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Clinical trial notification (CTN) form - user guide

Version 1.2, August 2020

21 August 2020

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Accessing the online CTN form

The Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) form is available online through our secure TGA Business Services (TBS) site.

To apply for a TGA client ID and access to TGA Business Services (TBS) please see TGA Business Services: getting started with the TGA. Information regarding the various 'roles' within TBS can be found at TGA Business services - how to use the site under Roles: what each user can do.

Once you have received your login details, go to the TGA Business Services (TBS) site. You will then be prompted to enter your login details on the right hand side of the screen.

screenshot of TGA Business Services login screen

Once logged in, you will see a personalised work page or 'dashboard'. What you can see and do on the dashboard will depend on what user role (access level) you have been given.

screenshot of TGA Business Services dashboard

Across the top of the TGA Business Portal dashboard there are three main menus: Applications; Documents; and Your TGA. If you also have financial access, there will be an additional Financials menu displayed.

You will also find a My work menu on the dashboard with the options Work on drafts or View Submissions.

screenshot showing a close-up of the My work menu on the dashboard

You can select either Work on drafts or View Submissions which will take you to the online Portal menu.

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