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The International Women’s Health Coalition (“IWHC”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors, partners, subscribers, supporters, and website visitors. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information IWHC collects, how we use that information, and your rights regarding your Personal Information. This policy applies to all Personal Information collected by IWHC through all channels, online and offline.

By accessing and using www.IWHC.org (“Our Site”) or by providing Personal Information to IWHC through another channel, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy.


This policy has been updated to reflect new requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) that takes effect on May 25, 2018.

Information We Collect

Personal Information is: any information that identifies you personally. IWHC collects Personal Information through a variety of channels detailed below.

Information You Provide

You may voluntarily provide Personal Information to IWHC through Our Site, mailed donation cards, checks, wire transfers, event registrations, third-party sites (including external fundraising sites or donation matching software), or direct communication with IWHC staff. The Personal Information you provide may include name, mailing address, email address, phone number, banking or credit account information, employer name, and event attendance. If you make a donation in honor or celebration of someone, you may voluntarily provide information to IWHC about that person including their name, mailing address, and/or email address for donation acknowledgements.

You are not required to provide IWHC with your Personal Information. However, failure to provide some Personal Information may mean you are unable to access certain services. For example, we are unable to accept an online donation if you do not provide your banking or account information.

Website Data

IWHC servers and third-party software (such as Google Analytics) automatically log data from visitors to Our Site that IWHC uses for statistical analysis of site traffic and content.

The website data we collect includes information about the pages you visit and actions you take on Our Site including: page views, date and time of visits, publication downloads, link clicks, social shares, time on site, referral websites, geolocation, and IP addresses for devices used to access Our Site. This information is aggregated and anonymized. The website data we collect helps us analyze audience trends and improve the experience for website visitors.


Certain parts of Our Site use cookies, which are small files sent to your computer when you visit Our Site. We use cookies to better enable visitors to use Our Site and to help us improve the experience for visitors.  Generally, cookies allow our server to remember visitors and to help ensure accurate measuring of web traffic. You can control whether to accept, reject, or delete cookies from Our Site by changing the settings in your web browser. Please be aware that your deletion or rejection of cookies may affect your ability to use certain parts of Our Site effectively. Because advertisers or third-party web sites may use cookies in different ways, this statement regarding the use of cookies covers only Our Site.

Other Types of Information

In some circumstances, we may obtain Personal Information about individuals from public records and from third parties. This information may include updated mailing addresses or charitable causes you have supported. This information helps IWHC use our resources responsibly and helps us provide the best experience for our supporters. We only receive publicly available information.

Use of Information

IWHC collects Personal Information in order to process payments, communicate about our programs and fundraising campaigns, improve your website experience, conduct business operations, and comply with legal obligations.

Processing Payments

IWHC uses the Personal Information you provide when you agree to donate or register for an event in order to process payments and complete your donation or event registration. We require contact information to verify payments and to contact you about your donation, including to issue a donation receipt or formal donation letter.

Communicating with Supporters

IWHC uses Personal Information you have provided to communicate with you via mail, email, and phone about our programs, fundraising campaigns, special events, and other news related to IWHC. If you decide you no longer want to receive any communications from us, or if you want to limit the kinds of communications sent to you, you can indicate your preferences by (1) selecting the “unsubscribe” option in our emails, (2) contacting us by email at communications@iwhc.org, or (3) calling (212) 979-8500 and asking for the Web Site Administrator.

Legitimate Interests

IWHC uses Personal Information you have provided or we have obtained for legitimate interests including:

  • To deliver donation notifications when you make a gift in honor or celebration of someone.
  • To analyze and compile internal reports which help us understand and make decisions about aspects of our organization. These reports include but are not limited to donation reports, website traffic reports, and marketing reports.
  • To improve the experience of website visitors.
  • To operate Our Site and complete essential business operations.

                Legal Obligations

In some circumstances, IWHC may use your Personal Information to meet legal requirements or obligations.

Disclosure of Information

IWHC is the sole owner of information collected on Our Site.

Contracted Vendors

IWHC uses third-party Vendors (“Vendors”) to provide certain services, such as database hosting, software maintenance, digital advertising, and donation processing, which are necessary for IWHC operations, including the operation of Our Site. For these purposes, IWHC may share your Personal Information with our Vendors, who are contractually obligated to comply with all applicable data-protection laws and regulations.

