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Help us promote adverse event reporting: promotional resources kit

22 August 2019

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) wants your help to improve the safety of medicines, vaccines, and medical devices in Australia. We want everyone's help, whether they're a health professional reporting on behalf of a patient, or a member of the public reporting an adverse event for their self or a family member.

Adverse events can be:

  • reactions and side effects to medicines and vaccines
  • problems, faults and near-misses with medical devices, including implants and in vitro diagnostic devices

You can help by sharing our messages on social media, your website and around your workplace. Download and use any of the items below to start the conversation and educate others on the benefits of reporting any adverse events.

Printable resources


Preview of poster

A3 poster, 297 x 420 mm (PDF, 4.78Mb)

A1 poster, 594 x 841 mm, plus bleed (PDF,12Mb)
Note, this is a large file intended for commercial printing.


Preview of brochure

Tri-fold brochure, (PDF,1.95Mb)

Print this brochure yourself or contact us for printed copies.

Full-screen displays

You can display these images as a screensaver or on your website:


You can share our animations from the TGA Australia YouTube channel on your webpage or social media. Use the following links and code:


HTML embedding code: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen><iframe>


HTML embedding code: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Social media

Join the conversation by using this content on social media with #YourReportsMatter.


Health professionals

If your patient has experienced any problems with a medicine or medical device, make sure you get online and report it to the TGA.

Reporting problems helps make medicines and medical devices safer for all Australians.

Remember – your reports matter.

Learn more about reporting adverse events at: #YourReportsMatter #ReportAdverseEvents


Have you had a side effect to a medicine or a problem with a medical device? Reporting problems to the TGA helps make health products safer for everyone. Remember – your reports matter.

#YourReportsMatter #ReportAdverseEvents


Health professionals

#HealthProfessionals - Reporting #SideEffects or problems with #medicines or #MedicalDevices helps the TGA to monitor the safety and quality of health products in Australia.

Report #AdverseEvents on the TGA website: #YourReportsMatter #ReportAdverseEvents


Have you had a #SideEffect to a #medicine or a problem with a #MedicalDevice? Reporting problems to the #TGA helps make health products safer for everyone. Remember – your reports matter.

#YourReportsMatter #ReportAdverseEvents