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The New York Times is committed to helping our audience understand a vast and diverse world. We strive to have our content meet industry standards for accessibility, and we welcome your feedback and questions.

For feedback or problems with accessibility, please contact Customer Care. Be sure to include information about the browser, operating system, and assistive technology you’re using.

Here are some tips for you to make sure you have the best possible experience on the website and in the apps.


Increase the font size on NYTimes.com

There are two ways to increase the font size for The New York Times website.

Adjust browser font settings

You can adjust the font settings in your browser to always use a specific size. This method will be retained, and all browser windows and tabs will use this size.

Here are instructions for doing this with different browsers:

Google Chrome

Windows Internet Explorer 11


Microsoft Edge



Note: Some websites will not display the desired font size even after adjusting browser font settings. Use the quick font size change solution to increase font size.

Zoom to increase page size

You can quickly zoom in to change the font size for your current browser window or tab. This method is a temporary solution, and font size may not be retained if you open another tab or window.

Here are instructions for doing this with different operating systems:  

Windows users: Press the CTRL and + keys to zoom in, and the CTRL and - keys to zoom out.

MacOS users: Press the CMD and + keys to zoom in, and the CMD and - keys to zoom out.


Closed captioning on videos

On November 8, 2017, The New York Times began adding closed captions to all new videos. You can turn on closed captions by selecting the CC button at the bottom of the video player.


Most videos made before November 8, 2017 do not have closed captions.


Transcripts for videos 

On November 14, 2019, The New York Times added the capability of transcripts for videos. You can use the transcripts option by selecting the transcript icon at the bottom of the video player. 



This will open an overlay that contains the transcript.



Transcripts for audio

In February of 2019, The New York Times added the capability of transcripts for audio. You can use the transcripts option by selecting the transcript icon at the bottom of the audio player. 



This will open an overlay that contains the transcript.



Access The New York Times on a mobile device

You can read the New York Times on the go with your iPhone or Android device. Each device has accessibility features that allow the display and font settings to be modified as well as a screen reader to speak the text on the screen.

Each mobile operating system provides accessibility features for vision, hearing and mobility impairments. Here are the instructions for doing this with different models:

 Apple iPhone



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