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TGA Internet site archive

The content on this page and other TGA archive pages is provided to assist research and may contain references to activities or policies that have no current application. See the full archive disclaimer.

TGA Internet site archive


The content in the TGA archive is provided as a public record of documents relating to the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia.

The material in the TGA archive has been superseded, or served a purpose at a particular time. It may contain references to activities or documents (such as regulatory guidelines) that have no current application.

Content in the archive may link to web pages that have moved or no longer exist, or may refer to other documents that are no longer available. Links to external websites do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of material on those sites or of any products or services offered by, from or through those sites.

The Commonwealth does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability for, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained on linked websites.

For further information on the use of these archived documents, please contact the TGA.