The Star Tribune 50 is a measure of the largest publicly held companies in Minnesota ranked by 2020 revenue. Numbers for companies that don’t have a Dec. 31 year-end are from the four quarters ending November, December, January or February. Another 26 companies were considered but whose revenues were too small for the list. Data for the 50 largest companies also includes each company’s net income before extraordinary items, assets and market capitalization as of April 30. Data for the list was taken from Refinitiv, Yahoo Finance, company news releases and Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

The list excludes public companies that do not trade on major exchanges, closely held companies, which usually do not disclose financial data, cooperatives and fraternal benefits organizations. Companies that were delayed filing year-end results were also excluded. Companies who have management headquarters in Minnesota, including Medtronic, Pentair, nVent Electric, Investors Real Estate Trust, and Winnebago Industries are included.

Star Tribune graphic: Patrick Kennedy, Thomas Oide