The U.S. Department of State is committed to preparing the next generation of diverse American leaders to succeed in a globalized economy and work across borders to address our world's most pressing issues.

When young Americans study abroad, they gain important skills and develop personal networks that enhance their prospects in the world’s marketplace and their potential as global problem-solvers. They also act as citizen ambassadors by building relationships within their host communities, demonstrating American values, and debunking stereotypes.

As Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “People‑to‑people exchanges bring our world closer together and convey the best of America to the world, especially to its young people.”

Start planning your future as a citizen ambassador and global leader today!

EducationUSA student advising
The U.S. Department of State is committed to expanding study abroad opportunities for American students to gain critical skills in support of our national security and economic prosperity.

Study Abroad