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Consultation Hub

Welcome to the Consultation Hub. This site will help you find, share and participate in consultations that interest you. Below you will find links to the consultations we are currently running.

Alternatively you may search for consultations by keyword, interest or status.  Once finalised, decisions will be published under Closed Consultations.

Open Consultations
  • Improving choice in residential aged care

    The Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety outlines a plan to improve choice in residential aged care. A new residential aged care system is being designed to assign places directly to senior Australians. This change marks the end of... More

    Closes 21 November 2021

  • The draft National Strategy for Radiation Safety

    Background Australia has a long history of successfully managing the use of radiation technologies. There are well established safety standards in Australia to protect the community and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation. A... More

    Closes 7 December 2021

  • Care and Support Sector Code of Conduct Consultation - Easy to read version

    The Australian Government wrote the Easy Read paper . When you see the word 'we', it means the Australian Government. We wrote this information in an easy to read way. You can ask for help to read the paper. A friend, family member or... More

    Closes 10 December 2021

  • Care and Support Sector Code of Conduct Consultation

    Please note: An Easy Read paper and an easy to read version of the questionnaire can be found here . The Australian Government is consulting in relation to the development of an enforceable Care and Support Sector Code of Conduct (the Code) applicable to providers and workers across... More

    Closes 10 December 2021

  • Consultation Draft - National Initial Assessment and Referral for Mental Healthcare

    National Initial Assessment and Referral for Mental Healthcare for children and adolescents Consultation Drafts - Survey As part of the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced $34.2 million to expand and implement the Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) tool into primary... More

    Closes 14 December 2021

Closed Consultations
  • 2021 CHSP Specialised Support Services (SSS) Survey

    The Department of Health would like to ensure SSS is still achieving the best outcomes for clients and carers, and to align these vital services to the new Support at Home Program, due to begin 1 July 2023. To align SSS with future reforms, some reporting changes are also... More

    Closed 19 November 2021

  • PHLN COVID-19 Lessons Learned Survey

    This survey provides Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) members with an opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this survey will be discussed at the PHLN meeting of 22 November 2021, and will be used to inform the development of the... More

    Closed 17 November 2021

  • AGPT Program GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation

    General Practitioners (GPs) are central to health care in the Australian community. The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program trains doctors to become GPs. It provides full-time, on-the-job training for Australian and overseas-trained doctors who want to specialise in general... More

    Closed 17 November 2021

  • Consultation Draft - Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan

    Future focused primary health care: Australia’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan 2022-2032 Consultation Draft - Survey The Consultation Draft of the Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan (the plan) draws on input from consultations with individuals and... More

    Closed 9 November 2021

  • Proposed changes to the recommended use of BCG vaccines to prevent tuberculosis

    The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is consulting with stakeholders on proposed changes to recommended use of BCG vaccines to prevent tuberculosis for inclusion in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, with an intention to submit the recommendation to the National... More

    Closed 6 November 2021

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

Between November 2020 and January 2021, the Department of Health sought feedback on the The Framework for the Collection, Release, Use and Publication of Voluntary Indigenous Identifier Data (VII Data Framework). Specifically, the Department asked:

  1. Does the VII Data Framework clearly set out the legal and ethical obligations for data users?
  2. What suggestions do you have on how the Department should communicate the legal and ethical obligations to data users?
  3. Does the VII Data Framework sufficiently protect Medicare estimations and enrolment data?
  4. What suggestions do you have on how VII data should be used?
  5. Is the Five Safes Framework an appropriate way to assess data requests?
  6. What else should be considered when assessing a request for VII data?
  7. How would you assess the types of statistical data tables that can be released to data users?
  8. Please include any other comments about the VII Data Framework below

You said

Seven organisations and four individuals responded to the consultation including, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health authorities, doctor peak organisations, a nurses’ and mid-wives’ group and government agencies. Most respondents were satisfied with the VII Data Framework’s  legal and ethical obligations, protections for Medicare and enrolment data, and access and release arrangements.

Specific feedback on the VII Data Framework include:

  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Sovereignty Principles need to be strengthened.
  2. It should include a supplement that further clarifies a user’s legal and ethical obligations.
  3. It should include a metadata document detailing technical information about the VII variables.
  4. It should provide further details on what the VII can and can’t be used for.
  5. Endorsement of the use of VII data in linkage or integration projects, provided an Accredited Integrating Authority conducted the linkage and all other restrictions on VII data are met (i.e. data can only be used for statistical purposes, and not to identify individuals, and must be used for health-related research and policy development).
  6. Requests for VII unit record data should have approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee with expertise in evaluating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research projects.
  7. Action should be taken to improve VII coverage including via data linkage and communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  8. Priority access should be available for planning and policy development.
  9. VII data should be released at lower levels of geographic aggregation.

The Department appreciates all the feedback and thanks all respondents.

We did

The Department has considered all responses, and these will be used to inform updates to the VII Data Framework.

  1. While some information on this will be added to the VII Data Framework, Indigenous Data Sovereignty is a broader issue that the Department will address in the context of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and in collaboration with the National Indigenous Australians Agency.
  2. Additional information on legal and ethical obligations will be added to the VII Data Framework.
  3. A metadata document will be included in the appendix of the VII Data Framework .
  4. The VII Data Framework will include more detail on appropriate use of VII data, as well as specifying prohibited uses (e.g. to identify or target individuals).
  5. Information on the circumstances guiding linkage of VII data will be included in the Framework.
  6. The VII Data Framework will specify that requests for unit record data for a research project must be accompanied by approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee with expertise in evaluating research including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  7. There are currently no plans for a broad-based communications strategy, but the Department notes the work of ACCHS in this space which has supported growth in VII enrolment of 3,000 new enrolments per month on average over the last ten years.
  8. While prioritising access by particular users is not currently planned, the Department continuously reviews and refines the data release process to better meet the needs of users and stakeholders.
  9. Currently, MBS estimates that use the VII are available at the State/Territory, Remoteness Area and PHN levels. Lower levels of aggregation will become available as coverage increases.

We asked

We asked for your feedback on the new ARPANSA Standard for Limiting Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields – 100 KHz to 300 GHz (RPS S-1) because we want to make sure that the standard is fit for purpose and provides clear guidance to industries and regulators to ensure the safety of Australian workers and the general public including people of all ages and health status.

You said

We received 61 submissions from a range of stakeholders, including health authorities, scientists, academic bodies and members of the general public. There were a range of technical comments, questions, and suggestions, as well as comments from members of the public expressing concern about the certainty of the science underpinning the exposure limits.

We did

We have reviewed all submissions and made some amendments, primarily to clarify technical aspects of the Standard. The revised Standard and our responses to individual consultation comments will now undergo formal approvals prior to publication.  

The new Standard will be published on the ARPANSA website in the first quarter of 2021.

We asked

For views and input across all sectors of the Australian community about a Lung Cancer Screening enquiry to investigate the feasibility of a national lung cancer screening program for people at high risk of lung cancer.


You said

That many factors should be considered across many sectors of the Australian community and the health system.  Public consultation submissions and input from stakeholders were detailed. Thank you for this feedback.


We did

We considered all feedback and engaged a consultant to analyse and summarise consultation outcomes for consideration by the Minister for Health. The Lung Cancer Screening enquiry report will be submitted to the Minister for Health in October 2020.