The Gold Standard

The Gold Standard is open to all IAB UK members who buy and sell digital media. It improves the digital advertising experience, helps compliance with the GDPR and ePrivacy law, tackles ad fraud and upholds brand safety

Aims of the Gold Standard

Reduce ad fraud

By implementing or supporting IAB Tech Lab's ads.txt, sellers.json and OpenRTB Supply Chain Object

Uphold brand safety

By obtaining TAG Brand Safety Certification

Improve the experience

By adhering to The Coalition for Better Ads advertising standards

Help compliance with the GDPR and ePrivacy law

By adopting IAB Europe’s Transparency Consent Framework (TCF)

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Start e-Learning

Make sure you’re up-to-date on the Gold Standard’s criteria and the challenges it’s addressing by completing our short e-Learning exercise - then share it with your team.

Gold Standard 2.0 launches

IAB UK’s Gold Standard 2.0 introduces more rigorous criteria, requiring certified companies to implement IAB Europe’s Transparency & Consent Framework. Plus, we announce new advertiser supporters Unilever & COTY.

What you need to know about certification


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How does it work?

You can register your company in less than two minutes, then we’ll contact you to confirm eligibility and take further details. Find out about what is required to become 2.0 certified below.

Gold Standard

Certified & Registered

Almost 100 companies are Gold Standard certified, and our process has been audited by ABC to ensure certification is robust and effectively managed.

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Value of Gold Standard

It pays to be certified. Our 2019 Digital Adspend Study shows that display investment in Gold Standard companies grew at more than twice the rate of non-certified companies.

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ABC audited

Our Gold Standard certification process has been audited by ABC, an independent third-party. The process will be audited every 12 months to ensure standards remain high.

“…Initiatives such as the IAB Gold Standard are key to a healthy and successful digital ad industry – one that works in the interests of all. As the criteria for the Gold Standard becomes more robust, now is the time for advertisers to get behind it and invest accordingly.”

Emma Saksena, UKI Media Director, Unilever


Register now

Becoming Gold Standard certified couldn't be easier, just fill out our short online form and we'll be in touch to talk about your commitment and get you started on the process.

How to get involved?

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Your role as an advertiser

Advertisers play a crucial role in improving digital ad standards. By committing to work with Gold Standard certified companies, they help to effectively drive change in the digital supply chain.

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Your role as a policy-maker

The Gold Standard plays an essential role in industry self-regulation. Find out more about self-regulatory initiatives from across the industry below.

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Gold Standard 2.0 launches

IAB UK’s Gold Standard 2.0 introduces more rigorous criteria, requiring certified companies to implement IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework. Plus, we announce new advertiser supporters Unilever and COTY.


The Gold Standard’s evolving. Here’s why

As we launch Gold Standard 2.0, IAB UK’s Tim Elkington calls on IAB members to get involved and support this latest step towards building a sustainable future for the digital ad industry.


Gold Standard in Marketing Week

Tesco and McDonald’s were the first brands to commit to the Gold Standard to clean up digital advertising.

Lord Gilbert

Gold Standard in Parliament

The Gold Standard has been praised in parliament by peers. You can watch their speeches in full below.

"The new IAB standard raises the accountability bar and provides additional assurances that appropriate measures are taken to fight fraud and maintain brand-safe and suitable environments."

Stevan Randjelovic, Director of Brand Safety and Digital Risk at GroupM EMEA

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