01/25/16 Remarks at the YSEALI Interaction Event;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vientiane, Laos
01/24/16 Remarks With Embassy Riyadh Staff and Families;  Secretary of State John Kerry; U.S. Embassy; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
01/23/16 Press Availability With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Royal Air Base; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
01/22/16 Remarks With Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Davos, Switzerland
01/22/16 Remarks at the World Economic Forum;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Davos, Switzerland
01/21/16 Interview With Becky Quick, Joe Kernen, and Andrew Ross Sorkin of CNBC's Squawk Box;  Secretary of State John Kerry; World Economic Forum; Davos, Switzerland
01/21/16 Roundtable with Journalists;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Davos, Switzerland
01/18/16 Interview With CNN's New Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/18/16 Interview With CNN's Wolf Blitzer;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/18/16 Interview With Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's Morning Joe;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/18/16 Interview on Fox and Friends;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/17/16 Hague Claims Tribunal Settlement;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/16/16 Confirmation of Verification of Iranian Actions Pursuant to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/16/16 Remarks on Implementation Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Vienna, Austria
01/14/16 Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir;  Secretary of State John Kerry; London, United Kingdom
01/13/16 On U.S. Navy Sailors' Departure From Iran;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/13/16 Remarks After Meeting With Refugees;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Silver Spring, Maryland
01/13/16 Remarks on the United States Foreign Policy Agenda for 2016;  Secretary of State John Kerry; National Defense University; Washington, DC
01/12/16 Remarks With Secretary of Defense Ash Carter with Filipino Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert del Rosario and Secretary of Defense Voltaire Gazmin;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
01/11/16 Remarks With Jordanian King Abdullah;  Secretary of State John Kerry; State Department; Washington, DC
01/08/16 First Round of Elections in the Central African Republic;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/07/16 First Anniversary of the Attacks in Paris;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/07/16 Remarks before the Daily Press Briefing;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/06/16 On the North Korean Nuclear Test;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/05/16 On the Passing of Ambassador Stephen Bosworth;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC
01/05/16 Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF);  Secretary of State John Kerry; The White House; Washington, DC
01/01/16 Haiti's Independence Day;  Secretary of State John Kerry; Washington, DC