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Consultation forecast

4 May 2021

This forecast is updated regularly and outlines anticipated TGA public consultations.

You can subscribe to the TGA consultations email list to be notified when consultation documents are released.

Upcoming public consultations
Consultation Timeframe for release of consultation document
Proposed changes to Required Advisory Statements for Medicine Labels (RASML): Triptans May-June 2021
Proposed changes to Required Advisory Statements for Medicine Labels (RASML): Mometasone May-June 2021
Proposed changes to Required Advisory Statements for Medicine Labels (RASML): Melatonin May-June 2021

Updates to the human tissue specific standards Therapeutic Goods Orders (TGO)
83, 84, 85, 86, the biologicals labelling standard TGO 87 and the infectious disease minimisation standard TGO 88

Proposed changes to medical device conformity assessment procedures TBA
Proposed changes to requirements for medical devices used in clinical trials TBA

Open consultations and reviews