Legal Purposes

We may disclose your Personal Information in special circumstances where it is necessary, including to enforce our legal rights, in connection with a sale or transfer of some or all of our assets in Our Site, or when we, in good faith, believe that the law or a regulatory authority requires us to do so.

Other Third Parties

We will never sell your Personal Information to any third-party. IWHC does not share Personal Information with any third-party for commercial purposes, except where listed in this policy.

Data Transfer and Storage

IWHC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in New York, NY, USA.

If you are located outside of the United States, be aware that the information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using Our Site or providing your Personal Information to us, you consent to this transfer and to the collection, storage, processing and use of your Personal Information in the United States.  If you are located in the United States, our service providers may not be located in your geographic area in the United States. By providing Your Personal Information to IWHC, you consent to the transfer of your Personal Information to these service providers.

IWHC complies with all applicable data-protection laws, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). IWHC Vendors who process Personal Information on behalf of IWHC are contractually obligated to comply with the GDPR and all other applicable laws and regulations.

Securing Your Personal Information

IWHC takes precautions to secure your Personal Information including protecting our web servers with firewalls, and placing password-protection and two-factor authentication on our email database.

IWHC restricts access to nonpublic Personal Information to those employees who need to know such information. All electronic or computer files containing such information are secured and protected from access by unauthorized persons.

Our hosting service maintains its systems in accordance with reasonable industry standards to secure your information. However, no transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, you provide us with your information at your own risk.

Protecting Your Credit Card Information

Protecting your Personal Information, including banking and credit account information, is important to us and we have put in place security measures to keep your information safe. We only collect banking or credit account information from you in order to process and verify payments made to IWHC. Our Site’s payment processing pages for donations or event ticket sales are protected with Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”) encryption software. IWHC uses a third-party provider to process payments through a secure payment gateway, which is certified to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI DSS”). IWHC’s uses a Level 1 PCI service provider and payment gateway, which meets the industry’s toughest data security standards.

Your Rights in the European Economic Area

For data collected in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) outlines your rights regarding your Personal Information. IWHC complies with all applicable data-protection laws, including the GDPR. IWHC vendors who process Personal Information on behalf of IWHC are contractually obligated to comply with the GDPR and all other applicable laws and regulations.

Right to access: You may ask if IWHC stores your Personal Information and why. You can access a copy of the Personal Information that IWHC has collected for you by contacting us.

Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your Personal Information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. To request a copy of this information from IWHC, please contact us.

Right to correct: You can update or correct your Personal Information with IWHC at any time. For example, you may wish to update contact information from time to time. To request that IWHC update or correct your Personal Information, please contact us.

Right to deletion: You have the right to ask for data to be erased, if possible and when required under data-protection laws. To request that IWHC remove your Personal Information from our systems, please contact us.

Right to restrict processing: You have the right to ask for processing of your Personal Information to be restricted if possible and when required under data-protection laws. To request that IWHC restrict processing of your Personal Information, please contact us.

Right to object: You may object to IWHC’s processing of your Personal Information by contacting us. Upon request, we will stop processing your Personal Information unless we can demonstrate legitimate grounds for processing this information under applicable laws.

Right to withdraw consent: If we rely on your consent to process your Personal Information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

Right to file a complaint: If you have a concern about our privacy practices, including how we handle your Personal Information, you can report it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or other data protection authority that is authorized to hear those concerns.

Information from Individuals under the Age of 16

IWHC does not knowingly solicit or collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 16. If you believe that we have collected information about someone under the age of 16, please contact us, so that we may delete the information.

Scope of this Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of Our Site only. We do not own, operate, or control the web sites of our Vendors or other third parties, including IWHC grantee partners or IWHC donors.  Accordingly, this policy does not apply to a Vendor’s or a third party’s collection, use, storage and disclosure of your Personal Information, except where otherwise stated.

Updates to this Policy

IWHC may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time without advance notice. Accordingly, we recommend that you check for updates to this Privacy Policy on an on-going basis. This policy was last updated on May 23, 2018.

Contact Us

To contact IWHC about our use of your Personal Information or if you have questions or comments about this policy, please email communications@iwhc.org, call us at (212) 979-8500, or send your comments by mail to International Women’s Health Coalition, 333 Seventh Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001 USA.