Dead by Daylight streamers are getting their IPs leaked, leading to DDOS attacks (shutting down someone's internet), swatting (calling the police to raid someone), and doxxing (revealing their address to the public). One such streamer, Elix, told TheGamer, "What would I say to anyone playing Dead by Daylight? Use a VPN immediately."

Elix is a Twitch streamer and partner who is also a member of Stream Queens, a group of 95 other creators who "seek to unify the Drag queens, kings, characters, and creatures of Twitch in one place." They were a victim of DDOS attacks and swatting, saying they had guns pointed at them before being handcuffed in front of their neighbours.

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"The team Stream Queens is being targeted specifically," Elix said to TheGamer. "I am the sixth member to be doxxed and swatted since September. I've shared information with Dead by Daylight in regards to the DDOS attacks and swatting, but haven't heard anything back. I have friends who work with Twitch and they have reached out to let me know I have someone to talk to, but Twitch has not reached out to me or said anything in regards to my experience."

Since the attacks, Elix has gone on to implement precautions - the VPN they mention is a tool that can mask your location by tapping into another server. You could appear as though you're in Japan or Canada while really streaming from the United Kingdom. This prevents doxxing, swatting, and DDOSing.

"I have a new IP and am ensuring I use a VPN," Elix told us. "I've deactivated some of my social media accounts that were personal to me since they existed before I pursued content creation four years ago. I am also in touch with law enforcement and the FBI - we have a detective assigned to the case."

They also add that steamers should "get a new IP address" which is simple enough to do. "Some internet providers make it easy - you just need to turn off your modem for ten minutes and you have a new IP address," Elix said. "Then mask it with a VPN to avoid DDOS attacks or the possibility of being doxxed."

Since the attacks on Dead by Daylight streamers across the platform - from both within and outside of Stream Queens - the developer has made a statement. It said, "We have been investigating cases of DDOS over the last week. We take these reports extremely seriously. We're actively monitoring the situation internally and with our partners to gather as much information as possible and identify trends."

Regardless, if you do stream Dead by Daylight anytime soon, be careful and make sure to protect your IP. It's still unclear how they're going public.

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