Recalls and suspensions

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18 November 2021
Device repair/replacement program has commenced
14 September 2021
Recall due to risk of bacterial contamination
2 August 2021
Recall - Possible presence of benzene
3 June 2021
Product Defect Alert - child-resistant caps may not function correctly

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Safety information

Subscribe to TGA safety information
18 November 2021
Information about the TGA's safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines.
11 November 2021
Information about the TGA's safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines.
9 November 2021
TGA investigation – potential contamination of medicines with nitrosamine impurities
9 November 2021
TGA is working with international regulators and sponsors to investigate and address nitrosamine impurities in medicines.

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Subscribe to TGA latest news and updates
18 November 2021
Consent to supply medical devices that are non-compliant with the Essential Principles (EPs)
18 November 2021
Examples to help illustrate areas of non-compliance in advertising cosmetics
17 November 2021
Interim statement for the consultation of potential reforms to medicinal cannabis manufacturing, labelling and packing requirement.
17 November 2021
The TGA is modernising this process to move from a standalone paper-based form to an online form

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