Fairy Tzarina of Cutness and Debautchery


Twitch Affiliate. Onlyfans LGBT 💖💙💜, She/They Chronically Anxious 18+ Fairydeficient@gmail.com

Joined June 2018


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  2. You cannot advocate for sexual puritanical bullshit and then be surprised that children do not have the language to be able to report sexual assault to safe adults. Anyone who advocates for preventing children learning about sexuality is help abusers.

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  3. This helps prevent sexual abuse because you've now established what is appropriate in sexual context and what isnt. Deciding to just be like no sexual education for you increases the risk of sexual assault.

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  4. This type of idea is why the USA doesn't have good sexual education. Children should learn about sexuality at age appropriate times. Teens for example should not only learn about how to put on condoms but how BDSM works.

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  5. 11 hours ago

    The notion that exposing kids to the concept of adult sexuality is inherently predatory, harmful, or toxic is really odd on the face of it, imo. Seems to obscure the actual structures of abuse and power that victimize kids irl

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  6. 13 hours ago

    if it wasn’t for STRIPPERS, u “pole hobbyists” wouldn’t have pole for a hobby.

  7. And discipline doesn't help in those situations. You need to help them calm down first and then you can discuss whether the behaviours are appropriate or not.

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  8. Cw abuse Yes all the times my mum and dad hit me really helped with my emotional regulation and definitely didn't give me anger problems. Also a lot of ND kids get physically abused for "bad behaviour" which is really sensory overloads or meltdowns.

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  9. and if you don't like the fact i've said I don't have the energy to regulate my emotions then you can go fuck yourself because at least I can admit I have issues doing that. and I am trying to lay out boundaries telling yall I am not in a good head space to be interacted with.

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  10. I don't have the energy to regulate my responses very much and as such I am just gonna avoid people I am acquaintances with cause while I like some of you my patience is really really fucking low and I don't wanna have pointless fights cause I am grumpy.

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  11. So if I am not interacting with you its not personal, I just don't wanna be a bitch and my emotional dysregulation is gonna be a thing I think for a while, and I am really depressed so... remember that when you interact with me in the next few weeks.

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  12. I just need some time to put some blinders on.

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  13. Also I've muted a fuck ton of twitch streamers I am just really sensitive right now and it's best for my mental health to just mute most people cause my hurt and anger don't need to taken out on people who aren't directly attacking me.

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  14. Now I am worried they've been fucking with me. Oh well. I'll see if I can find anyone who looks sus on my fb page 😩

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  15. Which is fine. But I know those people spent a week sending me hateful messages after we fell out. So like could they have been trying to steal food out of my mouth who knows. They were all blocked. I didn't block that person before cause I liked them but...

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  16. I am not gonna name them cause honestly they don't matter, but it makes me wonder if I should check my fb page follower list for that same group of people not the specific person cause like... 90% of the people I follow just scroll passed the posts of mine they don't like.

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  17. So I was browsing my following list and I noticed that someone was following me that has ties to people who have harassed me and I wonder if they have been reporting my posts on twitter for being "inappropriate". Cause inevitably most of my posts get tagged as sensitive.

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  18. 3 hours ago
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    What I’ve thought about is the fact that wearing a puppy hood or leather or displaying kinky acts of affection aren’t anymore sexual than normative PDA. It’s not viewed that way though because kink and queerness are seen as deviant bc they are not normative (+ shared history)

  19. 19 hours ago

    Thinking about how when you're disabled or chronically ill, particularly female presenting, you become reluctant to seek medical care for even basic things. Because you're so tired of saying "I'm sick. I'm in pain." And having doctors tell you "You're fine."

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  20. May 18

    To the black people saying what’s happening in Palestine has “nothing to do with us” watch and share this Tiktok my sister made.

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  21. I don't think cishet people really understand that when they are like "did your friends/family actually push you away or did you push them away because they made you feel unwelcome" those are the same thing.

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