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Fight the Global Gag Rule 

IWHC is working to end the Global Gag Rule, an extreme Trump administration policy that harms women and girls and targets organizations that provide abortion services or even share information about abortion.

GGR report general statements
GGR report general statements (1)

What does the Global Gag Rule do?

The Global Gag Rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy, states that any foreign nongovernmental organization that takes US global health funds must certify that they do not engage in certain abortion-related activities, including providing abortion services, information, counseling and referrals, and advocating to expand access to safe abortion services. The Global Gag Rule applies to what organizations do with their own non-US government funds and forces health care providers to choose between providing a comprehensive spectrum of reproductive health care and receiving critical US funding.

Who is impacted by the Global Gag Rule?

The Global Gag Rule is harming the most vulnerable populations in society. Interviews with service providers revealed that the Global Gag Rule is already putting services further out of reach for marginalized women, women living in rural areas, and poorer women—populations that already have the least access to health services and information.

How has President Trump expanded the Global Gag Rule?

While every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has enacted some version of this policy, Trump’s Global Gag Rule represents a drastic expansion. Previous versions applied to family planning funding, representing about $500 million a year in US foreign assistance. Expanding the policy to all recipients of US global health funding means that approximately $9 billion is implicated, including funding for HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, nutrition, maternal health, and a range of other health programs designed to benefit millions of people. Estimates have determined that Trump’s Global Gag Rule will affect more than 1,000 organizations around the world, many of which have never had to comply with the Policy before.

"Women's lives are definitely on the line here"

What Can You Do to Fight the Global Gag Rule?

Join the Movement Builders!

You can help protect and advance reproductive health and rights in every region of the world by making a gift to the International Women's Health Coalition. When you sign up to become a monthly donor, you'll join our Movement Builders group and get exclusive updates and invites.

Become a Movement Builder

GGR Resource Facebook Card (1)
Read the Report

The International Women's Health Coalition and our grantee partners are documenting the effects of the Global Gag Rule in Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, and South Africa. Our new report details the harmful impact on women and girls, civil society organizations, and integrated health systems.


Copy of GGR updated
Call Your Senators

If you live in the United States, contact your elected representatives and tell them that women and girls' lives are at stake. Ask them to support the Global HER Act which would permanently end the Global Gag Rule. Call the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.


Raise Your Voice on Social Media

Use your voice to stand up for safe and legal abortion worldwide. Join the movement online by tweeting or sharing below!

GGR Landscape (3)
Social Post:

Reinstated by US President Donald Trump, the #GlobalGagRule is harming women & girls globally. Get the facts from @IntlWomen

In the News

Unnamed mother brings her child to be vaccinated for BCG during routine vaccinations at District Public Health Office, Immunization Clinic , Pokhara , Nepal

Global HER Act Provides Opportunity to End Deadly Global Gag Rule

IWHC welcomes the reintroduction of the Global HER Act in the US Congress and urges representatives and senators to protect women's rights and health by passing the bill.


The Global Gag Rule Has Put Women in Danger for Decades. Here’s How We Can Stop It.

The Global HER Act would remove restrictions on international recipients of US funding.

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