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Exaptation is just a ten-dollar word for unintended consequences.

The raison d’etre of the blog is, no surprise, sauropod vertebrae,  but we also care very much about open access and are not above using the blog as our digital soapbox. Also, our paper-related blogging in the wake of Taylor et al. (2009) set off several rounds of discussion, both here and elsewhere online, about the role of blogs in science. Although the increasing overlap between blogs and journals is not precisely or only a matter of open-vs-closed access, neither is it unrelated. Both issues are part of the ongoing revolution in how science is communicated, both among researchers and with (with, not to) the general public.

The following SV-POW! articles deal with these subjects. They’re in chronological order, broken down by year. There are also a few specific sections within that chronology:





This is where the Academic Spring really kicked off.










Comments are open; let us know what you think.

22 Responses to “The Shiny Digital Future”

  1. […] Farke, the open-source paleontologist, on a new project where we plan to actually do some of this Shiny Digital Future that we keep on talking about.  Andy will be announcing the details on Tuesday 8th September. […]

  2. […] message of the paper will be familiar to anyone who’s been following the Shiny Digital Future thread on this site; as indeed will parts of the text, as the paper is basically a more carefully […]

  3. […] slowly crumbling, and indeed we have a whole section of the site dedicated to that vcry thing: the Shiny Digital Future.  The process is slow, which should surprise nobody given that large, powerful, profit-motivated […]

  4. […] slowly crumbling, and indeed we have a whole section of the site dedicated to that vcry thing: the Shiny Digital Future.  The process is slow, which should surprise nobody given that large, powerful, profit-motivated […]

  5. […] have noted Keith Yamamoto’s SDFy comments at the end of the Chronicle article: “In many ways it doesn’t matter where the […]

  6. […] ma mike taylor zu zitieren. sitz grad mitm mike im lan-raum (= cip-insel; rechenzentrum), wir ham sogar […]

  7. […] you do.  This is a solved problem.  We’re living in the Shiny Digital Future […]

  8. […] the main reason Ask A Biologist is exciting to me is because it’s a manifestation of the Shiny Digital Future.  As recently as a decade ago, there was a clear separation between working scientists and the […]

  9. […] Now is the time for the zoological code (ICZN) to follow suit!  I’ve argued before — in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, no less — that electronic publication of nomenclatural acts is inevitable, and will be accepted by the taxonomic community with or without the endorsement of the Code: the botanical Code’s whole-hearted endorsement of this reality is further evidence that the ICZN’s current only-paper-counts stance is untenable now that we all live in the Shiny Digital Future. […]

  10. […] academic publications and what can be done about it (and many relevant articles are linked from the Shiny Digital Future page).  What’s new is that this is being discussed in the pages of major mainstream […]

  11. […] want to leave you with this observation.  Since we are now living in the Shiny Digital Future, this is much easier than it used to be.  OK, it doesn’t help with becoming a rock star or […]

  12. […] don’t know” title (which, remember, has to reach people who don’t know about the OA wars); the article contains some new facts and analysis and, in my opinion, precisely nails the problem. […]

  13. […] the huge amount we’ve written about open access on this blog, it may come as a surprise to realise that the blog itself has not been open access […]

  14. […] gotten a few complaints this year about how much time we’ve spent talking about open access instead of dinosaurs. Brian Engh is in the more-dinosaurs faction, but he doesn’t just […]

  15. […] all my Shiny Digital Future credentials, I have to admit that an actual printed book, made out of paper and ink, feels somehow […]

  16. […] and the need for open access to the scientific literature–you can find those posts on our Shiny Digital Future […]

  17. […] April 2013. I’d almost forgotten what it felt like. But, because we’re living in the Shiny Digital Future, you don’t have to wait till it’s been through review and formal publication to read […]

  18. […] The Shiny Digital Future | Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week – Mike Taylor hat eine Reihe von Blogposts zu verschiedenen Aspekten von Sci-Hub geschrieben. Lohnenswerte Lektüre in der Mike am Ende mit positiven wie auch negativen Standpunkten dasteht. […]

  19. […] time generating a poster to be delivered at a conference since 2006. Scientific communication has evolved a lot in the intervening decade, which spans a full half of my research career to date. So I had a chance […]

  20. […] to be a picture blog, but we’ve ended up as a 50-50 blend of sauropod palaeontology and open-access advocacy. Along the way, I (Mike) got my Ph.D, and Matt moved from UC Merced to Western University of Health […]

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